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  • Conference paper
    Pickering JC, Smillie DG, Thorne AP, Nave G, Blackwell-Whitehead R, Smith PLet al., 2009,

    Atomic spectroscopy for astrophysics applications by high resolution UV and VUV fourier transform spectrometry

    Accurate high resolution UV/VUV atomic data are required for interpretation of astrophysical spectra acquired by modern spectrographs on astronomical telescopes. Atomic spectroscopy studies by high resolution Fourier Transform spectrometry at Imperial College are described. © 2009 Optical Society of America.

  • Conference paper
    Blackie D, Pickering JC, Rufus J, Thorne A, Blackwell-Whitehead R, Stark G, Smith PLet al., 2009,

    High resolution UV photoabsorption cross sections of SO<inf>2</inf> at 198 K, 213-325 nm

    High resolution measurements of SO2 photoabsorption cross-sections at 198K between 213-325nm are presented, together with an outline of planned measurements of spectra of SO2 isotopologues with applications in the study of the ancient Earth atmosphere. © 2009 OSA.

  • Conference paper
    Cox C, Green P, Pickering J, Murray J, Harries J, Last Aet al., 2009,

    Modelling of the beamsplitter properties within the tropospheric airborne fourier transform spectrometer (TAFTS) and associated effect on instrument calibration

    A polarising far infrared spectrometer has been simulated to investigate the effect of Mylar substrates on polarisers. Procedural errors were found to the calibration in certain spectral regions. Comparisons with laboratory measurements are discussed. © 2009 Optical Society of America.

  • Conference paper
    Cox C, Humpage N, Green P, Pickering J, Harries J, Taylor J, Baran A, Last A, Murray Jet al., 2009,

    Investigations of cirrus in the far infrared with the tropospheric airborne fourier transform spectrometer (TAFTS)

    An overview of the results of recent field campaigns performed with the Tropospheric Airborne Fourier Transform Spectrometer (TAFTS) to study the radiative properties of cirrus in the far infrared spectral region is presented. © 2009 Optical Society of America.

  • Conference paper
    Wimmer-Schweingruber RF, McNutt R, Fahr H, Fichtner H, Heber B, Mall U, Mann I, Marsch E, Glassmeier KH, Kunow H, Klecker B, Woch J, Srama R, Scherer K, Witte M, Droege W, Leipold M, Mannheim K, Schlickeiser R, Wurz P, Bochsler P, Steiger RV, Geiss J, Lallement R, Bougeret JL, Quemerais E, Maksimovic M, Briand C, Bruno R, Bavassano B, Zimbardo G, Velli M, Sorriso-Valvo L, Casolino M, Rucker H, Breitschwerdt D, Hansteen V, Lie-Svendsen O, Horbury T, Balogh A, Forsyth R, Krimigis S, Torsti J, Kocharov L, Valtonen E, Kyrölä E, Janhunen P, Laitinen T, Schmidt W, Ratkiewicz R, Czechowski A, Bzowski M, Barabash S, Izmodenov V, Baranov VB, Malama YG, Chalov S, Alexashov D, Kolesnikov I, Provornikova E, Yermolaev Y, Panasyuk M, Zank G, Moebius E, Zurbuchen T, Mason G, Hill ME, Mazur J, Gloeckler G, Mewaldt R, Lee M, Liewer P, Lin R, Bale S, McComas D, Funsten H, Schwadron N, Opher M, Allegrini F, Le Roux J, Desai M, Frisch P, Fuselier S, Gruntman M, Trattner KH, Slavin J, Burger A, Potgieter M, Ferreira S, Cairns I, Sreenivasan S, Ip Wet al., 2009,

    The interstellar heliopause probe: Heliospheric boundary explorer mission to the interstellar medium

    , Pages: 17-24, ISSN: 0167-9295

    The Sun, driving a supersonic solar wind, cuts out of the local interstellar medium a giant plasma bubble, the heliosphere. ESA, jointly with NASA, has had an important role in the development of our current understanding of the Suns' immediate neighborhood. Ulysses is the only spacecraft exploring the third, out-of-ecliptic dimension, while SOHO has allowed us to better understand the influence of the Sun and to image the glow of interstellar matter in the heliosphere. Voyager 1 has recently encountered the innermost boundary of this plasma bubble, the termination shock, and is returning exciting yet puzzling data of this remote region. The next logical step is to leave the heliosphere and to thereby map out in unprecedented detail the structure of the outer heliosphere and its boundaries, the termination shock, the heliosheath, the heliopause, and, after leaving the heliosphere, to discover the true nature of the hydrogen wall, the bow shock, and the local interstellar medium beyond. This will greatly advance our understanding of the heliosphere that is the best-known example for astrospheres as found around other stars. Thus, IHP/HEX will allow us to discover, explore, and understand fundamental astrophysical processes in the largest accessible plasma laboratory, the heliosphere. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009.

  • Journal article
    Czaja A, 2009,

    Atmospheric Control on the Thermohaline Circulation

    , JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, Vol: 39, Pages: 234-247, ISSN: 0022-3670
  • Journal article
    Kleindienst G, Glassmeier K-H, Simon S, Dougherty MK, Krupp Net al., 2009,

    Quasiperiodic ULF-pulsations in Saturn's magnetosphere

    , ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, Vol: 27, Pages: 885-894, ISSN: 0992-7689
  • Journal article
    Edberg NJT, Auster U, Barabash S, Boesswetter A, Brain DA, Burch JL, Carr CM, Cowley SWH, Cupido E, Duru F, Eriksson AI, Fraenz M, Glassmeier K-H, Goldstein R, Lester M, Lundin R, Modolo R, Nilsson H, Richter I, Samara M, Trotignon JGet al., 2009,

    Rosetta and Mars Express observations of the influence of high solar wind pressure on the Martian plasma environment

    , ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, Vol: 27, Pages: 4533-4545, ISSN: 0992-7689
  • Journal article
    Voulgarakis A, Wild O, Savage NH, Carver GD, Pyle JAet al., 2009,

    Clouds, photolysis and regional tropospheric ozone budgets

    , ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, Vol: 9, Pages: 8235-8246, ISSN: 1680-7316
  • Journal article
    Voulgarakis A, Savage NH, Wild O, Carver GD, Clemitshaw KC, Pyle JAet al., 2009,

    Upgrading photolysis in the p-TOMCAT CTM: model evaluation and assessment of the role of clouds

    , GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, Vol: 2, Pages: 59-72, ISSN: 1991-959X
  • Book chapter
    Dougherty MK, Coustenis A, Lorenz RD, 2009,

    Titan Beyond Cassini-Huygens

    , TITAN FROM CASSINI-HUYGENS, Editors: Brown, Lebreton, Waite, Publisher: SPRINGER, Pages: 479-488, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9214-5
  • Conference paper
    Petrukovich AA, Baumjohann W, Nakamura R, Runov A, Balogh A, Reme Het al., 2009,

    Scales in a thinning plasma sheet

    , International Conference on Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations, Publisher: AMER INST PHYSICS, Pages: 1-+, ISSN: 0094-243X
  • Book chapter
    Sator N, Hietala H, 2009,

    Damage in impact fragmentation

    , Iutam Bookseries, Publisher: Springer Netherlands, Pages: 355-362, ISBN: 9789048197590
  • Book chapter
    Nagy AF, Kliore AJ, Mendillo M, Miller S, Moore L, Moses JI, Mueller-Wodarg I, Shemansky Det al., 2009,

    Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere of Saturn

    , SATURN FROM CASSINI-HUYGENS, Editors: Dougherty, Esposito, Krimigis, Publisher: SPRINGER, Pages: 181-201, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9216-9
  • Book chapter
    Dougherty MK, Esposito LW, Krimigis SM, 2009,

    Saturn from Cassini-Huygens Overview

    , SATURN FROM CASSINI-HUYGENS, Editors: Dougherty, Esposito, Krimigis, Publisher: SPRINGER, Pages: 1-8, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9216-9
  • Book chapter
    Hubbard WB, Dougherty MK, Gautier D, Jacobson Ret al., 2009,

    The Interior of Saturn

    , SATURN FROM CASSINI-HUYGENS, Editors: Dougherty, Esposito, Krimigis, Publisher: SPRINGER, Pages: 75-81, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9216-9
  • Book chapter
    Guillot T, Atreya S, Charnoz S, Dougherty MK, Read Pet al., 2009,

    Saturn's Exploration Beyond Cassini-Huygens

    , SATURN FROM CASSINI-HUYGENS, Editors: Dougherty, Esposito, Krimigis, Publisher: SPRINGER, Pages: 745-761, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9216-9
  • Book chapter
    Vlahos L, Cargill P, 2009,

    Turbulence in Space Plasmas Preface

    , TURBULENCE IN SPACE PLASMAS, Editors: Vlahos, Cargill, Publisher: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Pages: VII-VIII, ISBN: 978-3-642-00209-0
  • Book chapter
    Cargill PJ, 2009,

    Coronal Magnetism: Difficulties and Prospects

    , ORIGIN AND DYNAMICS OF SOLAR MAGNETISM, Editors: Thompson, Balogh, Culhane, Nordlund, Solanki, Zahn, Publisher: SPRINGER, Pages: 413-+, ISBN: 978-1-4419-0238-2
  • Book chapter
    Vlahos L, Krucker S, Cargill P, 2009,

    The Solar Flare: A Strongly Turbulent Particle Accelerator

    , TURBULENCE IN SPACE PLASMAS, Editors: Vlahos, Cargill, Publisher: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Pages: 157-221, ISBN: 978-3-642-00209-0
  • Book chapter
    Strobel DF, Atreya SK, Bezard B, Ferri F, Flasar FM, Fulchignoni M, Lellouch E, Mueller-Wodarg Iet al., 2009,

    Atmospheric Structure and Composition

    , TITAN FROM CASSINI-HUYGENS, Editors: Brown, Lebreton, Waite, Publisher: SPRINGER, Pages: 235-257, ISBN: 978-1-4020-9214-5
  • Conference paper
    Bantges RJ, Russell JE, Harries JE, Brindley HEet al., 2009,

    A Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget Dataset For Climate Research: First Intercomparison Results Between Data From the GERB-1 &-2 Instruments

    , International Radiation Symposium (IRC/IAMAS), Publisher: AMER INST PHYSICS, Pages: 513-516, ISSN: 0094-243X
  • Journal article
    Simon S, Motschmann U, Kleindienst G, Saur J, Bertucci CL, Dougherty MK, Arridge CS, Coates AJet al., 2009,

    Titan's plasma environment during a magnetosheath excursion: Real-time scenarios for Cassini's T32 flyby from a hybrid simulation

    , ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, Vol: 27, Pages: 669-685, ISSN: 0992-7689
  • Journal article
    Du J, Wang C, Zhang TL, Volwerk M, Carr Cet al., 2009,

    Mirror waves and mode transition observed in the magnetosheath by Double Star TC-1

    , ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, Vol: 27, Pages: 351-355, ISSN: 0992-7689
  • Book chapter
    Haigh JD, 2009,

    Solar variability and climate

    , The Oxford Companion to Global Change, Editors: Cuff, Goodie, Publisher: OUP, Pages: 563-567, ISBN: 9780195324884
  • Conference paper
    Brindley HE, Russell JE, 2009,

    The Direct Cloud-free Longwave Radiative Effect of Saharan Dust as observed by the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) Experiment

    , International Radiation Symposium (IRC/IAMAS), Publisher: AMER INST PHYSICS, Pages: 521-524, ISSN: 0094-243X
  • Conference paper
    Baumjohann W, Horbury T, Schwartz S, Canu P, Louarn P, Fujimoto M, Nakamura R, Owen C, Roux A, Vaivads Aet al., 2009,

    The Cross-Scale Mission

    , International Conference on Future Perspectives of Space Plasma and Particle Instrumentation and International Collaborations, Publisher: AMER INST PHYSICS, Pages: 25-+, ISSN: 0094-243X
  • Journal article
    Savani NP, Rouillard AP, Davies JA, Owens MJ, Forsyth RJ, Davis CJ, Harrison RAet al., 2009,

    The radial width of a Coronal Mass Ejection between 0.1 and 0.4 AU estimated from the Heliospheric Imager on STEREO

    , ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, Vol: 27, Pages: 4349-4358, ISSN: 0992-7689
  • Conference paper
    Humpage N, Green PD, Harries JE, 2009,

    Far-infrared Spectral Radiance Observations and Modeling of Arctic Cirrus: Preliminary Results From RHUBC

    , International Radiation Symposium (IRC/IAMAS), Publisher: AMER INST PHYSICS, Pages: 466-469, ISSN: 0094-243X
  • Journal article
    Osman KT, Horbury TS, 2009,

    Multi-spacecraft measurement of anisotropic power levels and scaling in solar wind turbulence

    , ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, Vol: 27, Pages: 3019-3025, ISSN: 0992-7689

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