ROAR is a central facility with all the hardware, software, and expertise needed to support data-rich experimentation in synthetic chemistry.

Our capabilities


High-throughput robotic reactor platforms

A suite of three Freeslate Junior platforms (UnChained Labs) for a wide range of automated laboratory operations:

  • Robotic reaction platforms to enable high-throughput parallel experimentation
  • Possibility of reactions in plates, vials and bottles up to 125 mL
  • Automated dispensing of solids and liquids
  • Automated sampling during reactions
  • High temperature and pressure capabilities
  • Heated filtration for solubility and recrystallisation studies

Learn more about our high-throughput robotic reactor capabilities here.


Online, in situ, data-rich kinetic experimentation platforms

A suite of equipment for reaction progress and kinetic analysis.

  • Across scales from 2 mL to 1 L
  • Calorimetry
  • In situ infra-red spectroscopy
  • UV-vis spectroscopy
  • Automated sampling
  • Collects temperature, pH and other PAT data

 Learn more about our reaction kinetics platforms here.


Continuous flow reactors

A suite of flow reactors for investigative research and scale up.

  • Homogeneous, multiphase and capsule-based systems
  • High temperature and pressure
  • In-line IR and UV-Vis spectroscopy
  • Medium-throughput automation with autosampler and fraction collector
  • Temperature controlled photoreactors

 Learn more about our continuous flow reaction platforms.


Advanced analytical suite

A suite of analytical instrumentation dedicated for rapid orthogonal analysis of reactions.

  • Walk-up 1260 Infinity II uPLC-MS with pre-configured methods across four columns and a selection of buffers
  • 1260 Infinity II is also capable of running in supercritical fluid chromotography (SFC) for rapid chiral analysis
  • 1290 Infinity II uPLC-QTOF with rapid sampling capability for analysis of high-throughput experiments
  • Further analytical capabilities available within the Department of Chemistry Measurement Suite

 Discover more here.


Sample preparation

Plate-based sample preparation equipment is available to support high-throughput reaction analysis.

  • Plate-based centrifuge
  • 96-well plate evaporator

Contact us

Director: Prof Mimi Hii


The Molecular Sciences Research Hub
Imperial College White City Campus
82 Wood Lane
W12 0BZ London


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