Unite is Britain's biggest union with 1.42 million members working in both the public and private sectors, employed by universities, NHS, non-profit making organisations, IT companies and the service sector.

At Imperial College Unite represents technical, professional and support service staff and also biomedical and nursing staff on our medical sites.

Unite negotiates with the College to improve pay, terms and conditions and to ensure fair and equal treatment for staff.

Branch Chair

Trevor Stickland (interim)

Branch Secretary

 Antonio Mateiro        

Further information

More information about Unite and further services provided for Unite members, including how to join Unite the Union, visit the Unite website.

Joining and membership

You can register and join Unite the Union directly via the Unite website here.


What members can expect from their officers and reps

  1. Members can expect basic advice from day 1 of membership, but representation  requires one to have been a member in good standing for at least one month, and for the issue that requires representation to have begun after joining the Union. Exceptions will be made for health and safety issues only. 
  2. For the purpose of appropriate triage of requests for support, members should contact unite@imperial.ac.uk and can normally  expect a response within two to four business days of writing. Please contact the Unite shared mailbox rather than individual representatives when raising a new issue, and please include your membership number and the date the incident or problem started in your email.
  3. Members are reminded that representatives are volunteers with competing responsibilities. When we are receiving many requests for support we may have to prioritise providing support based on factors such as the seriousness of the issue at hand. 
  4. When contacting representatives, please review your employment contract. This is helpful in our providing support.

Do consider whether you have written examples - e.g. emails, letters, other messages - that will provide evidence of the issue(s) for which you are seeking representation and support. If you are able to provide minutes from meetings, or written witness statements from others who have observed the activity, this can also be useful evidence. 

Keeping a diary of events and how these impacted you - personally and professionally - is also an effective way to ensure some documentation of evidence of issues. 


Strike action ballots 2022-23

In response to the local pay dispute between the Joint Trade Unions (JTU) and Imperial College London management in 2022-23, Unite balloted members about their wishes to take strike action against the College.

These ballots took place in September-October 2022, and March-April 2023. The results are as follows:

Closing date Turnout Votes for strike action Votes against strike action
18 October 2022 51.72% 79.05% 20.95%
24 April 2023 64.81% 92.14% 7.86%