Paying your tuition fees

We charge tuition fees for every year that your course lasts. How much you pay depend on a number of factors, including: 

  • Your fee status (Home or Overseas)
  • Your course or department
  • The year you started your course at Imperial
  • What financial support you may be eligible for towards your fees

Home fees  

The UK government sets the maximum Home fee that universities can charge each year. 

In November 2024, the UK government announced that, starting in April 2025, the maximum tuition fee for Home undergraduate students in England will be increased from £9,250 per year to £9,535, subject to UK law and regulation. The UK government also announced a 3.1% increase in the annual maintenance loan.

For full details, visit our Tuition fees and maintenance loan increase page.

Overseas fees

The tuition fee for Overseas students is set by Imperial and is available on our course pages.

Tuition fee status

For more guidance on whether you are likely to pay the Home or Overseas fee rate, see information about fee status and how this is assessed.

Tuition fee policy

Compliance with our Tuition Fee Policy forms part of your contractual obligations with Imperial College London.  
Check our Tuition Fees Policy