Plagiarism is the presentation of another person's thoughts, words or images and diagrams as though they were your own.
Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional, or self-plagiarism, and it is considered an offence according to the Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure.
When studying for a research degree it is your responsibility to conduct research and disseminate research results in an honest and ethical manner.
All research you carry out must be original and all reports and manuscripts you produce must be your own work with correctly cited references included where appropriate.
Read more about plagiarism and originality.
To provide help and support with understanding what is and isn’t plagiarism the Graduate School and the Library have developed an online training course which you must complete during your first months as it is a condition to approve your ESA.
- Plagiarism Awareness for Doctoral Students – Access to online course
If you have any doubts or need advice regarding plagiarism or how to avoid it, you can contact your department’s Liason Librarian.
The Library also has the Plagiarism awareness for researchers webpages, where you can find all essential information.