Name: Riqi Zhang
Department: Centre for Environmental Policy

Student Programme Partner: Professional Progression

My Research: I am a fourth-year PhD student from CEP. The problem of global warming is imminent. I hope to achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions by looking at the energy sector, especially the biomass energy sector and the land use sector.

Why I applied for this particular SPP role: Scientific research points the way to how we can protect the environment, but only practice can truly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save our planet. I want to help students, especially those who are interested in climate change, to explore career opportunities in the industry and to help them utilise their talents in the industry to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Why I think professional development training is important: Students need to apply the knowledge in books to practical work, and even, some of the knowledge and skills have long been outdated. I would like to help students to better connect schools and enterprises and help them to better adapt to the future work demands.