Wednesday 11 March 2015
Student Union
Beit Quad
South Kensington campus
To complement the afternoon programme, 'break-in' workshops were held for students and staff during the morning in the Imperial College Union.
Unpacking the idea of 'students as partners'
Workshop aims
- To share ideas for engaging students as partners
- To gain insight and learn from both student and staff perspectives
- To critically consider the value of student-staff partnerships
- To explore the challenges of student-staff partnerships
Workshop programme
Introduction: unpacking the idea of students as partners - Professor Mick Healey
There is abundant evidence that the most effective higher education environments are ones in which students are diligently involved as part of a community of learners. As part of this engagement, they work together with academics to enhance teaching, assure quality and maintain standards. In these contexts, they understand themselves as active partners with academic staff in a process of continual improvement of the learning experience. (Ramsden 2008, 16)
This interactive introductory session was designed to help participants to answer the question: ‘What do we mean by students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education?’. A model for framing the debate was proposed along with a set of principles for engaging students in partnerships.
Parallel sessions:
Three parallel sessions created opportunity for students and staff to discuss:
- Students as partners in programme design
- Students as partners in assessment and feedback
- Students as partners in research
Who was this aimed at?
Imperial students and staff who want to learn more about how they can work in partnership in the areas of programme design, assessment and feedback, and research, and who want to contribute to future development across the College.