How do I get my event on the What’s on page?

The Institutional Events team is responsible for managing the content displayed on the Imperial College London What’s on page

Given the high-profile nature of this page, the content on this page is prioritised for the broadest audience groups:

  • All staff
  • All students
  • Members of the public

The following types of content will not be considered for promotion on the main What’s on page:

  • External events that have no specific relevance to College.
  • Events that are not open to other departments or faculties
  • Emergency messaging, calls for volunteers or calls for submissions (unless specifically related to an event)

If you are organising an event aimed at the identified audiences, you can request that it is pulled through from your own feed by emailing If you do not have editing rights but would like your event to be listed you can request permissions by getting in touch with your Faculty Web Officer or representative

Alternatively, you can list your event by emailing it to with the information specified below. Please allow up to five working days for this action to be completed.

Please note that if your event does not meet the above criteria it will only be visible on the what's on pages when visitors to the website select the option to view all events.

Featured events

For special, high profile events or events that require more promotion you can request that your event is featured at the top of the What’s on pages. When there are no specific requests the featured events section will be occupied by events in chronological order.

Featured events will only be featured for a specific amount of time to allow others to utilise the prominent slot on the page. This amount of time will be agreed with the event organiser and a member of the Institutional Events team when the request is made.

Please note: this slot cannot be held by the same event for more than five days.

Events with a very small capacity or events with a lesser degree of involvement by Imperial will not be considered for the featured slot unless there are special circumstances. Events usually cannot hold the featured slot more than once.

Requests for the featured slot should be sent to and should specify which event they would like featured and the proposed date they would like it to be featured.

All events will be considered on a case by case basis provided they meet the above criteria. In the case of two conflicting events asking to utilise this space during the same period this will be discussed with the Head of Institutional Events. If there is a need, the matter can then be escalated to a cross-College panel of staff who will make the final decision.

Submit your event

Required information for an events listing: 

  • Event title 
  • Short summary (maximum 300 characters). 
  • An image for your event. Check the Asset library. This should be a jpeg file atleast 1100px by 700px. (Remember to get consent before adding anyone’s portrait image.)
  • Event start date and time
  • Event end date and time
  • Campus
  • Venue (e.g. City and Guilds Building)
  • Room (e.g. Lecture theatre 200)
  • Audience
  • Contact name and email address (Remember to get consent before adding anyone’s personal details, especially for non-College staff names and non-College email address’.)
  • Event type (e.g. lecture, seminar, exhibition)
  • Faculty
  • Registration (e.g. drop in, registration in advance, tickets to be purchased)
  • Event long description (Remember to get consent before adding anyone’s confidential or personal details, including work history or biographies that are not already in the public domain.)

Supplementary information that is useful to help promote and publicise the event further:

  • Speaker(s) name and their institution (Remember to get consent before adding anyone’s personal details, especially for non-College staff names and non-College email address’.)
  • Livestream availability and link
  • Tags

The events team requires at least five working days to upload event information. Events will only be pulled through to the main feed where full event details are provided and where the event meets the criteria as set out in the Imperial College London - What's on Governance.

Remember to get consent before adding anyone’s personal details, this includes non-College staff names and email addresses.