Before seeking consent to lone work please consider the following;

  1. Do you really need to lone work? Can working practices be altered so as to avoid lone working?
  2. Has the risk assessment covering lone working been completed? You will be asked to provide this when applying for consent to lone work.
  3. Have you confirmed that the lone working activity is not prohibited either within the College Code of Practice or within your Faculty or Department?
  4. Where consent to lone work is required, it is essential that consent from your line manager/supervisor has been obtained. You must ensure that, where local procedures require it, consent from all others e.g. DSO or Head of Department, has also been obtained.
  5. All control measures identified within the lone working risk assessment must be in place before lone working begins, this includes the use of buddies, emergency contacts, lone working alarms or cameras.
  6. Please note that you will have access to Lone Working Application only if you are a staff member or enrolled to one of these two programme levels: pg research and pg research occasional.
  7. Remember that you can use the "check-in timer" in the SafeZone app as a control measure. If you set up the timer and do not respond when prompted, a signal will be sent to Security, who will give you a call to check you are OK. If you do not answer their call, Security will come to physically check on you. 

Guidance notes for filling in the form

  • If you have a previous application on the old system, you will not be able to view them here, however, you will still receive the email when it expires.

  • You have to submit a new application when your current request expires (usually annually).

  • Reminders will be sent out 2 weeks prior to the expiry date of the approved application and on the day it expires.

  • The new system allows you add and remove approvers after you have submitted the form.  You can also change the order of approvers if required, i.e. if your Supervisor is on leave, you can move them to the bottom of the approvers list.

  • Group emails/inbox cannot be used as approvers i.e.

  • If you are wanting to lone work in CBS/BSU, please select Division of Biomedical Science (BMS) for the Department you want to work in.
  • If you are an LMS/MRC member of staff and cannot log onto the system, please contact Dean Norgate
  • You can approver/review via smart phones or tablets.

  • Use the Request Revision button to request to be moved further down the approval chain, to change, remove or add an approver; or to make comments for the requestor to revise their application.

  • Only use the Reject button if the application cannot be revised to allow lone work to start or if lone working is not allowed.

  • There is no need to make comments when you use the Approve button.

  • If you have any queries or problems using the system, please contact Administrator for Biological and Radiological Safety.