Personae Structure

All the personae that are developed throughout this project will follow the same structure for consistenecy. Every personae will have an image with apporpriate alt-text, a bio containing all their relvant information including their educational history and personal information like the clubs and societies they are involved in, and motivations and frustrations. For more information on what is covered in these areas and details of the language used download the document below.

AIP Alt-text and tagging

In addition to the bio each personae will have at least one story which will describe how they interact with a programnme or service adn link to the webpages of those services where appropriate. The aim is that these stories will grow, as will the number of personae. If you would like to develop your own personae, or have an idea about how one of the existing personae can be added to email us at

The Personae Catalogue

While we search of the right technical solution to present our Animated Inclusive Personae you can download a document containing all the personae split by a variety of categories by clicking on the download button to the right of this page.

Some of the artwork is still being finalised - this link will be updated when the art is finished.

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