Scholarship overview

  • Degree level

    Postgraduate taught

  • Value

    Will cover difference between Home and Overseas fees

  • Number of awards


  • Academic year


  • Tuition fee status


  • Mode of study

    Full time

  • Available to

    Prospective students

  • Application deadline

    31/03/2024 Closed

  • Additional information

    Scholarship page

  • Available to applicants in the following departments

    • Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Eligibility criteria

This scholarship is for Residents of the EU/EEA and will cover difference between Home and Overseas fees. There is one scholarship awarded per MSc course in EEE dept. The scholarships will be awarded based on academic merit, and all applicants who meet the criteria will be considered during the admissions process.

To be eligible, you must submit your application to study by 31 March 2024. Successful applicants will be notified at the end of May 2024.

Please note: This scholarship is not available to continuing students.

Course specific information

There is 1 scholarship per MSc course below: Analogue and Digital Integrated Circuit Design Applied Machine Learning Communications and Signal Processing Control and Optimisation Future Power Networks

Application process

Submit an Application to study one of the 5 MSc courses offered at EEE department. Successful applicants will be notified at the end of May.


If you have any additional questions, please contact us at