Booking forms can be accessed from each course entry in the Course programme

Internal Delegates

  • Courses with charges should be made through your Departmental Safety Officer (DSO)
  • Courses without charges may be booked by internal members of staff
  • Late applications

All courses with charges should be made through your Departmental Safety Officer (DSO). For all these courses (or those with cancellation fees), you must supply us with a GL code with the registration application. We cannot accept forms without this code (and, indeed, you will not be able to submit them).
Please use the Third Party booking form.

All Courses without charges may be booked by individual staff members, but you should confirm your attendance with your Departmental Safety Officer first.

Late applications - If the course you wish to join is less than 24 hours away, there are places available and you cannot get to a computer to submit the form, please contact us on x48838, having confirmed your attendance with your local Safety Officer.

All First Aid course bookings should be made through your local First Aid Coordinator.
Please use the Third Part booking form.

All bookings must be made via an online booking form. Please do not email requests; we will refer you to this website.

External Delegates

When you have selected your course, please follow the relevant link for external delegates. You will then be able to download the appropriate forms. External applicants will be invoiced before the course date.
If you have any queries about payments, etc., please contact Eric Miranda at

General Terms and Conditions of Booking

Data Protection

Participants' names and departments/divisions/faculties will be made available to other attendees on the same workshop. Participants' data are stored in a database to record workshop attendance, provide statistical information, and maintain individuals' and faculty/departmental/divisional training records.
Individuals' training records will be available to managers in the individual's faculty/department/division, appropriate administrative divisions and HR, all within Imperial, if requested.