Rolls-Royce Nuclear University Technology Centre

Welcome to the Rolls-Royce Nuclear University Technology Centre

The Imperial Nuclear UTC is unique in its breadth addressing nuclear engineering research of relevance to Rolls-Royce which includes:

Main Themes

Project TitleResearcherSupervisor(s)Status
Combined Peridynamics and Finite Element Crystal Plasticity Modelling of the Oxidation of Zirconium Alloys Susannah Lea Dr Mark Wenman Current

Machine learning of microstructural stresses in zirconium

Josh Langcaster Dr Mark Wenman Current

Cyclic loading and Delayed Hydride
Cracking in Zr-alloys

 Luca Reali  

Dr Mark Wenman/ Dr Daniel Balint


Understanding the role of hydrogen-dislocation interactions in the corrosion and hydrogen uptake of irradiated zirconium fuel cladding alloys

Jana Smutna  

Dr Mark Wenman

Summary of the table's contents
Project TitleResearcherSupervisor(s)Status
A Microstructurally Informed Structural Integrity Analysis of Austenitic Alloys Chris Bilsland Dr Ben Britton Current
Understanding hydrides and microstructures in zircaloy-4
Ruth Birch Dr Ben Britton Current

Fundamental Mechanisms of Galling and Wear in the PWR Environment to Instruct Alloy Design

Sam Rogers Prof David Dye Current
Modelling Delayed Hydride Cracking and Crack Growth in Zirconium Cladding
Daniel Long Prof Fionn Dunne Current
 Graded microstructures for RPV steels Tom Porter Prof Fionn Dunne Current
 Tribological Response of Bearings for Nuclear Applications Ajit Bastola Prof Daniele Dini Current
Tribological modelling of bearings for nuclear power plants

Ruby McCarron

Prof Daniele Dini Past
The Effect of Temperature Sensitive Material Properties on Galling Wear

Ben Poole

Prof Fionn Dunne Past
EBSD studies of hydrides in large-grain Zircaloy-4

Siyang Wang (associate student)

Dr Ben Britton Past
Deformation modelling of iron-based hard facings

Bartosz Barzdajn

Prof Fionn Dunne Past
Modelling methods for microstructure-sensitive crack growth in Zirconium alloys

David Wilson

Prof Fionn Dunne Past
Study of Mechanical Deformation in Hardfacing Alloys

Chong Zhao (associated student)

Prof Fionn Dunne Past
Fatigue crack nucleation near a non-metallic inclusion in PM nickel-based superalloy  Bo Chen (associated student)  Prof Fionn Dunne  Past
Summary of the table's contents
Project TitleResearcherSupervisor (s)Status
Reduced Order Models in Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics Sokratia Georgaka Dr Mike Bluck Past
Improvement of the modelling of boiling and the prediction of the critical heat flux using CFD-based methods Ronak Thakrar Dr Mike Bluck Past
Summary of the table's contents
Project TitleResearcherSupervisor(s)Status
   Dr Fabian Sorce  

Dr Catrin Davies

Environmental Effects on Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviour Mohammed-Rafi Riley  Dr Catrin Davies Past
Experimental Analysis of Delayed Hydride Cracking Said El Chamaa Dr Catrin Davies Past
The Effect of Constraint on the Integrity of Reactor Pressure Vessels  Geena Rait Dr Catrin Davies Past
Fatigue and Fracture rersponse in Clad steels Alison O'Connor (associate student) Kamran Nikbin Past
Summary of the table's contents
Project TitleResearcherSupervisor(s)Status
   Dr Yu Duan   

Dr Matthew Eaton




Dr Ji Soo Ahn


Dr Matthew Eaton

  Travis Gordon  Dr Matthew Eaton Current
  Jack Trainor Dr Matthew Eaton Current
NE106 Parallel, Adaptive Stochastic Spectral Methods for Uncertainty Quantification in Large Scale Reactor Analysis, Criticality and Shielding Problems. Anthony Williams Dr Matthew Eaton Past
  John Ferguson Dr Matthew Eaton Past
  Dr Chris Cooling  Dr Matthew Eaton Past
 Radiant developments (Civil & Naval) Dr Jozsef Kophasi Dr Matthew Eaton Past
  Charles Latimer  Dr Matthew Eaton Past
  Seth Wilson Dr Matthew Eaton Past
Thermo-Physical modeling of molten core concrete interaction Hugo Perrier Dr Matthew Eaton Past
Thermo-chemical modelling of corium spreading in severe accidents Gareth Morgan Dr Matthew Eaton Past
 Single phase flow in non-circular ducts  David Harland  Dr Matthew Eaton  Past
Summary of the table's contents