Key Information
Tutor: Professor Laki Buluwela
Course Level: Level 2
- Wed 25 June 2025*, 14:00-16:00, South Kensington Campus
- Wed 09 July 2025*, 14:00-16:00, MS Teams
*bookable from Spring 2025
Postgraduate Research degrees invariably involve the submission of a report or dissertation, which is then used as the basis for an oral examination, the viva voce, or viva. Here, the examiners judge if the report meets Imperial standards, while also determining how well the candidate understands the work they have submitted. Importantly, this type of viva gives the candidate the opportunity to “defend” their work in an informed setting, while also being able to demonstrate their skills in participating in academic discussion. This workshop aims to equip research students with essential knowledge and effective techniques for engaging in, and preparing for their viva, while allowing them to maximize their experience. Through this, students will gain skills to confidently defend their research and navigate discussions with their examiners.
Course Information
The course content will be delivered through a combination of lecture presentations, interactive mentimeter session, and question & answer discussions.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course you will be able to:
- Describe the principal aims of the viva and how various viva structures achieve this
- Define the roles that examiners play in the viva process
- Explain the key strengths and limitations of your research project
- Explain the reasoning behind your experimental decision-making
- Describe “future research directions “ and “finishing off”
- Manage your expectations and respond to questions from the examiners
How to Book
Please select a date and book on via Inkpath using your Imperial Single-Sign-On.