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FOI request and response, IMPFOI-23-572, 25 October 2023

FOI Request and response, IMPFOI-23-572, Ancillary staff (pdf)

The request

1) over the past five years, broken down by year -
a) how many staff members used the Cycle to Work scheme?
b) what percentage of staff was this?
c) what was the average value of the vouchers claimed on the scheme?
d) what was the number of those who took up the scheme, who then failed to complete, leaving the organisation with costs?

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-207

The cycle to work scheme was introduced in September 2020 and so we can only provide full year information for 2021 and 2022.

a) In 2021, we had 257 certificate approvals, and in 2022, there were 246 certificates approved
b) As a percentage of staff, this was 2.9% in 2021 and 2.8% in 2022
c) The average value of loan/voucher was £1,068 in 2021 and £1,237 in 2022
d) Any outstanding loan deductions are taken from leavers’ final salary payment

The request

I would like to request the following information:

  • The median hourly pay gap between men and women in your organisation, for the most recent financial year
  • The median hourly pay gap for full-time employees, for the most recent financial year
  • The median hourly pay gap for part-time employees, for the most recent financial year
  • The median hourly pay gap for senior managers and directors, for the most recent financial year

Imperial College response, IMPFOI23-542, 19 October 2023

The median hourly pay gap between men and women for the most recent financial year was 8.0%

The median hourly pay gap for full-time employees, for the most recent financial year was 8.1%

The median hourly pay gap for part-time employees, for the most recent financial year was 22.1%

The median hourly pay gap for senior managers and directors (defined this as those employees on the University Management Board plus all Level 7 grades, the most senior grade for Professional staff), for the most recent financial year was 0.1%

See also Gender and ethnicity mean and median pay gaps

The request

Please provide details of the external interests declared to the College by the following people:

Hugh Brady, President
Nigel Brandon, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
Richard Craster, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences
Ian Walmsley, Provost

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-382

FOI Response IMPFOI-23-382 Register of external interests (pdf)

FOI request and response, IMPFOI-23-242, 22 June 2023

1. For the past three years, percentage of staff identifying as LGBTQIA+ by Faculty and job family.

FOI response IMPFOI-23-242 LGBTQIA+ staff data (pdf)

2. For the past three years, percentage of students identifying as LGBTQIA+ by Faculty, fee status and level of study

FOI response IMPFOI-23-242 LGBTQIA+ student data (xlsx)

3. Statistical data from the past 3 years which indicates LGBTQIA+ student satisfaction or experience in comparison to non-LGBTQIA+ staff/students.

We do not collect staff satisfaction data by sexual orientation or identity status of staff.

FOI response IMPFOI-23-242, LGBTQIA+ student satisfaction (xlsx)

4. Data collected on reported incidents of hate crimes, bullying, harassment and discrimination as a result of staff or student LGBTQIA+ identities (i.e. homophobia and/or transphobia) in the previous 12 months.

Please see the summary data of reports made using the Report and Support tool: Report and Support data

5. Initiatives that your university has in place to support LGBTQIA+ students/staff, including training and specific EDI resources.
6. Details of processes and resources that you have in place to specifically to support trans and/or non-binary staff and students.

Support for staff

Support for students

Trans staff policy

Supporting Trans and Non-Binary Gendered Students - Policy and Guidance

LGBTQ+ equality




The request

Please provide a table of past job advertisements and the number of applicants for each advertised job for the past 12 months, to include:

  1. Vacancy ID: unique job reference
  2. Closing Date: the closing date of the advertised job
  3. Job Title: the job title of the advertised role
  4. Number of applicants: the number of submitted applications

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-222, 30 May

FOI response IMPFOI-23-222, job adverts and applications (xlsx)

The request

How many redundancies did the university make for people on academic contracts in each of the last five complete calendar years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023)? For each year, please state the number of redundancies that were compulsory redundancies. 

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-24-018, 8 February 2024

Academic Redundancies by leaving reason End of contract Redundancy Total
2019 9 8 17
2020 4 2 6
2021 11 2 13
2022 8 2 10
2023 8 2 10
Total 40 16 56


The request

How many university academics (full-time and part-time lecturers, teaching associates, and researchers) and how many academics appointed in the last 3 years (2020, 2021 and 2022):
(a) Are members of the Christian faith? (Number and %)
(b) Are members of other faith (religious) groups? (No and %)
(c) Are not members of any faith (religion)? (No and %)
(d) Declined to answer? (No and %)
(e) Total academic staff of the university (No and 100%)

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-133, 4 April 2023

Academic staff religion or belief (pdf)

The request

  1. The number of staff directly employed to deliver Equality, Diversity and Inclusion functions at Imperial College and the combined current annual cost of employing those staff.
  2. The number of staff directly employed to deliver Freedom of Speech functions at Imperial College and the combined current annual cost of employing those staff.
  3. The number of contractors directly employed to deliver Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Freedom of Speech functions at Imperial College and the combined current annual cost of employing those contractors.
  4. The current annual cost associated with the University’s membership of the Stonewall Diversity Champions and Workplace Equality Index schemes, Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter and Athena Swan.
  5. If Imperial College uses any external EDI training or training materials providers, the current annual cost of that provision.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-231, 1 June 2023

  1. 15 staff are directly employed to deliver ED&I functions at Imperial College. The annual cost to 30 April 2023 was £705,125.00.
  2. No staff are currently directly employed to deliver Freedom of Speech functions at Imperial College. The College’s current Freedom of Speech Code of Practice is available on the College website. The College’s Legal Department operate the procedure on behalf of the College Secretary.
  3. The College does not employ any contractors to deliver Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Freedom of Speech functions.
  4. The current annual cost associated with the University’s membership of the Stonewall is £6000. The current annual cost associated with Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter and Athena Swan is £51,215.
  5. The spend for 2021/22 on external EDI training or training materials providers, was £31,755.

The request and Imperial response, IMPFOI-24-333, 2 August 2024

How many staff does your university currently employ in equality/diversity/inclusion/equity roles?

13 employees, totalling 11.8 FTE

Please state how many people were in such roles five years ago?


What is the current salary total for these roles, ie for the 2024-25 financial year?


Please list their job titles 

Associate Provost (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion)
Athena SWAN Coordinator/ Equalities Administrator
EDI and Department Coordination Manager
EDI Project Coordinator
EDIC Coordinator
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Adviser
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Centre Advisor
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Coordinator
Executive Assistant (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion)
Head of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Centre (EDIC)
Race Equality Charter (REC) Coordinator




The request

Do you issue your employees with any learning or specific documentation (excluding their written terms) relating to their rights as employees? If yes, is this available to all employees?

  1.  Do you have any specific learning resources (online or other) for your employees if they wish to gain a greater understanding of their employee rights?
  2. Do you provide any legal advice or aid (in-house) to your employees regarding their employment rights if they need it?
  3. If you do issue your employees with learning regarding their employment rights, what has the uptake of this been?
  4. How many tribunals have been brought about by your employees over the past 24 months?

Imperial College response (IMPFOI-22-560, 19 January 2023)

All policies related to employment are available to all employees. No training is provided specifically on their rights as employees.

The College does not provide any legal advice or aid (in-house) to your employees regarding their employment rights.

Six cases have been heard by an Employment Tribunal in the past 2 years.

The request

Please provide annual statistics regarding the number of staff employed on non-guaranteed hours (zero-hours and variable hours) from 2019 onwards.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-147, 4 April 2023

All figures are given as at 1 January each year.

Contract type20192020202120222023
Variable hours 77 79 93 101 99
Zero hours 38 40 21 14 15
Total Staff 8451 8619 8566 8579 8668


The request

The number of staff on zero and variable hours contracts.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-056, 14 February 2023

Contract typeNumber of employees
Variable hours 101
Zero hours 14
Total staff 8810

The request

Details of the sex identity and sexual orientation of College staff, by staff type, faculty and employment level.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-060, 1 March 2023

FOI response IMPFOI-23-050, Staff sex/gender identity and sexual orientation (xlsx)

The request

Staffing: how many academic and research, non-academic management, and other staff you had as of 1 October 2021 and 2022 (excluding casual/sessional staff);

Pay spine: whether you use the national pay spine; how many staff you employed (as of 1 October 2022) on each of spine points 3 through to 30 (excluding casual/sessional staff); and for how many each of those points was the top non-discretionary spine point of the grade in which they were employed;

Contracting-out: any contracted-out services you use in cleaning, catering and/or security (the companies, contract renewal dates, and minimum pay rates if specified in the contracts);

Subsidiaries: any/all wholly owned subsidiaries of the university that currently provide you with cleaning, catering, security, IT services, administration or other support services;

Hours and pay: how many hours a week a full-time non-academic member of staff is typically contracted to work (excluding unpaid breaks); the pay increase (whether local or national) paid in 2022 to professional services staff, academic staff, senior management and at VC/Director level; and any additional non-consolidated lump sum paid to staff in 2022 (how much, and the reasons given). I’d also like to be provided with a copy of your 2022-23 pay structure.

Pensions and benefits: about the pension schemes offered for academic and research staff, non-academic management, and other staff (whether described as defined benefit DB or defined contribution DC); employer pension contributions; and the ill-health retirement and death-in-service cover provided.

Institutional policy: about your policies on domestic violence, the Race Charter Mark and whether you have adopted a Hate Crime Action Plan.

Imperial College response,IMPFOI-23-321, 17 July 2023

2023 Higher Education FOI survey IMPFOI-23-321 (xlsx)


The request

1. Are you currently a member of the Diversity Champions scheme?

2. Did you submit to the 2023 Workplace Equality Index?

3. The amount, date and reason for/of any funds paid to Stonewall between 18th October 2022 and 5th April 2023.

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-250, 6 June 2023

Please see the information available on the College's Equality, diversity and inclusion web-pages: Stonewall

The College did not submit to the 2023 WEI. Apart from the annual cost associated with the University’s membership of the Stonewall (provided under the heading 'Staff and contractors employed to deliver Equality, Diversity and Inclusion functions'), Imperial College has spent £720.00 (excluding VAT) within the time-period specified to attend a Stonewall conference in March 2023. 

Annual expenditure, Stonewall

In addition to the items listed below, an amount of £1013 was spent in 2023 for Rainbow Laces

2013 150 1800  
2014 1116 1800  
2015 5358 1800  
2016 336 6000  
2017 789.60 6000  
2018 717.60 6000  
2019 406.80 6000  
2020 556.2 6000  
2021 - 6000  
2022 2904 6180  
2023 1608 6180  

The Request

Please provide a copy of your latest submission to the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. 

Imperial College response, IMPFOI-23-061, 21 February 2023

Stonewall WEI Submission 2021 (pdf)

The request and response, IMPFOI-24-097, 27 March 2024

1. The total spending by your organisation on unconscious bias training for your staff in the financial year 2022/23.

Total spend: £3276

2. The number of your staff that undertook unconscious bias training in the financial year 2022/23

256 members of staff