There’s a lot to do when you arrive at Imperial. To make the best start you can in your first week, follow our quick checklist below:

  • Complete your enrolment and collect your College ID
  • Find your route into College and to your department
  • Attend all of the introductory sessions in your department - don’t miss any classes (either online or in-person)!
  • Take part in welcome activities
  • Find out more about the Clubs, Societies & Projects on offer at Imperial College Union
  • Interact with as many new people as possible.

Plan your route

When you need to be on campus, think about how you might want to get into College from your accommodation. You might want to walk, cycle or take public transport. Check the College webpages for information about how to get to each campus.

Course Induction

Induction is a vital part of your course and it is important that you attend as many of your course induction activities as you can, because these are designed to give you a flavour of what your course will involve and how you will be taught. It is also a great opportunity to meet your tutors and course mates.

Find the important contacts

Make sure you know who each of the key people for your programme are, including course organisers and programme administrators. The programme team and their roles should be clearly described in the programme handbook.

Don't forget to add the College security number into your phone, +44 207 589 1000.

Events and activities when you arrive

In addition to your department and course induction, there will be activities and events to take part in, either in-person or online. Make sure you check the Imperial College Union webpages and social media as they organise events for all types of student throughout the year and support over 360 student run Clubs, Societies & Projects.

It’s important to experience life outside of your studies and to make sure you have a well-earned mental and physical break. Trying new sports, social activities and hobbies are great ways to meet other students and find out where your passions lies.

You can find out more about what to do when you first arrive at Imperial in the Arrivals and induction section of the New students webpages.