Key Information

Department and Programme(s) of project:  Faculty of Medicine, (Faculty Education office), on the BSc Medical Biosciences Academic and Study Skills (ASK) module.  

Year of project: 22-23

Length of project(s): Two and a half weeks full-time across Summer break.  


What type of relationship did you envisage with staff before you began you project? Was your experience in line with this or different? 

Initially, I pictured a very strict relationship in which teaching fellows primarily took the position of staff and students were at a lower level of authority. However, this was not the case at all. In fact, during our first meeting, student partners were told that we were all team members on the same playing field and every idea would be considered. This confirmation relieved my anxiety of having ‘wrong’ ideas and ensured that I was free to truthfully express any concerns that I wanted to highlight and fix about the ASK website.

Why did you want to work with staff on a project to enhance and develop the student experience? 

The opportunity to make a long- lasting change within the department really appealed to me. As a result of my experience of year one BMB, I know that the Academic Study Skills website has great potential to benefit every student in various areas of the degree.

The opportunity to make a long- lasting change within the department really appealed to me.

For students who want help in particular areas and are unsure where to go, the fact that this website details amazing areas of advice is useful for immediate help. The balance of student and staff perspective became the foundation of our discussions and our mutual understanding between our groups highlighted different aspects of the website that needed to be developed. We were able to target different issues that perhaps wouldn’t have been so clear from only a staff perspective.

 How did working with staff as a partner help you reimagine a develop a new/different relationship? 

The StudentShaper project was really beneficial in terms of networking and meeting Teaching Fellows I would engage with in Face to Face sessions in year 2 of BMB. I gained a newfound appreciation for what staff do on a day-to-day basis and exactly how much preparation it takes for these departmental sessions to happen, as well as the detail that goes into content given to students. I was also privileged to meet new people within my course and make new friends who I was able to relate to and discuss the degree with and hear how we all had experienced the active learning aspect of this course. Since this project involved students from two different year groups, I met students from the cohort above and they were very willing to give advice and discuss tips that they wish they would’ve known upon approaching year 2.

 What impact do you think your experience will have on the way you and other students learn?

Personally, I think that this project will bring to light just how necessary the student perspective is in addition to staff experience. There was so much value seen in every new idea during discussions.

I think that this project will bring to light just how necessary the student perspective is in addition to staff experience. There was so much value seen in every new idea during discussions.

In addition, I have noticed other staff realising the impact that we made during our project and how useful it will be to students as I have heard signposting of the website in several face to face sessions. A fundamental aspect that our team realised was important was the ability for our project to be noticed and heard of. I think that this will influence many StudentShapers projects to come, to ensure that other students recognise the work that was put in and are inspired to participate in other opportunities.

 What is the most important thing, skill or new perspective you have learnt during the project? 

I am extremely appreciative of the skills I learnt during this project, particularly the development of my communication and time management abilities. Through our structured meetings, not only with students but also with staff, I learnt how to maximise the efficiency of meetings and I know how to prepare effectively for discussions. In addition, the comfortable environment ensured that we were not afraid to express our opinions and ideas, and I know that team members should always make sure  every participant feels welcome and able to speak their mind. Time management was another skill I gained as this project took place during the summer, which highlighted the need to maintain a healthy work life balance, essentially ensuring that I was implementing new developments and attending meetings, but also taking time to relax before the start of a new busy academic year. These skills will be of utmost importance in any career path I want to take in the future. 







Next Proposal Deadlines:

  • 1st November 2024 – for projects that intend to run from the spring term onwards (proposals that come in for summer engagement by this date, will be added to the February review cycle)
  • 7th February 2025 – for summer vacation proposals
  • 2nd June 2025 – for projects that intend to run from the autumn term (25-26) onwards 


StudentShapers handbook 23-24 (download pdf) Project report form [Word]