Project title:
Quantum computing and lattice-based cryptography
PI: Dr Cong Ling
Department of PI: Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Funding agency: UK Government

Summary of project:

Most current public-key cryptosystems are designed on the assumption that problems related to integer factorization and discrete logarithm are computationally hard. This assumption would immediately collapse with the advent of quantum computers. Lattice-based cryptography has emerged as the most promising solution to address this threat. Our approach is to bring together interdisciplinary expertise in lattices and quantum computing. The broad goal is to understand the quantum resilience of lattice-based cryptography.

MSc Security and Resilience: Science and Technology.

Applications are currently open.

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General contact

Institute for Security Science and Technology
Level 2 Admin Office, Abdus Salam Library
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ

Phone: +44 (0) 20 7594 8864