Students presenting posters of international placements at Turing Scheme reception

The Turing Scheme is the UK government's global programme to study and work abroad.

A logo that reads 'Turing Scheme: Funded by the UK's global programme to study and work abroad'.The Turing Scheme provides funding for international opportunities in education and training across the world.

This scheme is generously funded by the Department for Education and supports students to take up opportunities to gain international experience that will be both personally and academically beneficial.


The Turing Fund also recognises that students from under-represented backgrounds are less likely to spend a period of their degree overseas.

Widening access to these opportunities is a key priority of the scheme and enhanced funding is offered to students from lower income backgrounds or those who meet the relevant eligibility criteria.

You can find out more about widening access and eligibility for enhanced funding on the webpage for the relevant academic year. 

Please check the webpage for the relevant academic year, linked at the bottom of this page, for updates about possible future funding and confirmed activities. 

The activities which have been supported by funding from the Turing Scheme in previous years are given below. Please note, it is not guaranteed that funding will be available to support these activities in future years. 

Typically Funded Activities

Typically Funded Activities

The 'International Research Opportunities Programme' (IROP) is coordinated by the International Relations Officer and offers students an exciting chance to spend 8 weeks at one of Imperial’s partner Universities. You can find out more on this webpage.

The Global Fellows Fund supports high impact international placements for PhD students in labs at Imperial’s strategic international partners.

With support from both their PhD supervisor and a host supervisor at one of Imperial’s partner institutions, PhD students can apply for funding from the Turing Scheme to spend between 1 and 3 months at the partner institution. You can find out more on this webpage. 

Postgraduate Taught (PGT) students undertaking an industrial or research placement abroad as part of their Master's degree in the can be considered for financial support from the Turing scheme towards the additional costs associated with undertaking a placement.

Your international placement must be an element of your Master's degree programme and must be confirmed by your host and be approved by your Imperial academic department. Please discuss available international opportunities with your department. 

Undergraduate students undertaking study abroad (either a year abroad or shorter period if approved by their department) as part of their undergraduate course can be considered for financial support from the Turing Scheme.

Please speak to your department about available international opportunities. 

Students undertaking a year in industry abroad as part of their undergraduate course can be considered for financial support from the Turing scheme towards the additional costs associated with undertaking a placement.

Please discuss available international opportunities with your department. 

Final year medical students undertaking a medical elective as an international placement, for a minimum of 28 days, and also meet one of the 'enhanced funding' criteria can be considered for financial support from the Turing scheme.

Students undertaking a UG final year project, or UG industrial placement abroad as part of your undergraduate course can be considered for financial support from the Turing scheme towards the additional costs associated with undertaking a placement.

Please speak to your department regarding available international opportunities.