Recommended links

Here you can find some links to recommended learning platforms or general reviews on topics encompassed by ROAR.

Design of Experiment (DoE)

If you want to learn more about DoE, you can now enroll on the free online course from JMP here.
More similar courses are available under the general title "Statistical thinking for industrial problem solving".


If you have any doubt about gas or liquid chomatography, have a look at the CHROMacademy website. As an academic member (staff or student) you can register for free and access a number of useful tutorials, training courses, troubleshooting tools and various other resources.

Mass Spectrometry 

If you are interested in learning mass spectrometry, a free online course is provided by Advion. The complimentary course is made up of seven recorded lectures, all of which are available on their site.

Flow chemistry

On the website of fReactor you can find a learning section about flow chemistry. Despite having some reference to the use of their fReactor Classic, we find this learning module to give a good general overview on flow reactors and flow chemistry for people new to the field.
Alternatively, you can watch this video from Syrris, which gives a very general introduction to flow chemistry and its principles.

Kinetics analysis

This short review gives a simple and effective overview and comparison of two visual kinetic analyses, namely RPKA (rection progress kinetic analysis) and VTNA (variable time normalisation analysis). In addition to the review, the authors offer a video tutorial to apply visual kinetic analysis to your data on Excel.
Additionally, in the MT AutoChem Scientific Community you can find virtual training, seminars and e-learning events on various tools for automation and kinetic analysis that you can also find in ROAR.

ROAR notebook

We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties with sharing the ROAR notebook content on LabArchives. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused while we resolve this issue. If you have any issue accessing the information below, please email and we will attempt to get the information to you by another avenue.

Here you can find all information and links related to ROAR, from the types and sizes of reactors available to tips-and-tricks for the perfect kinetics experiment or UPLC analysis.

  • HERE you can find a number of training resources on various ROAR-related topics
  • Wanna know in what volume you can run kinetics experiments? Or are you curious about how many reactions per plate you can run on our HT robots? Or are you wondering if we have a photochemical flow reactor? (spoiler alert: yes, we do!) HERE you can find the list of types and sizes of reactors available in ROAR.
  • If you are curious to know what we can do on our batch systems or want to quickly check if your idea is feasible, have a look HERE for all we CAN, MAYBE CAN or ABSOLUTELY CANNOT DO on our HT and kinetics suites
  • Are you interested in LC-MS analysis, but you don't know what buffer is suitable for you? HERE is a link to our approved buffer solutions and other information about buffers for LC-MS.
  • HOW do I choose a standard? And WHAT can I choose as standard? HERE is a check-list for the choice of standards for quantitative chromatographic analysis and a list of suggested standards to be used for LC and GC.
  • Problems with GC inlet? HERE is how to replace a liner and other small troubleshooting.
  • How accurately can we dispense powders and liquids on our robotic platforms? And what is the minimum volume you can sample from your reactions in an automated way? On our Notebook we are reporting studies on powder dispense and liquid sampling accuracy in various sets of conditions. Let us know if there are additional tests you would like us to perform (these pages are contantly updated with more data).


Do you think there is something missing that you'd like to be added? Contact us and let us know!

Like science, this page is in continuous evolution. Don't forget to keep an eye out for new links and tips-and-tricks to improve your chemistry.Image result for evolution

Contact us

Director: Prof Mimi Hii


The Molecular Sciences Research Hub
Imperial College White City Campus
82 Wood Lane
W12 0BZ London


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