All projects within this Directory were completed in the Academic year 18-19

Faculty of Engineering


Creating a Management software system for a student-led MakerSpace, providing facilities at the South Kensington campus for students to make and design - acting as a 'node' of College's Advanced Hackspace, but enabling access for South Kensington based students. 

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Professor Peter Cheung (

Further details/experience required:

Project designed with students. 


Developing the use of maths and it's application in Design Engineering, using graphical coding exercises, visual widgets, application specific tutorial questions and more. 

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Sam Cooper (

Further details/experience required:

Project designed with students. 


Supporting the laboratory transition to bridge the gap in practical skills by revamping experiments, planning and recording videos (pre-learning materials) as well as formatting them.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

 Dr Manjula Silva - Dept of Materials (

Further details/Experience required

UG Materials students, 3 students in total, 4 weeks in length. One current 2nd year student (2018/19) with a keen interest in measuring the properties of electronic/magnetic materials and experience in constructing electronic circuits. Two other 2nd year or 3rd year students with interest in developing teaching materials, video guides.

Video Guides recruitment ad


Developing AeroLearn E-Learning website, including briefing videos, interactive lecture notes and self-assessment opportunities.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Dr Errikos Levis - Dept of Aeronautics (

Further details/Experience required

Aeronautics UG students, 6 students in total, 6 weeks in length


Collaborating in the development of the new learning platform across inter-related tasks, including animation, ePub, platform testing, and formative assessments.

Project type:

Curriculum development

Project lead:

Prof Silvestre Pinho - Dept of Aeronautics (

Further details/Experience required

Developed with student partners - Aeronautics UG students - 10 weeks in length, 4 students in total


Developing Digital Interactive teaching materials and active learning content for Fluid Mechanics modules in the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate degree. 

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Dr Peter Johnson - Dept of Mechanical Engineering (

Further details/Experience required

UG Mech Eng students in their second year or higher (students from Chem. Eng., Civil, Aero, Physics, or Maths UG disciplines are welcome to apply but must have the relevant background in Fluid Mechanics), 4 students in total, 10 weeks in length

Faculty of Medicine


Exploring motivating factors, collecting and analysing research via focus groups and questionnaires.

Project type:

Educational Research (part-time for one year)

Project lead:

Dr Emma Keeling - Collaborative Partnerships Office (

Further details/students engaged

Years 2-5 of MBBS students eligible, 1 student in total, 12 months in length at approx. half a day a week.


The StudentShaper would be required to identify potential material across a range of agreed platforms; design a criteria-based framework in order to assess the materials, identifying which are judged to be appropriate and which are not, and propose potential applications for those deemed to be of appropriate quality for AA.

Project type:

Curriculum development (during term and holiday time)

Project lead:

Dallas Alexandrou - Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Taught programmes (

Further details/Experience required

Postgraduate taught and research students in Faculty of Medicine - 1 in total, 17 weeks in length


Recruiting student partners to collaborate in assessment design, from the wording of the assignment to the beta-testing.  Designing three new highly innovative assignments for the BSc.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Dr Giskin Day - Dept of Medicine (

Further details/Experience required

 Former BSc Humanities, Philosophy and Law students still undergoing study within Imperial (at UG or PG) in the 2019/20 Academic year - 3 in total, 7.5 days in total spread out over one month

Giskin Day Shaping Innovative Assessment recruitment ad


Pedagogical innovation across three projects - F-Zero course design, a community action project, and technology enhanced learning

Project type:

Curriculum Development. 

Project lead:

Dr Jenna Mollaney - Dept of Primary Care and Public Health (

Further details/Experience required

Undergraduate students in the Faculty of Medicine

(Full profile summary can be found Jenna Mollaney project summary)


Reviewing Phase 1 online learning design materials for this innovative short course, which will support students’ career planning and skills development.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Dallas Alexandrou - Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Taught programmes (

Further details/Experience required

Two StudentShaper opportunities are available to the following Faculty of Medicine cohorts:

  • part time  Postgraduate taught students
  • 2nd year  BMB students
  • 3rd year   BMS students

Attributes and Aspirations Phase 1 recruitment ad


Students will work in close collaboration with Dr Tanvi Agrawal to develop self-tests mapped onto the Topic-level learning outcomes for new curriculum themes POM and Systems (Year 1). The student partners will be provided with extensive guidance about question writing and also opportunities to work closely with module development leads.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Dr Tanvi Agrawal - Dept of Medicine (

Further details/Experience required

  Year 1 and 2 MBBS students - 4 in total, 2 weeks in length


Planning and script-writing videos as well as formatting newly created materials alongside staff partners.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Dr Omid Halse - Faculty of Medicine Centre  (

Further details/Experience required

UG Medicine students having just completed Year 2 - 2/3 in total, 2 weeks in length


Supporting students as they transit between year 3 of the MBBS course into year 4.  An inter-departmental collaboration for building digital content.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Tamlyn Peel - National Heart and Lung Institute (

Further details/Experience required

(X4) UG Medical students, (X2) UG Computing students - 6 in total, 4 weeks in length

Faculty of Natural Sciences


Supporting the academic transition with material to bridge the academic 'gap', including planning social initiatives and pre-learning material as videos and online quizzes.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Inkeri Hibbins - Dept of Mathematics (

Further Information/experience required

All UG students (inclusive of final year students who will be continuing ongoing studies at Imperial in Academic year 19-20) - 6 in total, 4 weeks in length, then 1 week implementation as part of Induction week.


Utilising the expertise of the lecturer in fruit fly genetics & techniques, students will devise a series of authentic experiments (using the fruit fly) aligned to the (recently revised) learning outcomes of the module.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Dr Colin McClure -  Dept of Life Sciences (

Further details/Experience required

Year 3 UG students in Life Sciences - 1 in total, 3 weeks in length


Creating an extra-curricular forum and resources for interested undergraduate students to gain experience using Python to solve problems that come up in their physics and maths modules. 

Project type: Curriculum Development

Project lead:

Dr Yasmin Andrew, Physics Department

Further details/Experience required

5 PhD Physics students


Designing an on-line resource for MO diagrams, generating Spectra and animations.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Prof Patricia Hunt - Chemistry Dept (

Further details/Experience required

UG Chemistry students, 2 students in total, 12 weeks in length


Student-led design of informal learning spaces involving design drawings, supplier consultation and monitoring of outcome. 

Project type:

Curriculum Development

Project lead:

Luke White, Department Operations Manager, Physics Department

Further details/Experience required

1 Undergraduate student and 1 Postgraduate - students already appointed


Project type

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead

Dr Luke Delmas, Chemistry Department

Further Details/Experience Required

3 Chemistry Undergraduate students that have just completed years 1-3 of study, returning in Academic year 19-20. Students appointed. 


Reviewing relevant points for data and simulation in Statistics year 1 syllabus, and designing active learning resources.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Dr Chris Hallsworth - Dept of Mathematics (

Further details/Experience required

Mathematics students, 4 students in total, up to 7 weeks in length

Multidisciplinary or non-Faculty based projects


Applying statistics knowledge to real world problems, via a research project using aggregated data from Coursera and edX.

Project type:

Educational Research (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Irene Kalkanis - Digital Learning Hub (

Further details/Experience required

3 students in total, 8 weeks in length


Using qualitative research methods for mapping the characteristics of the 'ideal' university learner

Project type:

Educational research and investigation

Project lead:

Dr Tiffany Chiu - Education Development Unit: (

Further details/Experience required

Year 2 and 3 or Final year undergraduate students  across all Faculties.

(Full profile summary can be found here: Tiffany Chiu Project Summary)


Collaborating with the department acrossCareer Guidance, Employer Liaison and Information provision.

Project type:

Curriculum Development (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Jason Yarrow - Careers Service (

Further Details/Experience required

1 student in total, 6 weeks in length.  Students in their final or penultimate year from any department

Yarrow recruitment ad


Creating innovative digital learning artefacts. 

Project type:

Educational Research (Summer holiday)

Project lead:

Irene Kalkanis - Digital Learning Hub (

Further details/Experience required

3 students in total, 8 weeks in length

Next Proposal Deadlines:

  • 1st November 2024 – for projects that intend to run from the spring term onwards (proposals that come in for summer engagement by this date, will be added to the February review cycle)
  • 7th February 2025 – for summer vacation proposals
  • 2nd June 2025 – for projects that intend to run from the autumn term (25-26) onwards 


StudentShapers handbook 23-24 (download pdf) Project report form [Word]