Giorgio MentastiStart date: 02-10-2021
Academic department: Physics
Title of research project: Gravitational wave polarisations measurements using detector networks
Academic supervisor: Professor Carlo Contaldi
Native country: Italy

How has the scholarship award enabled you to pursue your ambitions? 

Without the financial support provided by the Scholarship, it would not have been possible to pursue a PhD program at Imperial to continue doing my research with Professor Contaldi (which I started remotely during my Master's thesis work). Thanks to the Scholarship award, I was able to move to London and to start working proficiently with Professor Contaldi and other members of the Theoretical Physics research group.

Why did you choose to study at Imperial? 

The main reason why I chose to continue my studies at Imperial was the possibility to play an active role in the research group of my supervisor, Professor Carlo Contaldi. I met him last year when he decided to be my Master thesis co-advisor and I had the feeling that his knowledge and experience in his field of research would be extremely useful, and help me to develop and enrich my scientific background. Of course, Imperial is a well-known institution globally, and London is an extremely stimulating city to live in: these reasons contributed to making my final decision.

What have you been up to on the programme so far? 

On the one hand, I improved the results obtained during my Master's thesis work with Professor Carlo Contaldi and other collaborators from the previous university I came from. On the other hand, I started a research project aimed at pursuing a better understanding of the implications of next-generation gravitational wave missions on cosmology. I'm getting used to the codes of the group, and developing a better knowledge of this brand new field of cutting-edge research (by reading the most recent scientific publications on the topic).

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