Replacement degree certificates are only issued by Imperial in exceptional cases.
Degree certificates are issued in the full legal name as registered by Imperial at the point of award conferral. No change can be made to a student’s name after graduation unless the name change is related to a gender reassignment, in which case Imperial will need legal proof of name change such as a statutory declaration of name change or Deed Poll, prior to the re-issue of the degree award documentation. For further information, please contact the Student Records team at
It is expected that cases of non-receipt of the original degree award documentation will be raised with Imperial within 12 months of the award conferral date.
Requests for a replacement certificate can be made via Imperial's Alumni Request Form, which can be accessed via your Imperial email address and password. If you no longer have access, you will need to register online. Once you have registered, you will be able to access the Alumni Document From via the ASK customer facing service portal.
Graduates from 2020 onwards can access an e-copy of your certificate via the e-documents portal. Please see the DC Alumni Reference GuideDC Alumni Reference Guide for more information on logging in and accessing your online documents.
Please note that all Imperial College London degrees awarded prior to 2007 were conferred by the University of London. As a result, if you graduated prior to 2007, you are advised to contact the University of London directly to request a replacement degree certificate.