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  • Journal article
    Jiwattanakulpaisarn P, Noland RB, Graham DJ, Polak JWet al., 2009,

    Highway infrastructure and state-level employment: A causal spatial analysis

    , PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE, Vol: 88, Pages: 133-159, ISSN: 1056-8190
  • Journal article
    Trompet M, Anderson RJ, Graham DJ, 2009,

    Variability in Comparable Performance of Urban Bus Operations

    , TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD, Pages: 177-184, ISSN: 0361-1981
  • Journal article
    Crotte A, Noland RB, Graham DJ, 2009,

    Is the Mexico City Metro an Inferior Good?

    , TRANS POL (in press)
  • Journal article
    Wadud Z, Graham DJ, Noland RB, 2009,

    Gasoline demand with heterogeneity in household responses

    , Energy Journal, Vol: 31, Pages: 47-74
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Glaister S, Quddus M, Wadud Zet al., 2009,

    Testing for the Distributional Effects of National Road User Charging

  • Journal article
    Wadud Z, Graham DJ, Noland RB, 2009,

    A cointegration analysis of gasoline demand in the United States

  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Crotte A, Anderson RJ, 2009,

    A dynamic panel analysis of urban metro demand

  • Journal article
    Trompet M, Anderson RJ, Graham DJ, 2009,

    Variability in comparative performance of urban bus operators

    , TRANS RES REC (in press)
  • Journal article
    Crotte A, Noland RB, GRaham DJ, 2009,

    Estimation of Road Traffic Demand Elasticities for Mexico City

    , TRANS RES REC (in press)
  • Journal article
    Wadud Z, Graham DJ, Noland R, 2009,

    A cointegration analysis of gasoline demand in the the United States

  • Journal article
    Couto A, Graham DJ, 2009,

    The determinants of productivity and efficiency in European railways

  • Journal article
    Crotte A, Noland RB, Graham DJ, 2009,

    The demand for metro services in Mexico City

    , INT J SUSTAIN TRANSP (in press)
  • Report
    Melo PC, Graham DJ, 2009,

    Agglomeration Economies and Labour Productivity: Evidence from Longitudinal Worker Data for GB’s Travel-to-Work Areas.

    , Publisher: Spatial Economics Research Centre (SERC), London School of Economics (LSE), Discussion Paper Nr.31
  • Journal article
    Wadud Z, Graham DJ, Noland RB, 2009,

    Modelling Fuel Demand for Different Socio-economic Groups

  • Journal article
    Wadud Z, Noland RB, Graham DJ, 2008,

    Equity analysis of personal tradable carbon permits for the road transport sector

    , ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, Vol: 11, Pages: 533-544, ISSN: 1462-9011
  • Journal article
    Couto A, Graham DJ, 2008,

    The contributions of technical and allocative efficiency to the economic performance of European railways

    , PORTUGUESE ECONOMIC JOURNAL, Vol: 7, Pages: 125-153, ISSN: 1617-982X
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Stephens DA, 2008,

    Decomposing the impact of deprivation on child pedestrian casualties in England

    , ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, Vol: 40, Pages: 1351-1364, ISSN: 0001-4575
  • Book chapter
    Graham DJ, Glaister S, 2008,

    National road pricing in Great Britain: is it fair and practical

    , Road Congestion Pricing in Europe Implications for the United States, Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing, ISBN: 9781848441453

    This introduction has two purposes: to present the book's central theme, that is, the implications of London's Congestion Charging Scheme and the Stockholm Trial for the United States, and to summarize the key points of the contributing ...

  • Conference paper
    Glaister S, Graham DJ, 2008,

    National road pricing in Great Britain: is it fair and practical?

    , Conference on Road Congestion Pricing in Europe - Implications for the United States, Publisher: EDWARD ELGAR PUBLISHING LTD, Pages: 57-97
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, 2008,

    The productive efficiency of urban railways: parametric and non-parametric estimates

    , TRANS RES E, Vol: 44, Pages: 84-99
  • Journal article
    Harris NG, Anderson RJ, 2007,

    An international comparison of urban rail boarding and alighting rates

  • Journal article
    Daniel J Graham, 2007,

    Variable returns to agglomeration and the effect of road traffic congestion

    , Journal of Urban Economics, Vol: 62, Pages: 103-120, ISSN: 0094-1190
  • Journal article
    Mohammed Quddus, Nigel Harris, Daniel J Graham, 2007,

    Metro station operating costs: an econometric analysis

    , Journal of Public Transportation, Vol: 10, Pages: 93-107
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, 2007,

    Identifying urbanization and localization economies in manufacturing and service industries

    , Papers in Regional Science (forthcoming)
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Kim HY, 2007,

    An empirical analytical framework for agglomeration economies

    , Annals of Regional Science (forthcoming)
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, Glaister S, Quddus M, Wadud Zet al., 2007,

    Testing for the distributional consequences of national road user charging.

    , International Journal of Sustainable Transport (forthcoming)
  • Journal article
    Couto A, Graham DJ, 2007,

    The impact of high speed technology on railway demand

    , Transportation (forthcoming)
  • Journal article
    Daniel J Graham, 2007,

    Agglomeration, productivity and transport investment

    , J TRANS ECON & POL, Vol: 41, Pages: 317-343
  • Journal article
    Graham DJ, 2006,

    Road user charging and how it could affect public transport provision in Great Britain

    , Public Transport International, Vol: 55, Pages: 31-33, ISSN: 1016-796X

    The effects of charging road users for reducing congestion on the public transport facilities in Great Britain are discussed. Impressive charges in road traffic volumes and speeds have been recorded within the zone since the introduction of the scheme on 17 February 2003. The congestion charging has resulted in a reduction of measures of congestion by 30% and a decrease in traffic entering during charging hours by 18%. The imposition of congestion charges incorporates congestion and environmental costs as well as the prevailing national rate of fuel tax. The road user charging for public transport operators frees up the capacity of the road network due to the reduction of traffic volumes. The introduction of road user charging shifts the balance in favor of high densities and strengthens the case for investment in urban transport.

  • Journal article
    Glaister S, Graham DJ, 2006,

    Proper pricing for transport infrastructure and the case of urban road congestion

    , URBAN STUD, Vol: 43, Pages: 1395-1418, ISSN: 0042-0980

    For transport systems the issues of pricing, service quality, funding and investment in urban areas are inextricably interdependent. The paper first argues that no policy can be set for any of these aspects of transport in isolation from any other. Transport planners and urban policy-makers can choose to tolerate congestion, or build new capacity or introduce road user charging. These issues are explored and analysed in the context of London-Europe's most obviously resurgent city and the one with the most recent experience of road pricing in the form of the Congestion Charge. However, despite the evidence that in the centre, where it applies, the Congestion Charge has had broadly the effects economic theory would predict, there is still a growing problem for the rest of London and the UK caused largely by the combined effects of rising real incomes and the improving fuel efficiency of cars which reduces the impact of fuel taxes. This suggests a growing pressure for a national system of road pricing. To date 'prices', in the form of fuel duty (over 0.50 pound out of each 0.80 pound for a litre of fuel) have been set on the basis of historical precedent or political expediency. The paper sets out a regionally based model to analyse the implications of setting alternative levels of congestion charging and environmental taxes covering the whole of England. This includes modelling the implications for other transport modes and the net changes accruing to drivers and the Exchequer. Having presented the implications of some alternative policies, the paper discusses a number of the issues of political economy that would have to be resolved. While there seems to be little alternative to user charging in some form sooner or later, the sooner it can be introduced the more good it can do. However, the difficulties are real, less tractable than some people appear to believe and they have to be identified and dealt with. Perhaps the most significant unresolved problem is not the

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