Staff member teachingFind information below for staff in the Faculty of Natural Sciences who support teaching and learning activities.

Staff training

The Faculty is committed to providing an environment where teaching and learning is at the core of what we do, and we will support and develop our staff to provide excellent teaching delivery.

Learning and Teaching Development Programme

The FoNS Learning and Teaching Development Programme (LTDP) constitutes the training for all new lecturing staff within the Faculty of Natural Sciences and must be completed as a prerequisite for both probation and promotion- unless the member of staff is registered to complete the PG Cert in University Learning and Teaching via the EDU. Successful completion of all elements of the LTDP will also lead to staff being eligible for recognition as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

Find out more about the LTDP

Learning and Teaching Development Refresher Programme

The aim of the Learning and Teaching Development Refresher Programme is to offer support to all members of staff involved in teaching within the Faculty.

Find out more about the Refresher Programme

Wellbeing support

A range of staff across our departments are involved in providing student support. We want to ensure that they have access to the resources and training they need to support our students effectively.

Discover resources and support for staff

Faculty Education Team

The Faculty’s educational mission is led by the Vice-Dean (Education), Dr Mike Tennant, and the Head of Education and Student Experience, Rebecca Middleton.

Contact the Faculty Education Team