r prog image 1This is a command based course, not related to any specific area of research.

The purpose of this course is to learn how to build a program from scratch: issues to be considered before writing a code and basic steps a programmer should follow to successfully find a solution.

We will first present an overview of R tools focusing on those that will be more useful when programming. We will show some techniques that can be used in several situations.

Entry Requirements: Some familiarity with R is required to attend this course. Alternatively, you should have attended Introduction to R or Foundations in R course.


Course Content

  • R Functionality
  • Data-types and Attributes
  • Reading and Writing tabular data
  • Customising R Graphs
  • Programming Control structures
  • Loop Functions – The apply family functions
  • Making a program more efficient



Early Bird rate is available for up to 4 weeks before the session runs.

Any problems with booking, please contact us on stathelp@imperial.ac.uk

Fees and dates 2024-2025

Course Fees


£297.00: Imperial College only.

£414.00: External rate.


£330.00: Imperial College only.

£460.00: External rate

* Click here for Cancellation Policy


  • Wednesday 06 November 2024
  • Thursday 12 June 2025

Please CLICK HERE to be redirected to the registration forms and booking links.

Time and Location

The course will run face-to-face with an option to join via Microsoft Teams. 

Exact details will be sent a week prior to the course date.


+44 (0)20 7594 1754 