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  • Conference paper
    Carr CE, Schwartz SJ, Rosenberg I, 2002,

    A wearable computer for support of astronaut extravehicular activity

    , Pages: 23-30, ISSN: 1550-4816

    A wearable situational awareness terminal (WearSAT) that provides text, graphics, and video to an astronaut via a near-eye display, and acts as a client on a wireless network, has the potential to enhance the ability of astronauts to perform useful work and cope with uncertainty during extravehicular activity (EVA). An initial implementation is described, including the supporting network architecture, a hardware prototype, and the results of experimentation with a space suit to assess packaging options and evaluate a near-eye display for compatibility with EVA tasks. Operational scenarios are used to derive requirements for software development.

  • Journal article
    Cheung ASC, Lo DHY, Leung KWS, Yoshino K, Thorne AP, Murray JE, Ito K, Matsui T, Imajo Tet al., 2002,

    The application of a vacuum ultraviolet Fourier transform spectrometer and synchrotron radiation source to measurements of:: IV.: The β(6,0) and γ(3,0) bands of NO

    , JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol: 116, Pages: 155-161, ISSN: 0021-9606
  • Journal article
    Pickering JC, Thorne AP, Perez R, 2002,

    Oscillator strengths of transitions in Ti II in the visible and ultraviolet regions (vol 132, pg 403, 2001)

    , ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL SUPPLEMENT SERIES, Vol: 138, Pages: 247-248, ISSN: 0067-0049
  • Journal article
    Haigh JD, 2002,

    The chemistry and physics of stratospheric ozone by A. Dessler (Book review)

    , Contemporary Physics, Vol: 43, Pages: 234-234, ISSN: 0010-7514
  • Conference paper
    Schwartz SJ, 2002,

    Cluster makes good progress

    , London, PPARC Annual Report 2001-2002, Publisher: PPARC, Pages: 36-37
  • Journal article
    Czaja A, Frankignoul C, 2002,

    Observed impact of Atlantic SST anomalies on the North Atlantic oscillation

    , JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, Vol: 15, Pages: 606-623, ISSN: 0894-8755
  • Conference paper
    Millward GH, Miller S, Aylward AD, Müller-Wodarg ICF, Achilleos Net al., 2002,

    Thermospheric general circulation models for the giant planets:: The Jupiter case

    , Yosemite Conference on Comparative Aeronomy in the Solar System, Publisher: AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, Pages: 289-298, ISSN: 0065-8448
  • Conference paper
    Green P, Murray J, Harries J, Last A, Pickering Jet al., 2002,

    Clear-sky radiance measurements from the far-ir tafts instrument during emerald 2001

    , Boston, 11th conference on atmospheric radiation, Ogden, Utah, 3 - 7 June 2002, Publisher: American Meteorological Society, Pages: 94-95
  • Book chapter
    Horbury TS, Balogh A, Dunlop DW, Cargill PJ, Lucek EA, Oddy T, Brown P, Carr C, Fornacon KH, Georgescu Eet al., 2002,

    Cluster magnetic field observations of magnetospheric boundaries

    , Earth's low-latitude boundary layer, Editors: Newell, Onsager, Newell, Onsager, Newell, Onsager, Newell, Onsager, Newell, Onsager, Washington D.C., Publisher: American Geophysical Union, ISBN: 9780875909929
  • Conference paper
    Balogh A, 2002,

    Magnetic fields in the heliosphere at solar minimum and solar maximum

    , San Francisco, Workshop on the evolving sun and its influence on planetary environments, Granada, Spain, 18 - 20 June 2001, Publisher: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Pages: 37-71
  • Conference paper
    Müller-Wodarg D, 2002,

    Johann Heinrich!von Thunen and Carl!Pogge

    , Conference on Thuenen Ideas in Theory and Practice, Publisher: LANDWIRTSCHAFTSVERLAG GMBH, Pages: 152-156, ISSN: 0005-9080
  • Conference paper
    Green P, Murray J, Harries J, Last A, Pickering Jet al., 2002,

    Clear-sky radiance measurements from the far-ir tafts instrument during emerald 2001

    , Boston, 11th conference on atmospheric radiation, Ogden, Utah, 3 - 7 June 2002, Publisher: American Meteorological Society, Pages: 94-95
  • Conference paper
    Green P, Murray J, Harries J, Last A, Pickering Jet al., 2002,

    Clear-sky radiance measurements from the far-ir tafts instrument during emerald 2001

    , Boston, 11th conference on atmospheric radiation, Ogden, Utah, 3 - 7 June 2002, Publisher: American Meteorological Society, Pages: 94-95
  • Conference paper
    Müller-Wodarg ICF, 2002,

    The application of general circulation models to the atmospheres of terrestrial-type moons of the giant planets

    , Yosemite Conference on Comparative Aeronomy in the Solar System, Publisher: AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, Pages: 307-318, ISSN: 0065-8448
  • Journal article
    Johansson S, Derkatch A, Donnelly MP, Hartman H, Hibbert A, Karlsson H, Kock M, Li ZS, Leckrone DS, Litzén U, Lundberg H, Mannervik S, Norlin LO, Nilsson H, Pickering J, Raassen T, Rostohar D, Royen P, Schmitt A, Johanning M, Sikström CM, Smith PL, Svanberg S, Wahlgren GMet al., 2002,

    The FERRUM Project:: New <i>f</i>-value data for FeII and astrophysical applications

    , PHYSICA SCRIPTA, Vol: T100, Pages: 71-80, ISSN: 0031-8949
  • Conference paper
    Cargill PJ, 2002,

    Coupling models of disparate physical processes in the solar corona: the case of fragmented energy release

    , 2200 Ag Noordwijk, Euroconference/IAU Colloquium 188 on magnetic coupling of the solar atmosphere, Santorini, Greece, 11 - 15 June 2002, Publisher: ESA Publications Division C/O Estec, Pages: 245-251
  • Journal article
    Blanc M, Bolton S, Bradley J, Burton M, Cravens TE, Dandouras I, Dougherty MK, Festou MC, Feynman J, Johnson RE, Gombosi TG, Kurth WS, Liewer PC, Mauk BH, Maurice S, Mitchell D, Neubauer FM, Richardson JD, Shemansky DE, Sittler EC, Tsurutani BT, Zarka P, Esposito LW, Grün E, Gurnett DA, Kliore AJ, Krimigis SM, Southwood D, Waite JH, Young DTet al., 2002,

    Magnetospheric and plasma science with Cassini-Huygens

    , SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, Vol: 104, Pages: 253-346, ISSN: 0038-6308
  • Conference paper
    Schwartz SJ, 2002,

    Cluster's cornucopie of results

    , London, PPARC Frontiers Issue 14, Publisher: PPARC
  • Journal article
    Haigh JD, 2002,

    Radiative forcing of climate change

    , Weather, Vol: 57, Pages: 278-282, ISSN: 0043-1656
  • Book chapter
    Muller-Wodarg ICF, 2002,

    The application of general circulation models to the atmospheres of terrestrial-type moons of the giant planets

    , Atmospheres in the solar system: comparative aeronomy, Editors: Mendillo, Nagy, Waite, Washington D.C., Publisher: American Geophysical Union, Pages: 307-318, ISBN: 9780875909899
  • Journal article
    Labitzke K, Austin J, Butchart N, Knight J, Takahashi M, Nakamoto M, Nagashima T, Haigh J, Williams Vet al., 2002,

    The global signal of the 11-year solar cycle in the stratosphere: observations and models

    , Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics, Vol: 64, Pages: 203-210, ISSN: 1364-6826
  • Book chapter
    Galand M, Chakrabarti S, 2002,

    Auroral processes in the solar system

    , Atmospheres in the solar system: comparative aeronomy, Editors: Mendillo, Nagy, Waite, Publisher: American Geophysical Union, Pages: 55-76, ISBN: 9780875909899
  • Journal article
    Langbort C, D'Andréa R, Balogh A, Krstic Met al., 2002,

    Discussion on 'Infinite dimensional backstepping-style feedback transformations for a heat equation with arbitrary level of instability' by A.!Balogh and M.!Krstic

    , EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL, Vol: 8, Pages: 176-177, ISSN: 0947-3580
  • Journal article
    Mueller-Wodarg ICF, 2002,

    The effect of dynamics on the composition of Titan's upper atmosphere

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 29, Pages: 2139-2139, ISSN: 0094-8276
  • Conference paper
    Lefebvre B, Krasnoselskikh V, Bale SD, Volokitin ASet al., 2002,

    Influence of external density fluctuations on parametric 3-wave interaction

    , COSPAR Colloquium on Acceleration and Heating in the Magnetosphere, Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Pages: 1645-1650, ISSN: 0273-1177
  • Journal article
    Sanderson TR, Marsden RG, Tranquille C, Balogh A, Forsyth RJ, Goldstein BE, Gosling JT, Harvey KLet al., 2001,

    The influence of the Sun's magnetic field on energetic particles at high heliospheric latitudes

    , GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Vol: 28, Pages: 4525-4528, ISSN: 0094-8276
  • Journal article
    Marklund GT, Ivchenko N, Karlsson T, Fazakerley A, Dunlop M, Lindqvist PA, Buchert S, Owen C, Taylor M, Vaivalds A, Carter P, André M, Balogh Aet al., 2001,

    Temporal evolution of the electric field accelerating electrons away from the auroral ionosphere

    , NATURE, Vol: 414, Pages: 724-727, ISSN: 0028-0836
  • Journal article
    Haigh JD, 2001,

    Climate - Climate variability and the influence of the Sun

    , SCIENCE, Vol: 294, Pages: 2109-2111, ISSN: 0036-8075
  • Journal article
    Hospodarsky GB, Averkamp TF, Kurth WS, Gurnett DA, Dougherty M, Inan U, Wood Tet al., 2001,

    Wave normal and Poynting vector calculations using the Cassini radio and plasma wave instrument

    , JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, Vol: 106, Pages: 30253-30269, ISSN: 2169-9380
  • Journal article
    Smith EJ, Dougherty MK, Russell CT, Southwood DJet al., 2001,

    Scalar helium magnetometer observations at Cassini Earth swing-by

    , JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS, Vol: 106, Pages: 30129-30139, ISSN: 2169-9380

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