SPSS1A two-days practical PC-based workshop which will go through basic statistical methods with further emphasis on data management. Firstly familiarising participants with SPSS, and progressing from data entry and presentation, to one and two sample tests, one-way ANOVA and simple linear regression.

We also offer an on-line course based on the Introduction to Statistics Using SPSS and Data Management & Statistical Analysis Using SPSS courses: On-Line Course For Introductory Statistics Using SPSS.


Course Tutor: Joseph Eliahoo.

This course has been approved by the Royal College of Physicians for 12 CPD credits.

Course Content

Data Entry and Manipulation

  • Enter categorical and continuous data
  • Define and label variables
  • Transform, recode and compute variables
  • Help files
  • Restructuring data
  • Merging files
  • Syntax and output

Graphs and Tables

  • Graphs such as histograms, QQ plots and box-plots
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Cross tabulation (two-way tables)

Basic Statistical Analysis

  • Introduction to estimation and hypothesis testing
  • One sample tests: t-test, sign and signed rank tests
  • Two-sample tests: t-test, Mann-Whitney test
  • Three or more samples
  • Correlation and simple linear regression


Early Bird rate is available for up to 4 weeks before the session runs.

Any problems with booking, please contact us on stathelp@imperial.ac.uk

Fees and dates 2024-2025

Course Fees


£594.00: Imperial College only.

£828.00: External rate.


£660.00: Imperial College only.

£920.00: External rate

* Click here for Cancellation Policy


  • Tues 12 & Wed 13 November 2024
  • Tues 20 & Wed 21 May 2025

Please CLICK HERE to be redirected to the registration forms and booking links.

Time and Location

The courses will be run online via Microsoft Teams from 9:30am to 4:30pm on the dates mentioned.

Details will be sent a week before the course date.


+44 (0)20 7594 1754 