
Top tips

  • View the property both day and night, ideally with a friend.
  • Time your journey and ensure you are comfortable with the commute
  • Are there current tenants who can give you an insight as to what the landlord is like?

Viewing the property

View a property before signing the contract; photographs are not a substitute for visiting a place yourself. It may be useful to take notes and photographs while you are there. Download our handy viewing checklist so you know whatto look out for the questions to ask.

If there are significant repairs to be made, or you ask for certain items to be supplied (eg, security lighting) not all landlords will be prepared to carry them out. In most cases you take the property as seen. It is for you to decide if the property suits you.

House graphic

What to consider

1. Your safety

2. Take a checklist

3. Questions

4. Take notes

Virtual viewings

Some landlords or agents are using different methods to viewings to showcase their properties. These include 360-degree tours, live video tours via WhatsApp, FaceTime, or Skype. Whilst this goes some way to showing you a property, this is not a substitute for the real thing. We would strongly advise caution against paying a holding deposit or signing a contract for a property you have not actually seen in person. 

We advise that you request a live virtual tour so that you can see the property in real time.

Top tip: Make sure you get any verbal promises in writing; your contract needs to have explicit terms (written in it) to manage the risks presented by the virus.

Reaching an agreement


Is the rent reasonable? Make sure you visit other similar properties in the area to make sure you are not being overcharged. You can also compare rents of similar properties online. 


Signing a contact is a legally binding document and your circumstances may change. If you are unsure that you can commit to the full contract term, you may be able to negotiate a break clause or a shorter contract.


If you have requested additional items to be included (eg. an extra desk) or works to be carried out prior to the start of the contract, you will need to get this confirmation in writing. 

Any promises made should be written in the holding deposit receipt and in the tenancy agreement.