The Diamond Light Source website has the most up-to-date information on beamline specifications.  Even more useful is the MX manual and the Diamond YouTube channel.  There's also some local advice on choosing the right beamline, data collection, on remote data collection and on optional equipment.

If you are a new user, please register at Diamond to get access.  Please note that you need to be a registered X-ray user here at Imperial.


We regularly use all beamlines for macromolecular crystallography.  A list of upcoming trips can be found on Sharepoint.  Here's a list of the available detectors:

Detectors at Diamond

i02, i03 Pilatus 6M-F 25 1.2
i04 Pilatus 6M Prosport+ 10 1.2
i04-1 Pilatus 2M 60 (?) 1.2
i24 Pilatus3 6M 100 1.3


Generally up to three but sometimes four users will have their expenses covered by Diamond.  Claim online if you're among them.