Scholarship overview

  • Degree level

    Postgraduate taught

  • Value

    Full tuition fees at the Home rate and a stipend of approx. £20,622 (UKRI rate)

  • Number of awards


  • Academic year


  • Tuition fee status


  • Mode of study

    Full time

  • Available to

    Prospective students

  • Application deadline

    07/06/2024 Closed

  • Additional information

    Scholarship page

  • Available to applicants in the following departments

    • Earth Science and Engineering

Eligibility criteria

To be considered for this Scholarship you need to apply for an eligible MSc programme starting in academic year 2024-25 in the Department of Earth Science & Engineering.

The scholarships will be awarded to women who demonstrate exceptional academic merit and/or potential and are open to Home applicants.


Please note: This scholarship is not available to continuing students.

Course specific information

MSc Geo-Energy with Machine Learning and Data Science

MSc Applied Computational Science and Engineering

MSc Environmental Data Science and Machine Learning

Application process

To be considered for a Scholarship for one of the MSc programmes in academic year 2024-25, please apply for the course via the Imperial College MSc graduate course admissions process by 24 May 2024, and complete the scholarship application form by 11am (UK time) on 7 June 2024.

To request the scholarship application form, please email the course administrator (details below).

  • MSc Geo-Energy with Machine Learning and Data Science [ Sophie Pirouet]
  • MSc Applied Computational Science and Engineering [Ying Ashton]
  • MSc Environmental Data Science and Machine Learning [Ying Ashton]


If you have any additional questions, please contact us at