The Faculty of Natural Sciences Student Wellbeing Advice Team can help provide you with general guidance on managing your wellbeing and can talk with you about wellbeing-related concerns that you would like to discuss in relation to your studies.  

The team are here to support all students within the Faculty and the support we offer is tailored to your individual circumstances.  

What can you expect from an appointment with an adviser?

The Student Wellbeing Advisers can offer a confidential one-to-one guidance meeting to discuss your situation. We will meet with you to talk through your initial concerns and agree next steps.  

The meeting is a time to reflect on your wellbeing. It is also an opportunity to: 

  • Receive relevant information to assist with your query 
  • Access support with setting wellbeing-related goals  
  • Be introduced to wellbeing self-help resources 
  • Discuss where to go for further support  

We are here to support you in fulfilling your potential during your time at Imperial. 

Book an appointment

If you think we can help, please get in contact. 

Register for an appointment using our online form

Please note: If you are experiencing a crisis or think you may need urgent support, find out who to contact via the Student Support Zone crisis support webpages.

Confidentiality and privacy

View the SWAT Privacy Notice to find out how we'll store and use your data if you book and attend an appointment with a FoNS Wellbeing Advisor.

One-to-one wellbeing support

Should you wish to speak with someone in confidence about your wellbeing, the Student Wellbeing Advice Team is available for one-to-one guidance meetings, either in-person or online via Teams. Find out more about the team and what to expect from a one-to-one appointment.

Book an appointment

Register using our online form