
Airport Benchmarking at the Transport Strategy Centre

The Transport Strategy Centre (TSC) facilitates international airport benchmarking through the Airport Benchmarking Group (ABG).

ABG was established in 2017 to benchmark performance and share experiences and best practices based on the benchmarking process of the TSC, including the Objectives of Benchmarking and Success Factors for Benchmarking.

The group is owned and steered by the member organisations and led by the TSC. The TSC manages and facilitates the group, conducts deep research and analysis to understand performance, and disseminates and advises members on best practices.

There is a recurring work programme on a continuous annual cycle that combines KPI analysis, best practice research, and information sharing. Members gather at meetings hosted in London or at the member cities. They continue to stay in contact and share information through the group’s secure website.

ABG activities are carried out within a framework of confidentiality. Any information that is released outside the group must follow strict anonymisation protocols. All member airports are required to sign and adhere to a confidentiality agreement.

For more details about the group, including its history, current members, and contact information, please visit the Airport Benchmarking Group website.

Contact us

Transport Strategy Centre
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ - UK or +44 (0)20 7594 5995