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  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Glaister S, 2006,

    Spatial implications of transport pricing

    , J TRANSP ECON POLICY, Vol: 40, Pages: 173-201, ISSN: 0022-5258

    This paper describes spatial effects of transport pricing in England. It presents detailed results from a model developed to test the effects of a range of charging scenarios across England. In developing these scenarios we make use of estimates of the marginal social costs of travel, exploring revenue raising and revenue neutral charging options. For each scenario, model results describe changes in traffic volumes and traffic speeds at a detailed spatial level. The results show that transport pricing can be used to effectively reduce traffic in congested times and places, and where environmental damage is greatest, while allowing other areas to enjoy the benefits of greater mobility at lower cost.

  • Book
    Stephen Glaister, Daniel J Graham, 2006,

    National road pricing: is it fair and practical

    , London, Publisher: Social Market Foundation
  • Journal article
    Daniel J Graham, 2006,

    Agglomeration and urban productivity: implications for the appraisal of transport investment

  • Report
    Daniel J Graham, 2006,

    Wider economic benefits of transport improvements: link between agglomeration and productivity Stage 2 Report

    , London, Publisher: DfT
  • Journal article
    Allport RJ, Anderson R, 2005,

    A challenging metro agenda

    , Public Transport International, Vol: 54, Pages: 6-9, ISSN: 1016-796X

    Various issues faced by metro operators for the development of a sustainable metro business are discussed. Government needs to provide some degree of predictability in planning, funding, coordination and regulation. The future cost of poor metro planning is high in physical, financial and operational terms, yet the resources put in and their output are often poor. The main requirement to develop a sustainable metro business is the active engagement of government with operator for issues that affect the operator.

  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Glaister S, 2005,

    Decomposing the determinants of road traffic demand

    , APPLIED ECONOMICS, Vol: 37, Pages: 19-28, ISSN: 0003-6846
  • Journal article
    Glaister S, Graham DJ, 2005,

    An evaluation of national road user charging in England

  • Journal article
    Graham D, Glaister S, Anderson R, 2005,

    The effects of area deprivation on the incidence of child and adult pedestrian casualties in England

    , ACCIDENT ANAL PREV, Vol: 37, Pages: 125-135, ISSN: 0001-4575

    This paper analyses child pedestrian casualties in England, focusing on the influence of socio-economic deprivation. It develops an area-based model of pedestrian casualties and presents estimates based on data for the English wards. The results detect an association between increased deprivation and higher numbers of pedestrian casualties across England. The deprivation effect is strong both for all child casualties and for children killed or seriously injured. Estimates for adult casualties also reveal a positive and significant association with increasing deprivation. but the magnitude of the effect is smaller than for children. The paper concludes by outlining some of the implications of the research. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  • Report
    Daniel J Graham, 2005,

    Wider economic benefits of transport improvements: link between agglomeration and productivity Stage 1 Report

    , London, DfT
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Glaister S, 2004,

    Road traffic demand elasticity estimates: A review

    , TRANSPORT REVIEWS, Vol: 24, Pages: 261-274, ISSN: 0144-1647
  • Conference paper
    Graham DJ, 2004,

    Child pedestrian casualties in England

    , Transportation Research Board 83rd annual meeting, Washington DC, 2004
  • Book
    Glaister S, Graham DJ, Institute of Economic Affairs Great Britain, 2004,

    Pricing our roads: vision and reality

    , London, Publisher: Institute of Economic Affairs, ISBN: 9780255365628
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Couto A, Adeney WE, Glaister Set al., 2003,

    Economies of scale and density in urban rail transport: effects on productivity

  • Conference paper
    Anderson RJ, Hirsch R, Trompet M, Adeney WEet al., 2003,

    Developing Benchmarking methodologies for Rail Infrastructure Maintenance Management Companies

    , European Transport Conference

    Public transport benchmarking has been growing in use. However, a recent literature review carried out by the authors has revealed that its practical adaptation to the railway industry has largely been confined to either the operation of trains, or the operation of single, vertically integrated railways. The paper describes methodologies developed and tested for the benchmarking of railway infrastructure companies. Much of the work has been conducted as part of a 5th Framework research project for the European Commission (IMPROVERAIL: IMPROVEd tools for RAILway capacity and access management). The paper will also present results from a pilot project that applies the methodologies and has involved the participation of several national railway infrastructure providers. It is argued that the benchmarking of complex and heterogeneous railway infrastructure companies presents particular problems. These must be overcome if any benchmarking process is to yield true comparability and thus any practical value. Railway infrastructure company benchmarking is due to become more important following the vertical separation of trains and infrastructure, not only amongst European Union national railways, but also elsewhere in the world where vertical separation is undertaken within public transport. The approach to benchmarking suggested by the research and applied in the pilot project takes a non-traditional view of railway infrastructure providers, focusing primarily on the concept of entities rather than functions. The traditional view of a railway infrastructure provider is of an organisation made up of a number of separate functions, e.g. operations, engineering, finance, etc. The new approach taken is to look at the entities contained within a railway infrastructure provider. An entity is defined as a product (such as the provision of a defined type of railway infrastructure), an asset or a process. In many cases the management of these entities cuts across functional boundar

  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Glaister S, 2003,

    Spatial variation in road pedestrian casualties: The role of urban scale, density and land-use mix

    , URBAN STUD, Vol: 40, Pages: 1591-1607, ISSN: 0042-0980

    This paper examines the role of urban scale, density and land-use mix on the incidence of road pedestrian casualties. It develops a spatial model at a disaggregate level that attempts to understand how the nature of the urban environment, with its associated traffic generation characteristics, affects the incidence of road pedestrian casualties. The results show that the characteristics of the local environment have a powerful influence on pedestrian casualties. The incidence of pedestrian casualties and KSIs is higher in residential than in economic zones and a quadratic relationship is found between urban density and pedestrian casualties with incidents diminishing for the most extremely dense wards. Distinguishing broad land-use effects, the paper explores the ways in which population and employment density influence pedestrian casualties.

  • Report
    Graham DJ, Glaister S, 2003,

    Income and price elasticities of demand for road traffic

    , London, Publisher: DTLR
  • Report
    Glaister S, Graham D, 2003,

    Transport pricing and investment in England: summary report

    , Report for Independent Transport Commission
  • Conference paper
    Graham DJ, 2003,

    What efficient pricing would mean locally across England

    , Automobile Associations parliament seminar, London, 2003
  • Conference paper
    Graham DJ, 2003,

    Congestion charging in London: some initial results

    , Eco-efficiency biennial, Turin, 2003
  • Report
    Graham DJ, 2003,

    Industrial concentration and agglomeration in London

    , London, Publisher: DFT
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Glaister S, 2002,

    The demand for automobile fuel - A survey of elasticities

    , JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT ECONOMICS AND POLICY, Vol: 36, Pages: 1-25, ISSN: 0022-5258
  • Conference paper
    Graham DJ, 2002,

    Urban public transport data collection and monitoring: the Metro experience

    , European conference of transport ministers: expert seminar on problems in the collection, monitoring and use of urban travel data, Paris, 2002
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, 2001,

    Productivity growth in British manufacturing: spatial variation in the role of scale economies, technological growth and industrial structure

    , APPLIED ECONOMICS, Vol: 33, Pages: 811-821, ISSN: 0003-6846
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, 2001,

    Productivity growth in British manufacturing: spatial variation in the role of scale economies, technological growth and industrial structure

    , Applied Economics, Vol: 33, Pages: 811-821, ISSN: 0003-6846
  • Report
    Graham DJ, Anderson R, Glaister S, 2001,

    A reassessment of the economic case for CrossRail

    , Report to the Corporation of the City of London, London
  • Journal article
    Glaister S, Graham DJ, 2001,

    Motorists and petrol price changes

    , Utilities Journal, Pages: 36-39
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Spence N, 2000,

    Manufacturing employment change, output demand, and labor productivity in the regions of Britain

    , INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW, Vol: 23, Pages: 172-200, ISSN: 0160-0176
  • Report
    Glaister S, Graham DJ, Travers T, 2000,

    The economic impact of the NHS in London

    , Report to NHS Executive: London
  • Report
    Glaister S, Graham DJ, 2000,

    The effects of fuel prices on motorists

    , Report to Automobile Association: Hampshire
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, 2000,

    Spatial variation in labour productivity in British manufacturing

    , International Review of Applied Economics, Vol: 14, Pages: 323-341

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