Topics: Impacts and adaptation, Mitigation
Type: Infographic
Publication date: December 2017



Lead author: Ajay Gambhir
CGraphic showing electric car icons and the globeontributing author: Iain Staffell


Are electric cars really better for the climate than petrol and diesel engines? This infographic shows how much of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide is produced by driving an electric car one kilometre. While this varies depending on the electricity mix in the country in which it is charged, it compares favourably to the best-selling conventional cars in those countries.

Download: Is it better for the climate to drive an electric car?

For more details of data used, see Drax Electric Insights: Electric cars get greener and The low carbon electricity league table.
Download the full list of data sources here: Data source for - Is it better for the climate to drive an electric car

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