Porous pavements
Started: October 2014
Supervisors: Dr Hong Wong; Professor Chris Cheeseman
Description of Research
This research is investigating the permeability degradation in pervious concrete by developing fundamental understanding of clogging processes. The aim is to understand the effect of microstructure on clogging and develop a pervious concrete mix that not only has sufficient porosity for storm-water infiltration, but also maintains that porosity throughout its service life. Solving the clogging problem will make a major contribution towards sustainable urbanisation and the protection of critical infrastructure from surface flooding.
Contact us
CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering Skempton Building Imperial College London South Kensington Campus London, SW7 2AZ
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7594 5869 Email: l.slaymaker@imperial.ac.uk Alternatively, view our people lists
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