First Aid is the immediate management and treatment of serious illness or injury, to preserve life, prevent deterioration or promote recovery, It includes initial intervention to a serious condition, such as performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) prior to transfer to emergency services. The treatment of minor injuries which might not otherwise warrant professional treatment. First aid at work is focused on the management and treatment of adults who become unwell or injured in the workplace.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) applies similar principles to physical first aid, where a structured intervention helps identify, understand, and support someone experiencing a mental health issue. MHFAiders®are trained to listen, reassure, and respond, even in a crisis – and potentially stop a crisis from happening. They understand the warning signs of mental ill health and have the skills and confidence to approach and support someone while maintaining their safety. They also have a role in promoting positive well-being and tackling stigma.

The prime objective of the College Policy is that a trained first aider should be able to attend an incident on campus within 3 minutes of help being requested during normal working hours and within 10 minutes at other times.

The Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (amended) place a duty on employers to provide adequate first aid equipment, facilities, and personnel to their employees. While the obligation under these Regulations is directed at workers, Imperial College is committed to providing adequate first-aid personnel, equipment, and facilities to deal with ill health and injuries to students, staff, visitors, contractors, and members of the public while on Imperial College property.

This policy outlines arrangements for First Aid for physical injuries and illness and Mental Health First Aid (MHFA). While not explicitly included in The Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (amended), the HSE recommends extending arrangements to include Mental Health First Aid. This aligns with Imperial College working towards parity of esteem between Physical and Mental Health. 

  • Departments are responsible for organising first aid provision for their students, staff, and visitors to their department. 
  • Student Union Clubs and Societies are responsible for arrangements for their premises and events.
  • Occupational Health, People and Organisational Development (POD) and the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Centre (EDIC) provide advice to departments on first aid arrangements, organise training, liaison with coordinators and are responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of first aid arrangements across the College. 

Policy Guidance

1. Departmental Arrangements

1.1. Effective first aid provision relies on a number of factors, as well as: 

  • An adequate number of trained first aiders
  • First aid equipment

There has to be:

  • Local risk assessment to determine needs & resources
  • Local organisation of first aiders
  • Local display of information on how to obtain help
  • Periodic review of arrangements

1.2. Heads of Departments must appoint a First Aid Coordinator (FAC) to organise first aid within the department. The FAC must be allowed protected time, authority, and support to fulfil their responsibilities.

1.3. First Aid Coordinator: the person appointed should be willing to take on the role, have a good knowledge of departmental hazards to carry out risk assessments and preferably be a first aider. They need to be a member of the department's Health and Safety Committee. As Departmental Safety Managers have an overview of activities within a department, they may be best placed to undertake this role as part of their work.

1.4. A Frist Aid Coordinator will typically be responsible for:
Documenting and periodically reviewing the department's assessment of First Aid 

Monitoring numbers of first aiders so sufficient suitably trained first aiders are available

  • Assisting with the recruitment of departmental first aiders
  • Inducting new first aiders 
  • Communicating changes to arrangements with first aiders 
  • Organising, stocking and replenishment of first aid supplies 
  • Maintaining up-to-date notices on the local first aid arrangements (FAW and MHFA) 
  • Liaising with the Faculty Safety teams, Departmental Safety Officers and the College's central Health and Safety advisors and, where appropriate, Building Managers on first aid issues
  • Liaison with the Faculty Safety teams and Departmental Safety Officers to arrange supplementary training where this need is identified by local or fieldwork first aid risk assessment


2. First-Aiders

2.1. There are two categories of first aider who can respond to physical injury or illness:

  • First aiders (FAW) can provide first aid assistance in almost all situations likely to occur in the College
  • Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) trained staff can deal with immediate life-threatening conditions, including using an AED and the care of an unconscious casualty

In the guidance, the term ‘first aider’ refers to both fully FAW and EFAW-trained staff. 

2.1.2. First Aiders are trained to recognise and manage any immediate life-threatening condition. An EFAW first aider can safely look after a casualty and may refer to a FAW first aider if required.

2.1.3. First aiders must be allowed protected time to attend incidents and training. They should have easy access to a first aid kit and disposable gloves (Appendix 1). All first aiders should be contactable via email to distribute information on first aid issues. Arrangements should be made to pass on mailings to first aiders who do not have access to email.

2.1.4. Qualified physicians and nurses can act as  FAW-qualified first aiders without attending specific training courses. However, to be included as part of a department's complement of first aiders, a doctor or nurse must:

  • Be in clinical practice
  • Understand the limitations of the lack of monitoring equipment and emergency medicines. 
  • Be willing to attend incidents on request. 
  • Be aware of and comply with local first aid arrangements (location of equipment and reporting procedures) 
  • Be included on lists of first aiders. 
  • Maintain competency in resuscitation skills: regular attendance of a hospital BLS refresher training in accordance with local Trust policy will satisfy this requirement. 

2.2.1. Mental Health First Aid training has been categorised nationally to meet the needs of various groups; however, at Imperial College, the adult syllabus is delivered by accredited trainers using the MHFA England licenced materials. MHFAiders® must participate in 3 yearly refresher training, and ongoing CPD is provided.  

3. Recruitment of First Aiders

3.1. Personal qualities: to be an effective first aider (FAW, EFAW or MHFA), a person needs to be reliable, have good communication skills, able to stay calm in an emergency, have a good standard of personal hygiene and be fit enough to rapidly attend an incident and treat a person at floor level. Kindness and empathy are essential characteristics, especially for Mental Health First Aiders. The person must be willing to provide first aid to anyone at any time whilst at work and to attend training to obtain and retain their qualification. First Aiders must be available to provide in-person support. 

3.2. Recruitment: first aiders should be selected from easily contacted staff who are usually based in the area for which they are providing cover. Individuals likely to be long-term employees should be prioritised for training in preference to staff on short, fixed-term contracts. Students should only be recruited as first aiders where it proves impossible to recruit staff to meet a defined need. PhD candidates may be suitable if recruited early.

New employees should be asked at induction whether they are trained in First Aid at work and willing to act as first aider. If so, the department's First Aid Coordinator can arrange their induction. If appointed as a first aider, the First Aid Coordinator must notify the People and Organisational Development within six months of their requalification due date so training can be arranged.

New members of staff should be asked at induction whether they are trained in first aid and willing to act as a first aider. If so, their details should be passed on to the department’s first aid co-ordinator. If subsequently appointed as a first aider, the Learning and Development Centre should be notified so that the person's training can be included on their record and they can be recalled for refresher training.

4. Planning First-Aid Provision

4.1. Needs Assessment.

4.1.1. Departments must assess the first aid needs of the department. The First Aid Coordinator should usually undertake this in cooperation with the Departmental Safety Manager/Rep. The assessment and decisions taken based on it should be recorded. The Departmental First Aid Provision Tool is designed to record all aspects of the needs assessment. 

Where a department occupies more than one building, separate local assessments may be necessary. 

Assessments should consider:

  • the typical number of occupants
  • specific workplace and task hazards 
  • the building layout
  • other occupants 
  • normal hours of work 
  • availability of backup support on the campus or site
  • foreseeable absences of first aiders
  • Hybrid working arrangements

4.1.2. Outcome: The assessment should provide answers to:

  • How many first aiders are needed in the department?
  • Where are they needed?
  • Whether any need to be FAW-qualified?
  • Whether additional training is required?
  • What equipment is needed?
  • Where should equipment be located?
  • Where should notices & signs be posted?

4.1.3. Number of occupants. Students & visitor numbers should be taken into account when assessing needs.

For administrative and teaching activities, the minimum level of provision in any building should be two EFAW for the first fifty occupants, plus one EFAW for every additional hundred occupants. If higher numbers are needed to meet the three-minute response, additional persons should be trained as EFAW. Where there is no campus-wide arrangement for FAW-qualified first aider support (para 5.7), there should also be one FAW-qualified first aider always available per building. One additional FAW-qualified first aider should be appointed for every 200 additional occupants.

4.1.4. Hazards. In areas where activities with significant hazards take place, e.g., workshops, teaching laboratories, plant rooms, and kitchens, an EFAW should normally be available within the area. A FAW-trained first aider should be available within the building unless one can be reliably summoned from elsewhere to arrive within 10 minutes. The risk assessment should consider local Access Control requirements.

Specific arrangements may be necessary to cover work with unusual, hazardous substances, e.g., research work using toxins or dangerous pathogens: the person in charge of the work should address these in the COSHH assessment for the work, a FAW qualified person should be trained to respond to the specific hazards.  EFAW will usually be sufficient on hospital campuses unless the risk assessment identifies the area as high-risk or isolated.  The College Director of Occupational Health should be consulted for advice, and the First Aid Coordinator informed.

4.1.5. Building layout: Most buildings should have at least one EFAW on each floor or area-if divided into separate functional units. Where the design of an area or security measures may hamper access, additional first aiders may need to be appointed.

4.1.6. Lone working: when individuals seek approval for lone or out-of-hours working, arrangements for emergency support must be in place for summoning first aid assistance for that time of day (e.g. early morning, late evening, weekends). Campus Security may be the most reliable provider of first aid support.

4.17 Campus support: At South Kensington, the Security Emergency Response Team (ERT) will provide additional first aid support across campus buildings and the external environment. College Security Officers working on the St. Mary's, Brompton and Charing Cross campuses can provide limited support to first aiders. On most medical campuses, the associated hospital 'crash team' may be able to respond to a casualty requiring resuscitation. Details are given in Appendix 2

These arrangements may reduce the numbers of FAW-qualified first aiders needed within a department, e.g. on the South Kensington campus; most departments do not require more than one or two FAW-trained first aiders as the Security Emergency Response Team can be called upon to provide First Aid for a situation beyond the scope of a LifeSaver or provide additional support if a major incident with several casualties occurred. Supra-departmental arrangements will not usually reduce the number of EFAW required in a department.

4.1.8. Interdepartmental co-operation: Assessments should consider other occupants within a building. Cooperative working between members of different departments sharing a building will improve the effectiveness of first aid response; the arrangements should be agreed upon, recorded, and communicated.

This will apply in multi-department buildings across all campuses. The person undertaking the First Aid Needs Assessment from each department should ensure the agreement works in practice and is maintained. Responsibility for ensuring such arrangements are effective lies with the departments involved however the Building Manager has a role in coordinating the communications. 

First aid should be included as a standing agenda item for Building User Group meetings where departments can share information or concerns about first aid arrangements in their areas.

4.1.9. Foreseeable absences of first aiders: Hybrid working, holidays, sick leave, and work commitments away from the person's usual location must be considered when calculating levels of provision.

4.1.10. Numbers of first aiders. The number of appointed FAW’s, EFAWs and MHFAiders® should be no more than necessary to meet the College policy's objectives, considering the above factors and based on risk assessment. Appointing more first aiders than this may make it challenging to provide an effective first aid response: First Aider's skills may be lost through lack of opportunity to use them; annual refresher training may become impractical if the numbers of first aiders are excessive; first aid notices will require more frequent updating to remain accurate.

4.1.11. Review. A periodic review of the adequacy and effectiveness of emergency arrangements is integral to an effective health and safety management process. The review should be part of a department's annual health and safety inspection or conducted separately. Significant changes in a department's structure, e.g., a move into a new building or a new research group being set up, should provoke at least a partial review of first aid arrangements.

5. First-Aid Outside Departments

5.2.1. Fieldwork: 

Academic departments with fieldwork commitments on taught courses must assess first aid needs for these courses and ensure appropriate first cover arrangements are in place. Where the risk assessment considers the activity to be low risk and in areas where there is reliable access to the emergency services, at least one group leader must be EFAW trained but would benefit from additional training to confidently manage an emergency away from their usual place of work.  

Where fieldwork takes place in remote locations or where there may be a delay in obtaining help from emergency services (approximately 2 hours from emergency services), group leaders must attend a fieldwork first aid course and carry a fieldwork first aid kit.

Students should receive basic First Aid and personal safety training before being required to work in the field for significant periods away from immediate contact with a trained leader. Information on fieldwork safety can be found on the Safety webpage.  

Students and Fieldworkers must bring a sufficient supply of medication prescribed for managing existing medical conditions for the duration of the trip. They must advise the group leader of any situation where they may need assistance with the administration of medication or if they have a health condition which can cause sudden incapacity or otherwise require emergency assistance. Group leaders may refer to Occupational Health for advice on the support needs of students who make such declarations. Group leaders should not carry Prescription Only Medication (POM) for supply to a third party. If following risk assessment, it is considered necessary to maintain supplies of medicine; group leaders must refer to Occupational Health for advice on carrying over the counter (OTC) medications, which may be required to manage minor illnesses. If appropriate, arrangements may be made to prescribe Prescription Only Medication. 

Accidents and illnesses should be recorded on SALUS in the same way as onsite incidents. 

5.2.2 Sports Facilities: At least one first aider trained as an EFAW, plus additional training (or FAW) so that immediate care of sports injuries can be provided when sports activities premises are in official use. All persons employed as lifeguards should hold a recognised life-saving qualification and undergo requalification every two years.

5.2.3. Halls of Residence: Each hall of residence must always have a first aid kit. At least one member of the hall, trained as an EFAW, should be available at night and at weekends when occupied. Wardens and sub-wardens should attend an appropriate training course unless they already hold a valid first aid qualification and be prepared to provide first aid when in the hall.

Where it is impossible to provide adequate cover by training wardens and sub-wardens, students may be trained as EFAW to meet needs. A valid first aid qualification could be considered when assessing re-applicants. First Aid notices in halls should include information on how to obtain help when no trained first aid support is available. At the South Kensington Halls of Residence, help can be requested from Security.

Wardens are encouraged to engage with the MHFA training program to assist them in providing mental health support to students in halls of residence.  

5.2.4. Student Union Clubs: as part of the risk assessment process  Imperial College Union manages First Aid arrangements for offsite activities.

5.2.5. Event Management: Organisers of major events in College should ensure arrangements for first Aid comply with Health and Safety Executive HSG 195.

6. Equipment

6.1. First Aid Boxes  At least one first aid kit must be readily available in a building whilst the building is occupied. In large buildings, or where a building is occupied by more than one department, each department should maintain its equipment unless a single kit is held at a staffed reception desk for the building and can be quickly delivered to an incident. 

The contents should comply with Appendix 1 of the guidance. Sufficient materials should be to hand to cover the usual maximum occupancy of the area covered. 

College vehicles should carry a first aid kit.

6.2. An individual, preferably the First Aid Coordinator or a first aider, should be responsible for regularly checking and replenishing first aid kites. The department's first aid assessment should specify the frequency of checks and relate to the frequency with which supplies are used.

6.3. First aiders should each hold or have easy access to a stock of basic first aid dressings, gloves and materials for cleaning up after treatment of a casualty.

6.4. Hypoallergenic plasters should be available within areas where minor cuts or abrasions are common, e.g. workshops, kitchens, engineering laboratories or where covering wounds on exposed skin is a routine infection control measure, e.g. bio-medical laboratories and clinical areas.  It is possible to use a dispenser which can be easily checked. 

6.5. In commercial food preparation areas, only detectable (blue) plasters should be available.

6.6 No medication should be held in first aid kits or supplied by either FAW or EFAWs. HSE guidance states Aspirin may be administered if an individual is suspected of having a heart attack -however, it is not recommended that first aiders hold supplies of any tablets (prescribed or over the counter) in the first aid kit. First aiders may assist an individual take their medications, e.g., use of an "EpiPen", asthma inhaler or GTN spray; this is discussed during training.  

7. Automated External Defibrillator

7.1 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) are located on a number of campuses. While the UK Resuscitation Council guidelines indicate that training is not necessary to operate this equipment, training is considered best practice to improve confidence and optimise outcomes. On this basis AED training is incorporated into FAW and EFAW (and associated) courses. Where AED is provided in the workplace, it is work equipment to which the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 apply. Failure to maintain the equipment and to train persons in its use would be a breach of these Regulations.  

7.2 Location - AEDs have been located across all Imperial College-managed campuses, -however not all buildings will have an AEDOn South Kensington Campus, they are situated in buildings around the campus perimeter to allow access within 3 minutes. First Aiders should familiarise themselves with the location of their nearest AED as it may not be in their building. Security ERT will carry an AED to all First Aid calls 

7.3 If a risk assessment indicates an AED is necessary for a work activity, e.g. for work with high voltage equipment, departments may locate a device within their area. The equipment must be the same make and model as that provided centrally. Departmental AED must be registered with Occupational Health and Campus Security, who oversee the required operational checks and manage the registration of all AEDs on the London Ambulance Service's central databaseGuidance on the responsibilities of departments wishing to locate such equipment in their local area on this basis is outlined in Appendix 3. 

7.4 When requested to attend a "casualty" on Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust campuses, Resuscitation (CRASH)teams try to attend but do not usually carry equipment or medication. 

8. Information

8.1. Accurate, accessible information on obtaining First Aid is essential for an effective response.

8.2. All new staff, students and visitors in a department should be provided with information on obtaining first aid assistance at induction.  

8.3. First aid notices should be posted up in communal areas, e.g., lift lobbies, entrance halls and in areas where enquiries on where to find a first aider are likely, e.g., reception and messenger desks, general offices, notice boards, departmental websites 

8.4. Notices should be easily recognisable using the standard first aid symbol (a green cross) and provide information on: 

  • names of the nearest first aiders
  • room number and telephone number of first aiders within the building or department  
  • location of the nearest accessible first aid kit 
  • campus telephone numbers for obtaining emergency assistance
  • Arrangements for obtaining help outside normal hours, if different
  • telephone number for calling an ambulance

Suitable notices customised for use on each of the College’s campuses are available for download from the OH Service’s website.

8.5. Rooms occupied by first aiders or holding a first aid kit for general use should have an appropriate notice displayed outside the entrance door. 

8.6. All first aid notices should be regularly checked for accuracy and updated. 

8.7. All first aiders must be kept informed of changes in the location of other first aiders. EFAWs need to be specifically informed of how to obtain assistance from a FAW qualified First Aider.  

8.8. Details of local First Aid arrangements will be recorded on the First Aid Needs Assessment form found on the Occupational Health Department's Web pages 


9. Training

9.1.1 First Aid at Work. 

Imperial College First Aid Training providers offer nationally recognised and accredited qualifications and are registered with the First Aid Industry Body. 

All first aiders must either attend or provide evidence of having attended an accredited training course to be recognised as a first aider in the workplace. First aiders must attend and pass a refresher course one year following initial qualification and every three years thereafter to retain their certificate. 

People and Organisational Development (POD) organise all training for departmental first aiders; details are provided on the POD web pages. The First Aid Coordinator is responsible for booking training for candidates.  

9.1.2. The course for FAW-qualified first aiders follows the syllabus proscribed in the First Aid at Work Regulations for the award of a First Aid at Work certificate. The training consists of mandatory e-learning with one day’s practical training to meet the specified hours outlined in the First Aid Regulations 1981 (amended). 

9.1.3 The Emergency First Aid at Work (EFWA) syllabus covers first aid techniques and treatment of the casualty. It consists of 1 day’s practical training outlined in the First Aid Regulations 1981 (amended) 

9.1.4 The First Aid for Fieldwork course covers, in addition to the FAW qualified first aider course, the transport of casualties. Other courses, based on the EFAW course, provide additional training for groups with specific needs. Details are provided on the College Health and Safety training web pages. 

9.1.5  Individuals will confirm their participation and success to their First Aid Coordinators. 

9.1.6 POD can advise on providing additional first aid training identified in local first aid risk assessments.  

9.2 Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid England developed the syllabus for Mental Health First Aid, and Imperial College instructors deliver this as Adult Mental Health First Aid.

All MHFAiders® must either attend or provide evidence of having attended an accredited training course to be recognised as a MHFAider® in the workplace. MHFAiders® are required to attend a refresher session every three years to retain their qualification.  

 Equality Diversity and Inclusion Centre (EDIC) organise all training for departmental MHFAiders®; details are provided on the EDIC web pages. The First Aid Coordinator is responsible for booking training for candidates.  



10. Accessing First Aid

10.1.  If someone is injured or unwell and needs help, the nearest first aider should be contacted and asked to attend. The first aider will assess the situation, provide help, request assistance from other first aiders if necessary, and stay with the casualty until recovered or arrangements for further care if needed are made. Arrangements for assistance from outside a department will vary between college sites. (Appendix 2- campus specific arrangements) 

10.2. If attempts to summon a first aider fail, then the casualty should be assisted to get to the nearest hospital Accident and Emergency department. Failure to obtain an adequate first aid response should be reported as a 'dangerous occurrence'.  

10.3. Ambulances and crash teams should be called, if needed, following campus-specific arrangements detailed in Appendix 2. 

11. Obtaining Further Help

11.1. Crash Teams: Help from hospital crash teams, where available, should be requested only where a casualty requires resuscitation, i.e. where breathing or circulation is thought to have stopped. 

11.2. Medical support: When a first aider (FAW, EFAW, MHFAider®) thinks that a person needs urgent medical treatment for physical injury, illness or mental health crisis, the first aider should arrange for the person to be transferred to the nearest hospital accident and emergency department with the support of College Security using the Safe Zone® app or the local emergency number. At South Kensington campus, Security can seek assistance from the Imperial College Health Centre (NHS Practice) during their hours of operation. 

11.3. Ambulance: When an ambulance is needed to take a person to hospital, it should be called in accordance with the guidance in Appendix 2. A first aider (FAW, EFAW, MHFAider®) should remain with the person until the ambulance arrives. 

12. Record Keeping

12.1. Where FAW and EFAW training is organised by POD, records of individual's participation and qualifications are maintained on the Oracle Learning Management system (OLM). This facilitates the recall of individuals for requalification in good time before their qualification expires. Where training is arranged within departments, First Aid Coordinators can request access to the OLM database to record this training and to use the "recall" functionality of the software. 

12.2. Where MHFA training is organised by EDIC records are also maintained on the OLM, and access can be given to FAC’s as above. 

12.3. Assessment: A written record of the current departmental First Aid Needs Assessment should inform resourcing and be kept for reference and as evidence of effective Health and Safety Management. 

12.4. First Aid:  Accidents and illness must be reported through SALUS, the online reporting portal located on the Safety webpages as well as the usual details of the accident (if appropriate), the name of the person giving first aid and summary details of the treatment provided, must be recorded. Failure to obtain first aid support when required must be reported as a dangerous occurrence. 

12.5. MHFAiders® use their skills as part of their everyday encounters with the community; it can be difficult to discern what constitutes an interaction. MHFAiders® are expected to record interactions with members of the community when they have used their ALGEE assessment skills and signposted for professional assistance (Student Counselling and Mental Health, Occupational Health, Confidential Care, GP) using the template provided by the MHFA instructors or other method of conversation logging developed by MHFA England. 



Appendix 1 - First Aid Equipment

The First Aid Needs Assessment will inform what items should be included in the first aid kit. The contents of British Standard Kit BS8599-1 will contain more than what is required in most working environments at Imperial College. 

The following is a suggestion from the HSE guidance for the minimum contents for low-risk environments  

1 HSE first aid treatment guidance leaflet
20 individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted
sizes), appropriate to the type of work (waterproof/fabric/hypoallergenic as
2 sterile eye pads
2 Individually wrapped triangular bandages,
preferably sterile
2 large sterile individually wrapped, unmedicated wound dressings. 
6 medium-sized sterile, individually wrapped, unmedicated wound dressings.
3+ pairs of disposable gloves nitrile /vinyl  

1. Adhesive plaster dispensers
Where minor cuts and grazes are the most common accident, wall-mounted dispensers may be useful. Most allow a single dressing to be dispensed for immediate use which can assist will stock control -they can be easily checked and restocked. 

2. Adhesive plasters for catering outlets
Plasters available in food preparation areas must be of the high visibility (blue) type.

3. Heath or chemical burns
Irrigation with cool running water continues to be the treatment of choice. Local risk assessment should inform the need for any additional item and these items must be checked for expiry dates. If there is a credible risk of liquid burns and no access to running water, advice should be sought on the procurement of burns dressings. These items must be disposed of if opened and must not be used beyond their expiry date. 

4. Eye wash bottles
Mains tap wate is recommended when eye irrigation is necessary. Eye wash stations in laboratory/workshop areas should be vleaned and periodically checked.


Special eye wash bottles are only needed where this is not readily available. These should provide at least a litre of sterile water or sterile normal saline (0.9%) in sealed disposable containers once the seal has been broken; the containers should not be kept for reuse. The container should not be used after the expiry date. 

5. Spillage Kits
A kit for clearing up and disinfecting spillages of blood or other body fluids must be available in every building.  Kits should contain absorbent granules, a disinfectant (unless incorporated in the granules), gloves and a scoop for picking up the granules. A number of suitable kits are commercially available. 

6. Medication
No medication or treatments should be contained within a first aid box.

7. Gloves
There should be an ample supply of non-latex gloves in a size large enough to accommodate local first aiders.

8. Ice
Ice is very useful in reducing swelling and discomfort for bruises and musculoskeletal injuries. Gel ice packs are commercially available and can be stored in a freezer where there is no risk of contamination from food or chemicals. Alternatively chemical ice packs while expensive may be helpful for some fieldwork activities. Ice packs must not be applied directly to the skin.

Appendix 2 - Campus Specific arrangements – web link as updated periodically:

Campus Specific arrangements – web link as updated periodically 


Appendix 3 - Arrangements for Procurement of Departmental Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), AED Algorithm and key skills.

Arrangements for Provision of Departmental Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), AED Algorithm and key skills
If a risk assessment indicates an AED is necessary for a specific work activity, e.g. for work with high voltage equipment, departments may locate a device within their area. The equipment must be the same make and model as that provided centrally. Departmental AED must be registered with Occupational Health and Campus Security, who oversee the required operational checks.  

1. Procurement: AED should be the standard make and model as supplied centrally - First aiders will have been trained to use this and this familiarity will assist them in an emergency situation. Ongoing costs of replacing batteries and pads should be calculated when acquiring an AED; the First Aid Coordinator will be aware who has authority to order consumables [pads andbattery] after use or expiry, 1 set of replacement battery and pads should be ordered if used or expired.  

2. Liaison: register  the AED with the College Security - it may save time if members of the Emergency Response Team are aware of its location.

3. Location: The AED should be in an area where it can be accessed quickly without hindrance and where it will be highly visible to staff and students.  The Resuscitation Council state that vandalism or theft of AEDs in public places is 'minimal' however a daily check that it is in place will also be useful. 

4. Registration on The Circuit - the British Heart Foundations' national defibrillator database provides NHS ambulance services with information about defibrillator locations across the UK so that in those crucial moments after a cardiac arrest, they can be accessed quickly to help save lives. 

5. Checks and Maintenance:  Responsibility for ensuring that the AED checks must be delegated by the First Aid Coordinator; weekly and monthly visual checks must be recorded. If faulty, repairs should be arranged ASAP [to be returned to the supplier under warranty].   

6. Reporting: There needs to be information on the AED about reporting any use to the responsible person. There are specific after-use checks, even when the unit has only been used to assess a casualty without delivery of shocks. 

7. Training: No specific training is required to use an AED; however the Resuscitation Council and HSE recommend training be provided. The use of an AED is incorporated into all College first aid courses, but specific training is not part of the First Aid at Work syllabus. LAS has produced a short training film 

AED Algorithm

Appendix 4 - Recommended Content of First Aid Courses for Fieldwork Activities

Recommended Content of First Aid Courses for Fieldwork Activities

  • Emergency First Aid at Work syllabus plus
  • Fieldwork planning
  • Search and rescue
  • Site assessment, communication and delegation
  • First Aid kits for fieldwork
  • Relevance & application of CPR in remote areas
  • Recognising and treating illness and injuries
  • Shock - types, treatment and importance when help is delayed
  • Use of  improvised splints, and  commercially available splints
  • Moving injured patients
  • Typical illnesses
  • Environmental problems: heat, cold, altitude sickness
  • Reporting of accidents at work