Panopto recordings for previous seminars

Panopto homepage:


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
9th May ----- -------- --------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ----------------------- 
16th May 1pm GMC James Bullock CEH Will Pearse Rewilding, Restoration, and the Future of Nature Recovery
23rd May ---- -------- --------------- ------------------  -----------------------  ----------------No normal seminar because of the special seminar series in climate change and environmental biology (see below) ----------------
30th May 1pm GMC Paul Huxley Virginia Tech Samraat Pawar Discrete- versus continuous-time representations of thermal fitness in organisms with complex life histories
6th June ---- -------- --------------- ------------------ -----------------------  ----------------------- 
13th June 1pm GMC Katherine Helliwell Exeter/Marine Biological Association Fengjie Liu Illuminating cryptic interactions between marine protists and bacteria
20th June 1pm GMC Paidamoyo Mataranyika Imperial Samraat Pawar Sustainable agriculture strategies using bacteria-based biofertilisers isolated from drought-tolerant legumes in Namibia.


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
18th January 1pm GMC Dan Exton rePLANET  Cris Banks-Leite   Funding nature conservation through credits
25th January 1pm GMC Bingzhang Chen  Strathclyde  Fengjie Liu  Partitioning the slope of the Ordinary Least-Squares regression into within- and between-group components and its application in understanding the metabolic asymmetry between autotrophs and heterotrophs
1st February 1pm GMC TBC  Imperial (internal) Clara Bradberry Meet an academic session
8th February 1pm GMC Daniel Maynard UCL  Will Pearse A statistical view of mechanism in ecology
15th February 1pm GMC Marta Shocket  Lancaster  Lauren Cator  Thermal disease ecology in a changing world
22nd February 1pm GMC Paul Devlin  Royal Holloway  Samraat Pawar  Dynamic plant-microbe interactions in the phyllosphere
29th February 1pm GMC Vincent Jansen  Royal Holloway   Samraat Pawar  Biodiversity, stability and feasibility and one model to find them all and in the darkness bind them
7th March 1pm Online Rosalind Allen University of Jena  Samraat Pawar  How spatial partitioning of a microbial population alters the collective benefits of enzyme production
14th March 1pm Oak Cecile Gubry-Rangin Aberdeen Bonnie Waring Ecological and evolutionary adaptation of Thaumarchaeota



Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
23rd May 9:30-12:30 Oak Various Various James Rosindell Mini seminar series in Climate Change and Environmental Biology (session 1)
24th May 9:30-12:30 Oak Various Various James Rosindell Mini seminar series in Climate Change and Environmental Biology (session 2)
16th July 1pm Oak Kimberley Whitehead KCL Samraat Pawar Metabolic adaptations of the human fetus in the presence of pathological constraints
22nd July 1pm Oak Yong-Guan Zhu Research Centre for Eco-Environmental Sciences (CAS) Fengjie Liu Antimicrobial resistance under One Health framework



Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
12th October  1pm  GMC  Virtual Rainforest Group  Imperial (internal)  Rob Ewers  A Virtual Rainforest 
19th October 1pm GMC  Vicky Boult  Reading  Vivienne Groner  Forecast-based action for conservation: Developing early-warnings of human-elephant conflict 
26th October 1pm  GMC  Anne Jungblut  Natural History Museum  Cris Banks-Leite  Putting Microbiomes on the Map: Genomic Diversity, Function and Climate change in the Polar Regions 
2nd November ----  ------- ----------------------- --------------------------  -------------------- ----------------SEMINAR----------------CANCELLED---------------- 
9th November 1pm  GMC  All Silwood research groups Imperial (internal)  Samraat Pawar  Research group introduction session  
16th November 1pm  GMC  David Fisher  Aberdeen  Julia Schroeder How social animals cope with environmental stressors: Genomic and individual perspectives 
23rd November 1pm  GMC  TBC  Imperial (internal)  Clara Bradberry  Meet an academic session
30th November 1pm  GMC  Mati Patel  Hull  James Rosindell  Social Evolution and AI 
7th December 1pm  GMC  Alex Papadopulos  Bangor  Vincent Savolainen  Parallelism and Plasticity During Adaptation to Industrial Era Mining Contamination



Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
4th May 1pm  GMC  Samuel Pironon   Kew Gardens   Cris Banks-Leite   The art of representing species distributions and niches 
11th May  1pm  GMC Orly Razgour  University of Exeter Cris Banks-Leite Ecological and evolutionary responses to bats to global change 
18th May 1pm  GMC  Jessica Williams  UCL  Cris Banks-Leite  Understanding how local climatic changes modify the response of biodiversity to land-use change 
25th May - - - - - ---- Seminar postponed ----
1st June 1pm GMC Cristina Garcia Perez  Royal Holloway Samraat Pawar  Dispersal Interactions In the Anthropocene 
8th June - - - - - ---- Seminar postponed ---- 
15th June 1pm GMC Tom Oliver University of Reading Tom Smith How mindsets of connectedness and systems thinking are essential to tackle the biodiversity and climate crises 
22nd June            
29th June            
6th July 1pm GMC Fengjie Liu University of Liverpool Tom Bell Iron: Fueling Marine Productivity and Cooling the Earth


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
12th January 1pm GMC Rob Fletcher University of Florida Cris Banks-Leite Connecting nature: the problem of movement and connectivity in the Anthropocene 
19th January 1pm GMC Rob Ewers Imperial (Internal) Rob Ewers Recognising resilience in tropical rainforests
26th January 1pm GMC Michael Griesser University of Konstanz   Julia Schroeder Extended parent-offspring association: key for the evolution of cooperation and cognition. 
2nd February  1pm GMC Robert Endres  Imperial (South Ken)  Jacob Cook  Throwing the kitchen sink at Turing patterns.
9th February - - - - - -- SEMINAR POSTPONED --
16th February - - - - - -- SEMINAR POSTPONED --  
23rd February 1pm GMC Johanna Pausch   Bayreuth University Martin Bidartondo  Mycorrhizas and carbon sequestration 
2nd March  1pm GMC Tracey Chapman University of East Anglia Lauren Cator Sexual competition and reproductive plasticity 
9th March - - - - - -- SEMINAR POSTPONED --   


Date Location Speaker Institution Host Title
14th March (Tuesday) GMC Leah Johnson Virginia Tech Samraat Pawar

Trait-based Approaches to Bridging the Gaps Between Mechanistic and Phenomenological Modeling for Ecological Applications

3rd April (Monday)  GMC  Rohini Balakrishnan  Indian Institute of Science  Rob Ewers  

Cricket Tales: Song, Flight and Death

20th April GMC  Nick Haddad Michigan State University Rob Ewers Reconnecting Landscapes for Nature and People 
14th June (Wednesday) GMC Ian Hutton Lord Howe Island Kyle Macleod Lord Howe Island – The Galapagos of the West Pacific


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
6th October 1pm GMC Ryan Chisholm National University of Singapore James Rosindell Exploring the transition between niche assembly and dispersal assembly in ecological communities 
13th October 1pm  GMC  Mark Ramsden  ADAS  Will Pearse  Stepping up IPM – Decision Support Systems for IPM and demonstrating that IPM Works 
20th October            
27th October 1pm GMC Rafal Gutaker Kew Gardens Vincent Savolainen Genomics of rice ecology 
3rd November             

10th November

- - - - - -- SEMINAR CANCELLED --
17th November 1pm GMC Samraat Pawar Imperial College London (Internal)  Jacob Cook Climatic Warming, Microbial Community Dynamics, and Rip Van Winkle on Steroids  
24th November - - - - - -- SEMINAR POSTPONED --
1st December  1pm GMC Peter Greystock Imperial College London (Internal) Jacob Cook The plight of bees and their microbial ecology 
8th December 1pm Online Julien Martin University of Ottawa Julia Schroeder Life-history evolution in a changing environment: a 2 tails story 


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title (link to panopto recording)
5th May 1pm GMC Barnaby Dobson Imperial College London Guy Woodward Predicting catchment suitability for biodiversity at national scales towards coupled infrastructure-ecology management
12th May   1pm GMC  Ashish Malik  University of Aberdeen Tom Smith Microbial processes impacting soil carbon cycling under anthropogenic change: trait-based scaling from individuals to the ecosystem
19th May  1pm  Online  Matthias Schleuning Senckenberg Institute for Biodiversity Research  Joe Tobias Inference of functional consequences of biodiversity loss from traits
7th June 1pm GMC Bob Holt University of Florida Vincent Savolainen GMC special seminar: SARS-CoV-2 Meets the Hutchinsonian Niche
16th June 1pm Online Iestyn Woolway Bangor University  Samraat Pawar Climate change impacts on the physical environment of lakes
23rd June 1pm Online Sandra Alvarez-Carretero  University College London Samraat Pawar Inferring species level timelines with phylogenomic data: A Bayesian sequential-subtree approach
30th June 1pm  GMC  Luke Powell  Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources  Joe Tobias  The Birds, the Bees and the African Chocolate Trees
13th July 1pm GMC David Moreno Mateos Harvard University Guy Woodward Restoring ecosystem complexity in a changing environment
11th August 1pm GMC Hannah White Anglia Ruskin University Will Pearse Traits, functions and functioning: A macroecological perspective


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title (link to panopto recording)
17th January   Online

Sir John Lawton

The institution of Environmental Sciences Vincent Savolainen Making Space for Nature [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
3rd February   1pm  Online

Stewart Plaistow

 University of Liverpool Tom Smith No rapid adaptation to heatwaves in replicated populations with manipulated evolutionary potential
10th February  1pm Online Andrew Johnson Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Guy Woodward The key stressors influencing changes in invertebrate diversity in England’s rivers over the past 30 years
17th February  1pm  GMC  Ian Sanders University of Lausanne   Vincent Savolainen Genetic and epigenetic variation in mycorrhizal fungi and its role in altering plant growth and carbon storage in tropical soils
3rd March   1pm GMC  Erin Saupe  University of Oxford  Martin Brazeau  A deep time perspective on macroecology
10th March  1pm GMC Sarah Worsley University of East Anglia   Julia Schroeder
17th March  1pm Online Rampal Etienne University of Groningen  James Rosindell The limits to ecological limits to diversification


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title (link to panopto recording)
14th October  1 pm  Haldane Jonathan Davies The University of British Columbia Vincent Savolainen  Underground forests, fire, mammal browsers and the origin of Agrican savanna
21st October  1 pm   Online Gal Ofir Weizmann Institute of Science Vincent Savolainen  Conservation of TIR immune signaling in bacteria and plants
4th November   1 pm  Haldane Daniel Field  University of Cambridge  Martin Brazeau  

Birdwatching on a cosmic scale: The avian fossil record and the origin of modern bird diversity

11th November  1pm Haldane Christopher Meyer & Sarah Tweedt Smithsonian Institution  Emma Ransome  

A Call to ARMS as a Marine Biodiversity Observation Network

25th November  1 pm  Online  Katrina Davis  Oxford University  Guy Woodward  The dynamics and impacts of marine human-wildlife conflict
2nd December   1 pm  Online  Stewart Clarke  National Trust / QMUL  Guy Woodward  Working with natural processes: a National Trust perspective
9th December  2 pm  Online  Rebecca Safran  University of Colorado  Julia Schroeder The role of adaptation in phenotype divergence and speciation: an integrative and comparative perspective


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
6th May [EID]  1pm Online  

C. Jessica Metcalf

 Princeton University (USA) Will Pearse  Eco-evolutionary dynamics of coronaviruses
13th May 1:30pm Online Mollie Gupta World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Cristina Banks-Leite WWF-UKs work on the global food system – how we use research to further our work with government, industry and other charities
20th May  1pm Online  Si Creer Bangor University Danielle Harris From 1ul of DNA, to ecosystem scale biodiversity in four easy steps: the fantastic world of eDNA analysis
27th May  1pm Online  Rita Covas University of Porto  Julie Schroeder
 Living together: cooperation in the sociable weaver
3rd June [EID]            No planned seminar
10th June  1pm Online Martin Sikora University of Copenhagen   Matteo Fumagalli  

Tracing the evolutionary history of viruses from the Stone Age to the present using ancient DNA

17th June  1pm Online Tien Ming Lee   Sun Yat-sen University  Rob Ewers  TBC


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
Postponed  Postponed Online Mollie Gupta World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Cristina Banks-Leite -
28th January  1pm Online Michelle Jackson University of Oxford (UK) Guy Woodward The importance of scale in global change biology
4th February [EID]            No planned seminar
11th February  1pm Online Flora Jay Université Paris-Saclay Matteo Fumagalli  Neural Networks for population genetics: demographic inference and data generation
18th February            No planned seminar
25th February  1pm Online Nina Overgaard Cornell University (USA)  Matteo Fumagalli  Contemporary evolution and adaptive divergence in open ocean environment: New insights and applications to fisheries management
4th March [EID]  1pm Online  

John Drake

 University of Georgia (USA) Will Pearse  Semi-automated Modeling of COVID-19 in the United States
11th March  1pm Online Mark Ravinet University of Nottingham (UK)  Arkhat Abzhanov
The evolution of human commensalism in Passer sparrows
18th March  1pm Online Matt Struebig University of Kent (UK)  Rob Ewers  Oil palm and biodiversity: toward more sustainable palm oil production in the tropics


Date Time Location Speaker Institution Host Title
15th October  4pm Online Barrett Klein University of Wisconsin (USA)  Samraat Pawar Sleeping in a society of honey bees: The tale of a sleep-deprived dancer and her unwitting followers, and the search for insect dreams
22nd October 4pm Online Marta Shocket
University of California Los Angeles (USA)  Samraat Pawar Thermal ecology of infectious disease: lessons from mosquito-transmitted viruses and a Daphnia-fungal pathogen 
29th October 1pm Online Jose Jiménez Imperial College London (UK) Peter Graystock and Danielle Harris Eco-evo dynamics of experimentally tractable microbial systems
5th November [EID] 1pm Online Alex Corbishley
University of Edinburgh (UK)  Emma Ransome  

Floating data points: poo and the pandemic in Scotland

12th November 1pm Online Bonnie Waring Imperial College London (UK) Peter Graystock and Danielle Harris  

Ecosystem feedbacks to climate change: when and where do microbes matter?

19th November          
 No seminar planned
26th November 1pm Online Elli Leadbeater Royal Holloway University of London (UK)  Peter Graystock The honeybee waggle dance: evolutionary marvel but modern-day relic?
3rd December [EID] 1pm Online Till Hoffman Imperial College London (UK)  Vincent Savolainen  Geospatial caseload estimates for wastewater-based epidemiology & faecal shedding of SARS-CoV-2 RNA amongst hospitalised patients
10th December 1pm Online Will Pearse  Imperial College London (UK) Peter Graystock and Danielle Harris  Evolutionary ecology in the time of COVID



Date Location Speaker Institution Host Title
30th April CPB Mark Ravinet University of Notthingham Arkhat Abzhanov The evolution of human commensalism in Passer sparrows
7th May CPB Cagan Sekercioglu University of Utah Joseph Tobias TBC
14th May CPB        
21st May CPB Louise Johnson University of Reading Vasso Koufopanou
Experimental evolution for invasion in cancer cell lines
28th May CPB Marta Shocket University of Califonia Los Angeles Samraat Pawar       -- Cancelled --
4th June CPB Flora Jay Université Paris-Sud Matteo Fumagalli Supervised and unsupervised deep learning for population genetics
11th June CPB Sinead English University of Bristol Lauren Cator TBC
18th June CPB Jeremy Field University of Exeter Richard Gill Evolution and ecology of social behavior
25th June CPB Nathalie Seddon University of Oxford Joseph Tobias Nature-based Solutions to climate change and other global challenges: promise, evidence, challenges


Date Location Speaker Institution Host Title
9th January CPB Francois Balloux University College London Vincent Savolainen

Reconstructing the spread of bacterial mobile elements in space and time

16th January CPB Simeon Hill British Antarctic Survey Emma Cavan Managing fisheries to protect dependant predators
23rd January CPB Tom Smith Imperial College London - Silwood Samraat Pawar  The effects of temperature on microbial metabolic rates
30th January CPB

Jonathan Drury

Durham University Joseph Tobias  The phylogenetic signature of interspecific competition in birds 
6th February CPB Philip Stevenson Royal Botanical Gardens - Kew Peter Graystock Sex and Drugs and Bee Control: the ecological functions of nectar and pollen chemicals
13th February CPB Mike Bruford Cardiff University Matteo Fumagalli Use of genomics in endangered species conservation
20th February CPB Gabrielle Davidson -- Cancelled -- -- Cancelled -- -- Cancelled --
27th February Fisher Marion Nicolaus 

University of Groningen (Netherlands)

Julia Schroeder  Evolutionary causes and consequences of dispersal syndromes in a wild passerine bird 
5th March CPB Rahia Mashoodh University of Cambridge Lauren Cator
Non-genetic inheritance and adaptation within the family environment
12th March CPB       TBC


Date Location Speaker Institution Host Title
10th October Fisher/Haldane Dimitrios - Georgios Kontopoulos Imperial College London Emma Cavan Deep-time evolution of biological responses to temperature changes
31st October Fisher/Haldane  Daniel Barrios-O'Neill University of Exeter Samraat Pawar A manifesto for systematically describing consumer-resource interactions 
14th November Fisher/Haldane  Ruiyun Li Imperial College London (St Mary's) Lauren Cator Climate-driven variation in mosquito density predicts the spatiotemporal dynamics of dengue
21st November Fisher/Haldane  Jacob Johansson Lund University and Imperial College London (Silwood) Richard Gill Flowers, bees and shifting seasons: how to adapt when Nature's calendar goes out of sync in a warming world
28th November Fisher/Haldane Isabel Rosa Bangor University Rob Ewers Towards a new generation of integrated global scenarios and models of biodiversity and ecosystem services
5th December CPB Josh Firth University of Oxford Julia Schroeder
The complex consequences of simple sociality in the wild
12th December CPB Marion Nicolaus - rescheduled 27th Feb      



Date Location Speaker Institution Host Title
25th April ** CPB Tali Magory Cohen Tel Aviv University (Israel) Vincent Savolainen
A global avian invader on the move: a case study of the Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis)
3rd May CPB Dustin Marshall Monash University (Australia) Samraat Pawar Why do organisms grow?
4th June Fisher/Haldane Robert Trivers Chapman University (USA) Austin Burt On honour killing

**EMBO Fellowship interview.



Date Location Speaker Institution Host Title
2nd May CPB Barbara Tschirren University of Exeter (UK) Julia Schroeder
The Evolution of Silver Spoon Effect
9th May CPB Michalis Barkoulas Imperial College London (UK) Chris Wilson C. elegans as a tractable host to study natural infections by oomycetes
16th May CPB John Donohue University of Limerick (Ireland) Samraat Pawar Density dependence in stage-structured populations
23rd May CPB Emma Cavan Imperial College London (UK) Samraat Pawar The circle of [marine biogeochemistry +] life
30th May CPB [free]      
6th June Fisher/Haldane Benjamin Kraemer IGB Leibniz (Germany) Samraat Pawar Lake Colour in a Warming World
13th June CPB Kayla King University of Oxford (UK) Tim Barraclough Killers and protectors: rapid microbial evolution across the mutualist-parasite continuum
20th June CPB Melissah Rowe NHM & University of Oslo (Norway) Julia Schroeder  Molecular diversification of the seminal fluid proteome in Passer sparrows
27th June CPB Thomas Thorne University of Reading (UK) Matteo Fumagalli Systems biology for single cell RNA-Seq data



WINTER TERM 2018/19:

Date Location Speaker Institution Host Title
31st January CPB Jordan Casey University of Perpignan (France) Emma Ransome Reconstructing hyperdiverse food webs: fish gut content metabarcoding as a tool to disentangle trophic interactions on coral reefs.
7th February  CPB Diego Barneche University of Exeter (UK) Samraat Pawar Integrating ecology across scales of biological organisation
14th February CPB Thomas Lewinsohn UNICAMP (Brazil) Cris Banks-Leite Community ecology reappraised: crises and new developments
21st February CPB Peter Graystock Imperial College London (UK)  Rich Gill The microbial ecology of bees, and engineering protective microbiomes
28th February CPB Alex Pigot University College London (UK) Samraat Pawar Coexistence, community assembly and the n-dimensional hypervolume
7th March CPB Charles Mullon Université de Lausanne (Switzerland) Vincent Savolainen Correlational selection and the shape of polymorphism
14th March CPB Richard Sibly University of Reading (UK) Samraat Pawar

How birds got their colours

21st March CPB Chris Jiggins University of Cambridge (UK) Tim Barraclough Hibridisation as a constructive process in evolution
28th March Haldane Lecture room Siobhán O'Brien University of Liverpool (UK) Tim Barraclough Microbial social interactions in the real world: From the lab to the field and back again



Autumn Term 2018/19:

Date Location Speaker Institution Host Topic Title
18th October Fisher/Haldane, Hamilton Alex Badyaev University of Arizona (USA) Arkhat Abzhanov Ecology and evolutionary biology Islands in a sea of possibilities: On reconciling stability and innovation in evolution
25th October Fisher/Haldane, Hamilton Domingos Cardoso Universidade Federal da Bahia (Salvador, Brazil) Jon Lloyd Plant ecology The relevance of taxonomy to Amazon plant diversity estimates 
1st November Fisher/Haldane, Hamilton Angelica Gonzalez Rutgers University (New Jersey, US)  Rebecca Kordas Structure and function of ecological systems  Food web structure and dynamics across space and time
8th November Fisher/Haldane, Hamilton Matthias Forkel TU Wien (Austria) Colin Prentice Modelling of land surface-vegetation interactions Earth Observation and Data Science to better Understand and Model Ecosystems under Global Change
15th November Fisher/Haldane, Hamilton Tom Churcher Imperial College London (UK) Lauren Cator  Malaria modelling Predicting the public health benefit of vector control interventions against malaria and evaluating them in the field 
22nd November Fisher/Haldane, Hamilton Alison Wright University of Sheffield (UK) Matteo Fumagalli Sexual conflict and genomics Routes to the resolution of sexual conflict
29th November Fisher/Haldane, Hamilton Keith Farnsworth Queen's University Belfast  (UK) Samraat Pawar Biological theory A Deeper Understanding of Biodiversity: What it is, with implications for how we should quantify and value it
6th December CPB Luke Eberhard-Philips Max Planck Institute for Ornithology (Germany) Julia Schroeder Behaviour and demography Breeding system evolution in light of demographic sex biases
13th December CPB Frank Jiggins  University of Cambridge (UK) Tim Barraclough Evolution and genetics of hosts and parasites Parallel evolution of resistance to myxomatosis in European and Australian rabbits





Summer term 2017-2018:

Date Speaker Institution Host Topic Title
3 May Mathias Disney UCL Rob Ewers Environmental Monitoring and Modelling Lasers in the jungle: new 3D measurements of forest structure and function [no video]
10 May Katie Field University of Leeds Martin Bidartondo Plant-fungal symbioses Unity in diversity: functional insights into the ancient partnerships between plants and fungi [no video]
17 May Rebecca Kilner University of Cambridge  Julia Schroeder Behaviour and evolution How behaviour influences evolution: experiments with burying beetles [no video]
24 May Dan Stowell QMUL Cristina Banks-Leite  Machine listening How far can machine listening help with acoustic bird surveying? [video]
31 May Blake Morton University of Hull  Vincent Savolainen Behavioural ecology & comparative psychology Personality uniquely contributes to social relationships and group networks in monkeys [no video]
** 2 June Rob Fletcher University of Florida (USA)  Rob Ewers Behaviour and evolution An invasive prey and an endangered predator: novel interactions full of surprises [no video]
7 June Martin Sullivan  University of Leeds Lan Qie Environmental monitoring Monitoring tropical forests (and birds) in a changing world [video]
14 June Aida Andres UCL Matteo Fumagalli Adaptation and genomics  Local adaptation in humans and other primates [video]
 21 June Simon Smart Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Petra Guy Environmental changes & ecology Predicting changes in the diversity of functionally important plants in response to extreme weather: how far can we go with statistical Species Niche Models? [no video]
**31 July Kartik Shankar Indian Institute of Science Samraat Pawar Ecology and evolutionary biology Drivers of diversification of herpetofauna in the Western Ghats Escarpment
** 2 August Matthew Betts Oregon States University (USA) Rob Ewers Behaviour and evolution Forest biodiversity: how can it be conserved, and why should we bother anyway?

 ** Denotes Special Seminar

Date Speaker Institution Title (link to Panopto)
17 Oct, 2016 Nele Schuwirth EAWAG, Visiting ICL Mechanistic modelling of macroinvertebrate communities in streams
20 Oct, 2016 Rob Thomas Cardiff Animal behaviour in changing environments: behavioural responses of migratory birds to climate change
27 Oct, 2016 Robert Trivers Rutgers University, USA Recent advances in human evolutionary genetics
 3 Nov, 2016 Gabriel Yvon-Durocher Univ. of Exeter Warming, adaptation & ecosystem functioning
10 Nov, 2016 Vincent Merckx Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Netherlands The tangled evolutionary history of plants and fungi
17 Nov, 2016 Andy Purvis ICL, NHM Land-use change, biodiversity loss and biotic homogenisation: the PREDICTS project
24 Nov, 2016  Nessa O'Connor Queens Univ. Belfast Blue solutions to global challenges: why we need experimental tests of environmental change on species interactions
8 Dec, 2016 Samuel Rund University of Edinburgh Scope and insights from publicly-available mosquito abundance data
12 Jan, 2017 Hanne Løvlie Linkoping Univ. Life of the fowl: sex, status and personality
19 Jan, 2017 Pete Smith University of Aberdeen Can we deliver nutrition security and climate change mitigation without wrecking the planet?
26 Jan, 2017 James Bullock NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Population spread and the velocity of climate change
2 Feb, 2017 Nova Mieszkowska Marine Biological Assoc. Data densities, biogeographic challenges and mechanistic insights into climate impacts on marine ectotherms
9 Feb, 2017 Erik Gomez-Baggethun Norwegian Inst. Nature Research Ecosystem valuation: pragmatic conservation or commodification of nature?
16 Feb, 2017 Matteo Fumagalli ICL / Silwood The conquest of the Arctic: a genetic journey
23 Feb, 2017 Melody Clark British Antarctic Survey  Cool genomics
16 Mar, 2017  Morena Mills ICL / Silwood When conservation goes viral: The diffusion of innovative biodiversity conservation policies and practices
23 Mar, 2017 Alexandru Hening ICL / S.Ken Stochastic population growth in spatially heterogeneous environments
11 May, 2017 Martin Smith University of Durham The origins of Ecdysozoan body plans
18 May, 2017 Anjali Goswami UCL From Development to Deep Time: the macroevolutionaryconsequences of phenotypic integration
25 May, 2017 Mridul Thomas EAWAG How do we predict the future of phytoplankton?
1 June, 2017 Natalie Cooper NHM Macroevolution with fossil and living species: museums, mammals and morphology
15 June, 2017 Andy Foote Bangor Univ. The Genomic History of Killer Whale Ecotypes
 22 June, 2017 Beatriz Jorrin Univ. Oxford From population genomics to synthetic communities in the Rhizobium - Legume system