Person looks at screen

Booking/Registration procedure

  1. Please register on-line
  2. Once your account has been processed (it can take few days) you will be able to read and check the relavent documents.
  3. Request training on PPMS and email the facility manager Isabel Correa-Otero ( to arrange an induction.
  4. Please include you Bio1 safety form and Project registration and risk assessment for biological material (Word) in the email.

Cancellation policy

Cancellations of PPMS registered bookings can be made respecting the following simple and fair criteria:

Analysis bookings (FACS analysers, MSD, and Luminex):

All analysis bookings can be cancelled free of charge one working day before the actual appointment (example: bookings on Thursday can be cancelled free of charge before Wednesday 17:00; or bookings on following Monday can be cancelled before Friday 17:00). The only exception applies to experiments with clinic patient samples, where bookings can be cancelled before 9am on the same day of booking. 

Please note that cancelation can ONLY be accepted through email, phone call or oral notification. User should NOT delete/shorten their bookings on calendar, only add ‘Cancelled’ next to their name on the calendar. Bookings will bedeleted on the calendar by facility staff after receiving formal notification, in order to be waived from recharge.

All cancelation after the above time points (5pm one day before booking, or 9am on the same day for clinical patient samples only) will be charged for the full booking period if not taken up by other users.

Shifting of booking slots are not allowed. Users should cancel their original booking and make new booking or extend their original booking.

Cell sorting: 

Cell sorting appointments can be cancelled free of charge two working days before the actual appointment (example: booking on Thursday can be cancelled free of charge before Tuesday 17:00). Cancellations with less than the two working days will result in charging of a holding fee to cover the basic costs of reserving the slot for £76 (one-hour rate). If the appointment is taken up by other user within the 2-day limit, the charge will be waived.

Cancelation after 9am on the day of booking will result in full charge if not taken up by other users.


No-show or same day notice:

A no-show is a missed appointment or a cancellation on the same day (after 9am). Such appointments will be charged in fully as the instrument can’t be booked by another user in due time. This is applicable to the cell sorting service, also accounts for the analysers and plate reader stations.

National Heart and Lung Institute

General enquiries

St Mary's FACS Facility
Room 312D, third floor
Medical school building 
St Mary's Campus 
Norfolk Place 
London W2 1PG 

Facility Manager
Dr Isabel Correa-Otero