Asha Ahmed

Asha has lived in White City for 26 years and works in Hammersmith Hospital labs, with a background in microbiology. She is very connected with local grassroots groups, and has a wealth of experience supporting community projects on sensitive health issues such as mental health, STIs and FGM, and White City Opportunity for All. She says: ‘I am a mother and both of my daughters have suffered from asthma due to air pollution'.

She is  hoping to help prevent anything contributing to air pollution and to reduce Co2 emissions the area, and wants to learn about the downside and negativity of air pollution and hopefully to prevent it from harming the younger generations to come. Asha has skills in communicating with the community effectively. Her interests are wanting to help the younger population and older population who are suffering from asthma, due to air pollution.

Susu Ali

Susu has lived in West 12 for almost 30 years, with a strong passion for community development and volunteering.  She is a very enthusiastic community connecter and mobiliser, and a recent Agents of Change graduate.

Additionally, she is a climate champion and is a committed voice for change who has contributed her efforts in the field of social change, conservation and the environment.


Sanne van den Burgh

Sanne is originally from Amsterdam in the Netherlands with Indonesian/Chinese heritage, and moved to the UK in 2013, after spending years living in many different parts of the world - including Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Indonesia, East Timor and Tanzania - working in the international development/ human rights sector and after that in the media. Sanne is currently working in a drop-in centre for refugees and migrants in Hammersmith. 

Since 2014, Sanne has lived in Shepherds Bush with her partner and two daughters, now aged 3 and 6. She enjoys constantly discovering new things about her area, not only about the rich history of the Bush, but also getting to know different people and communities. This is something she didn't really experience before when moving around so much for work and it is this that is truly enjoyable about living in Shepherd's Bush.

Tomassina Hessel   
Mounira Igheldane   

Mutthu Karappan

Mutthu is a volunteer for Citizens Advice and Big Local as a board member, so “has the capacity to connect with as many people as possible.” Since moving to the UK from Malaysia over 20 years ago, Mutthu has always been an active member of his community.

After spending the last two decades developing his knowledge of subjects including community leadership and gardening in deprived areas, and taking part in befriending schemes, recycling projects and digital exclusion courses, Mutthu is keen to branch out on community projects of his own. 'I volunteer for many activities for the benefit of communities. Vegetable gardening is my passion as I am very concerned about the food we eat because of pollution of chemicals. Pollution is in the water that we drink and the air we breathe. I take pride to be in WellHome.'

Mutthu is very passionate about the environment, personal stories to help support engagement, and has been involved with WellHome from the very start.


Richard Nesbitt

Key Community Stakeholder 


Helena Norland White

Helena has a strong record of engagement with the local community which includes volunteering as a School Governor, managing a Charity Retail operation as well as devising and leading a strategic campaign to successfully save a Special School from redesignation by a local authority. She is passionate about supporting young disabled adults to reach their full potential to achieve and thrive in the community.  Helena has recently designed and built an independent supported living house in Buckinghamshire for Learning Disabled Adults.

Helena's career has encompassed Financial Recruitment, New Business Development, Theatre and Primary School Teaching.

Helena holds a BSc (Hons) in Sociology and Education from Oxford Brookes University and a P.G.C.E. from De Montfort University.

Wendy Roudette   

Della Rozycka 

Della has lived in the White City area for over 30 years, seeing her children grow up attending local schools, and being part of local community groups. With diverse skillsets in creative communication and engagement, she utilises them in local volunteering projects with children and families. These range from arts and crafts, to various ‘green’ projects. Della has pursued environmental action roles and is instrumental in raising awareness of sustainability at a local level – from organising community trips to recycling plants, to workshops for school children, and even ethical fashion shows! Notably, she has contributed actively to "Greener" Living Fairs and "Care for Creation" events in the borough over the years, whilst continuing to volunteer in community recycling.

Della has a BSc Biochemistry (Toxicology) degree. She is “delighted to be part of the WellHome team that continues to bring the message to the community of air pollution, affecting all of us globally and locally… and with that, Imperial solutions can be found.”


Manon Chiari

Manon has lived in White City with her two teenage children since 2014. She studied Sociology at Roehampton University with a particular interest in Ethnography and Active Citizenship, which led her to support young people to get involved in democratic action and community involvement, ensuring their voices are heard. She has worked on various projects including “White City Adventure Playground” and “Love White City with Funpact”. She is currently working with H&F council and White City Residents Association on the White City Central Project - to help ensure that young people in the community have access to outdoor play space.

Manon is also in the process of promoting and supporting residents to host their own “Play Streets” events, which allow neighbourhoods to close off their streets to traffic for a few hours so children can play safely outside their homes. She is delighted to be part of the WellHome Team, and “wants to continue having conversations about air quality and environmental issues with her community”.




WellHome Study

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WellHome Community Ambassadors Win Partner Award in President’s Excellence Awards for Societal Engagement

In a remarkable partnership with local families and community organisations, WellHome has been measuring air quality inside and outside over 100 homes in West London to better understand the causes and impacts of air pollution, particularly on children with asthma.

The WellHome Ambassadors have been instrumental in this initiative. Their contributions have been vital in building relationships, earning trust, and generating practical ideas for the WellHome Study. The Ambassadors come from all walks of life, representing West London's rich diversity.

Their role as trusted community contacts has laid the groundwork for future meaningful and equitable research, aligning with Imperial's strategy for authentic engagement. The full impact of their work is yet to be fully realised, but their foundational efforts are already making a significant difference.

Huge congratulations to all the winners and those working on the study.

Find out more about our Ambassadors.

Our ambassadors from L -R (image below) : Mutthu, Manon, (Dr Diana Varaden, Lecturer in Environmental Social Science and Health, and Lead on WellHome Study), Della, Munira and Nour.