WellHome Asthma Breakfast


As many of our WellHome families have requested opportunities with asthma experts to find out more about their conditions, the WellHome team organised an informal coffee morning to mark the start of 2024.

Located in the warm and friendly Nourish Hub - an innovative community hub close to Shepherd’s Bush – residents joined experts to find out more about the causes, symptoms, and how to manage asthma. Although the clinician Dr. Jenni Quint could not make it in the end, the event was a unique opportunity to hear about Dr Angela Pinot de Moira’s (Epidemiologist from the National Heart & Lung Institute) research on the social inequalities shaping asthma, based on birth cohort studies across several countries. For example, having parents with asthma is one of the most common factors in developing it, yet asthma inequalities in the UK are much higher than in Denmark, and 20% of factors leading to asthma (such as maternal smoking, duration of breastfeeding) arise during pregnancy and infancy.

After a hearty breakfast and short talks, a varied Q&A session with over 35 attendees explored how to deal with infections for asthma sufferers, to the connections with the cost of living crisis. Participants then enjoyed an interactive snakes and ladders game to better understand the social lottery that impacts respiratory conditions.

Overall, the morning involved strengthened connections between WellHome families and the research team, hearing about local schemes in the borough (such as Hammersmith & Fulham’s cost of living support and energy efficiency upgrades), and exchanges between local residents and Imperial researchers about indoor Air Quality. From our feedback, we know that participants mostly enjoyed hearing about new research, having in-depth conversations with experts, and gaining tips and advice on their conditions.

The main knowledge takeaways for attendees included the life-threatening nature of asthma, the connections between asthma and poor Air Quality, and how poorly the UK fares in terms of asthma inequalities compared to other European countries.

We very much value these events to come together in dialogue, to improve health for all. As greater support provided to pregnant women can help to address inequalities in asthma, we look forward to continued engagement between Imperial and local communities, to ensure we are reaching those who will benefit the most. If you have any questions about this event, please get in touch: wellhome@imperial.ac.uk or 07596955261.

WellHome Study

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WellHome Community Ambassadors Win Partner Award in President’s Excellence Awards for Societal Engagement

In a remarkable partnership with local families and community organisations, WellHome has been measuring air quality inside and outside over 100 homes in West London to better understand the causes and impacts of air pollution, particularly on children with asthma.

The WellHome Ambassadors have been instrumental in this initiative. Their contributions have been vital in building relationships, earning trust, and generating practical ideas for the WellHome Study. The Ambassadors come from all walks of life, representing West London's rich diversity.

Their role as trusted community contacts has laid the groundwork for future meaningful and equitable research, aligning with Imperial's strategy for authentic engagement. The full impact of their work is yet to be fully realised, but their foundational efforts are already making a significant difference.

Huge congratulations to all the winners and those working on the study.

Find out more about our Ambassadors.

Our ambassadors from L -R (image below) : Mutthu, Manon, (Dr Diana Varaden, Lecturer in Environmental Social Science and Health, and Lead on WellHome Study), Della, Munira and Nour.