Collaborations and partnerships

Our research group collaborates with world-leading research groups and works closely with industry. Dr Qilei Song was awarded the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant in 2019. He is also a Co-I of £9M Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council EPSRC Programme Grant SynHiSel. The group has established strong research collaborations with industrial partners, including BP-ICAM, Shell, Toyota Motor Europe, and Schlumberger. We are keen to establish new collaborations and form partnerships with industry to solve practical technological challenges and train the next generation of researchers.  

Collaborators within Imperial

Professor Andrew Livingston, FREng (Chemical Engineering), membrane separation

Professor Kang Li (Chemical Engineering), membrane separation

Professor Paul Fennell (Chemical Engineering), clean energy, chemical looping and beyond

Prof. Daryl Williams (Chemical Engineering), Adsorption

Prof Magda Titirici (Chemical Engineering), batteries and sustainability

Prof Jason Hallett (Chemical Engineering), ionic liquids for CO2 separation

Prof Kim Jelfs (Chemistry), molecular dynamics simulations

Professor Nigel Brandon, FREng (Earth Science & Engineering), redox flow batteries and SOFC

Prof. Anthony Kucernak (Chemistry), fuel cells and flow batteries

External Collaborators in the UK

Professor Anthony K. Cheetham, FRS (Materials Science, Cambridge), material science

Professor Eugene M. Terentjev (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge), polymer physics

Professor Clare P. Grey, FRS (Chemistry, Cambridge), novel batteries for energy storage

Professor Neil B. McKeown FRSE (Chemistry, University of Edinburgh), PIM polymers

Professor Andrew I. Cooper, FRS (Chemistry, University of Liverpool), porous molecular materials

Dr Tom Hasell (Chemistry, University of Liverpool), porous materials

Dr Stuart Scott (Engineering, University of Cambridge), chemical looping

Prof. Frank Marken (University of Bath), electrochemistry

Dr Thomas D. Bennett (Materials Science, University of Cambridge), MOF materials

Prof Stefan Guldin, University College London


Professor Easan Sivaniah (Kyoto University, Japan), membrane research

Professor Susumu Kitagawa (Kyoto University, Japan), MOF materials

Professor Rui Xiao (Southeast University, Nanjing, China), clean energy

Contact Details

Department of Chemical Engineering
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ

Telphone Numbers:
Office: +44 (0)20 7594 5623
