Environment and health challenges in a changing world

2023 marked the 30th anniversary of an extremely successful Environmental Research Group (ERG). In partnership with the Imperial Policy Forum, this provided a unique opportunity for us to:

  • Showcase some of the major achievements that have been made in the area of air pollution research over the past 30 years
  • Highlight how climate change influences air/water quality and health
  • Look to our future as we discuss some of the challenges and potential opportunities for ERG and Imperial College and colleagues from the wider Environment and Health community to have impact in this arena.

Two of the key initiatives planned for 2023 were a Two-day symposium on 6th & 7th June and a Seminar Series of six afternoon seminars. The overarching theme for these events is 'Environment and Health Challenges in a Changing World'.

Frank kelly discussed the history of the Environmental Research Group

Frank Kelly on the Environmental Research Group

Hear from Professor Frank Kelly, Battcock Chair in Community Health and Policy and Director of the Environmental Research Group, to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Environmental Research Group.

You can read the full interview on the White City Innovation District website.

The Environmental Research Group hosted a series of seminars this year to tackle different areas of research and policy. Explore the carousel to discover some of the outputs from these events including briefing papers and video recordings.

Explore our two day symposium event, and what's happening next for the Environmental Research Group

Future Collaborations

2024 sees the Environmental Research Group collaborating with Senior Leaders and Key Representatives from areas of Housing, Public Health, Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality, Net Zero and Sustainability in a number of events, nationally and internationally.

Social media

Keep up to date by following us on our social channels

Twitter: ERGImperial | YouTube: Environmental Research Group