An antibody testing stick

Use the links below to download the materials for our REACT 2 study, which is using home antibody testing to track past COVID-19 cases across England. The study is split into five different sub-studies.

Study 5 materials

This study is testing up to 200,000 individuals across England for coronavirus antibodies, using finger-prick tests carried out at home. 

REACT-2 sample dates and response rates

Click the link below to download a table showing the sampling dates for each REACT-1 study round, and the response rates to date. 

REACT sample and fieldwork dates, and response rates (PDF)

Information for study participants

If you gave permission for Imperial College London to link your health data held by NHS Digital and other NHS bodies to your survey data, we will bring data from March 2015 into the REACT cohort. We will continue to link your data into the future. You have the right to withdraw your consent to our processing of your personal data, please see the privacy policy for details.

Contact details

For media or communications enquiries only please contact: Jack Stewart