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  • Conference paper
    Jones GH, Balogh A, 2003,

    Ulysses observations of changes in the solar polar regions around solar maximum

    , Melville, 10th international solar wind conference, Pisa, Italy, 17 - 21 June 2002, Publisher: American Institute of Physics, Pages: 156-159
  • Conference paper
    Forsyth RJ, Rees A, Reisenfeld DB, Lepri ST, Zurbuchen THet al., 2003,

    ICME observations during the Ulysses fast latitude scan

    , Melville, 10th international solar wind conference, Pisa, Italy, 17 - 21 June 2002, Publisher: American Institute of Physics, Pages: 715-720
  • Journal article
    Haigh JD, Bignell KJ, 2003,

    Sunshine hours (Reply)

    , Weather, Vol: 58, Pages: 277-278, ISSN: 0043-1656
  • Conference paper
    Fox N, Aiken J, Barnett JJ, Briottet X, Carvell R, Frohlich C, Groom SB, Hagolle O, Haigh JD, Kieffer HH, Lean J, Pollock DB, Quinn T, Sandford MCW, Schaepman M, Shine KP, Schmutz WK, Teillet PM, Thome KJ, Verstraete MM, Zalewski Eet al., 2003,

    Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial- and Helio-Studies (truths)

    , Symposium on Calibration, Characterization of Satellite Sensors, Physical Parameters Derived from Satellite Data, Pages: 2253-2261

    The Traceable Radiometry Underpinning Terrestrial- and Helio- Studies (TRUTHS) mission offers a novel approach to the provision of key scientific data with unprecedented radiometric accuracy for Earth Observation (EO) and solar studies, which will also establish well-calibrated reference targets/standards to support other EO missions. This paper presents the TRUTHS mission and its objectives. TRUTHS will be the first satellite mission to calibrate its EO instrumentation directly to SI in orbit, overcoming the usual uncertainties associated with drifts of sensor gain and spectral shape by using an electrical rather than an optical standard as the basis of its calibration. The range of instruments flown as part of the payload will also provide accurate input data to improve atmospheric radiative transfer codes by anchoring boundary conditions, through simultaneous measurements of aerosols, particulates and radiances at various heights. Therefore, TRUTHS will significantly improve the performance and accuracy of EO missions with broad global or operational aims, as well as more dedicated missions. The provision of reference standards will also improve synergy between missions by reducing errors due to different calibration biases and offer cost reductions for future missions by reducing the demands for on-board calibration systems. Such improvements are important for the future success of strategies such as Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) and the implementation and monitoring of international treaties such as the Kyoto Protocol. TRUTHS will achieve these aims by measuring the geophysical variables of solar and lunar irradiance, together with both polarised and unpolarised spectral radiance of the Moon, Earth and its atmosphere. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of COSPAR.

  • Conference paper
    Kellogg PJ, Dougherty MK, Forsyth RJ, Gurnett DA, Hospodarsky GB, Kurth WSet al., 2003,

    Electric fluctuations and ion isotropy

    , Melville, 10th international solar wind conference, Pisa, Italy, 17 - 21 June 2002, Publisher: American Institute of Physics, Pages: 383-388
  • Journal article
    Szego K, Young DT, Bagdonat T, Barraclough B, Berthelier JJ, Coates AJ, Crary FJ, Dougherty MK, Erdos G, Gurnett DA, Kurth WS, Opits A, Rymer A, Thomsen MFet al., 2003,

    A pre-shock event at Jupiter on 30 January 2001

    , Journal of Geophysical Research
  • Journal article
    Matthes K, Kodera K, Haigh JD, Shindell DT, Shibata K, Langematz U, Rozanov E, Kuroda Yet al., 2003,

    GRIPS solar experiments intercomparison project: initial results

    , Papers in Meteorology and Geophysics, Vol: 54, Pages: 71-90, ISSN: 0031-126X
  • Conference paper
    Kilifarska NA, Haigh JD, 2003,

    Climate sensitivity to solar modulation of H2O vapour derived from HALOE data

    , Proceedings of ISCS'03, Publisher: European Space Agency, Pages: 339-344
  • Journal article
    Haigh JD, 2003,

    The effects of solar variability on the Earth’s climate.

    , Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. A, Vol: 361, Pages: 95-111-111
  • Conference paper
    Kellogg PJ, Dougherty MK, Forsyth RJ, Gurnett DA, Hospodarsky GB, Kurth WSet al., 2003,

    Electric fluctuations and ion isotropy

    , Melville, 10th international solar wind conference, Pisa, Italy, 17 - 21 June 2002, Publisher: American Institute of Physics, Pages: 383-388
  • Conference paper
    Knetter T, Neubauer FM, Horbury T, Balogh Aet al., 2003,

    Discontinuity observations with cluster

    , D1 1/D2 1/E3 1 Symposium of COSPAR Scientific Commission D held at the 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly/2nd Space Congress, Publisher: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, Pages: 543-548, ISSN: 0273-1177
  • Book
    Czaja A, Robertson A, Huck T, 2003,

    The North Atlantic Oscillation

    , Publisher: American Geophysical Union
  • Journal article
    Haigh JD, Bignell KJ, 2003,

    Sunshine hours (Reply)

    , Weather, Vol: 58, Pages: 277-278, ISSN: 0043-1656
  • Book chapter
    Haigh JD, 2003,

    Fundamentals of the earth's atmosphere and climate

    , Solar variability and its effects on climate, Editors: Pap, Fox, Washington, D.C., Publisher: American Geophysical Union, Pages: 65-82, ISBN: 9780875904061
  • Journal article
    Kilifarska NA, Haigh JD, 2003,

    Solar modulation of water vapour derived from HALOE data

    , European Space Agency -Publications- Esa Sp, Vol: 535, Pages: 339-346, ISSN: 0379-6566
  • Conference paper
    Fränz M, Horbury TS, Génot V, Moullard O, Rème H, Dandouras I, Fazakerley AN, Korth A, Frutos-Alfaro Fet al., 2003,

    Solitary waves observed by cluster in the solar wind

    , 10th International Solar Wind Conference, Publisher: AMER INST PHYSICS, Pages: 562-565, ISSN: 0094-243X
  • Journal article
    Bale SD, Mozer FS, Phan T, 2002,

    Observation of lower hybrid drift instability in the diffusion region at a reconnecting magnetopause

  • Journal article
    Rufus J, Yoshino K, Thorne AP, Murray JE, Imajo T, Ito K, Matsui Tet al., 2002,

    The application of a vacuum ultraviolet Fourier transform spectrometer and synchrotron radiation source to measurements of:: V.: The β(11,0) band of NO

    , JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol: 117, Pages: 10621-10626, ISSN: 0021-9606
  • Journal article
    Nakamura R, Baumjohann W, Runov A, Volwerk M, Zhang TL, Klecker B, Bogdanova Y, Roux A, Balogh A, Rème H, Sauvaud JA, Frey HUet al., 2002,

    Fast flow during current sheet thinning -: art. no. 2140

  • Journal article
    Pickering JC, Donnelly MP, Nilsson H, Hibbert A, Johansson Set al., 2002,

    The FERRUM Project:: Experimental oscillator strengths of the UV 8 multiplet and other UV transitions from the y<SUP>6</SUP>P levels of FeII

    , ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, Vol: 396, Pages: 715-722, ISSN: 0004-6361
  • Journal article
    Eastwood JP, Balogh A, Dunlop MW, Horbury TS, Dandouras Iet al., 2002,

    Cluster observations of fast magnetosonic waves in the terrestrial foreshock

  • Journal article
    Oieroset M, Lin RP, Phan TD, Larson DE, Bale SDet al., 2002,

    Evidence for electron acceleration up to ∼300 keV in the magnetic reconnection diffusion region of Earth's magnetotail -: art. no. 195001

    , PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol: 89, ISSN: 0031-9007
  • Journal article
    Lucek EA, Horbury TS, Dunlop MW, Cargill PJ, Schwartz SJ, Balogh A, Brown P, Carr C, Fornacon K-H, Georgescu Eet al., 2002,

    Cluster magnetic field observations at a quasi-parallel bow shock

    , Annales Geophysicae, Vol: 20, Pages: 1699-1710-1699-1710
  • Journal article
    Czaja A, Van der Vaart P, Marshall J, 2002,

    A diagnostic study of the role of remote forcing in tropical Atlantic variability

    , JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, Vol: 15, Pages: 3280-3290, ISSN: 0894-8755
  • Journal article
    Eastwood JP, Balogh A, Dunlop MW, Smith CWet al., 2002,

    Cluster observations of the heliospheric current sheet and an associated magnetic flux rope and comparisons with ACE

  • Journal article
    Dunlop MW, Balogh A, Glassmeier KH, Robert Pet al., 2002,

    Four-point Cluster application of magnetic field analysis tools: The Curlometer

  • Journal article
    Forsyth RJ, Balogh A, Smith EJ, 2002,

    The underlying direction of the heliospheric magnetic field through the Ulysses first orbit

  • Journal article
    Dunlop MW, Balogh A, Glassmeier KH, 2002,

    Four-point Cluster application of magnetic field analysis tools: The discontinuity analyzer

  • Journal article
    Dalla S, Balogh A, Heber B, Lopate C, McKibben RBet al., 2002,

    Observation of decay phases of solar energetic particle events at 1 and 5 AU from the Sun

  • Journal article
    Lucek EA, Horbury TS, Dunlop MW, Cargill PJ, Schwartz SI, Balogh A, Brown P, Carr C, Fornacon KH, Georgescu Eet al., 2002,

    Cluster magnetic field observations at a quasi-parallel bow shock

    , ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, Vol: 20, Pages: 1699-1710, ISSN: 0992-7689

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