
Welcome to the Blackett Laboratory, Department of Physics, one of the largest in the country.  

We have a large and diverse range of research activity being undertaken in this department and with many partner departments. We also have a wide and diverse range of staff and students performing that research.  

Imperial College London is the most cosmopolitan university in the UK, we are sure that you will find many things to enjoy and some things to challenge you while you are studying here.  Good luck with your research!

Professor Ben Sauer
Director of Postgraduate Studies

PG new students accordion widget

This note, together with other information and useful links, can be found on the Physics Postgraduate web pages by following links from the main Physics pages at

People are a very good source of information:

      • Within your research community there will be many people you will get help and advice from; lecturers, fellows, research students, postdoctoral research assistants, probably technicians and engineers and, of course, the community administrators. It may be that you will work closely with some of them on a daily basis. You should remember particularly the significant resource of advice and help available with in your own community and in the rest of the Physics department. There may be occasions when your supervisor is away for some time or when for other reasons you feel unable to discuss a problem with him/her and you should not hesitate to ask other staff members for help. All members of your research community and also others in the department regard it as part of their job to aid the progress of the research in the department and helping research students is one way of doing this.
      • Your supervisor: your research supervisor is your most direct contact, a source of information and guidance and a close colleague; he or she should advise and provide constructive criticism at all stages of your work; we hope that you will develop a good working relationship with your supervisor. For your particular research project you may have more than one supervisor, however, if you only have one supervisor, another staff member will be appointed as a research advisor. This person acts as back-up if your supervisor is away, or as an alternative source of research advice.
      • Postgraduate Education Manager: Ms Roxane Ray is the Postgreaduate Education Manager (room 315  She is responsible for running the postgraduate office and is an excellent p[oint of contact for anyone that has any specific issues with their studies and their academic progress.
      • Postgraduate Secretary: Ms Loli Sanchez is the postgraduate secretary (room 315, tel. 47512, She is responsible for keeping postgraduate records and is an excellent point of contact for students who are unsure of whom to contact with specific questions; in particular she will know when various formal steps, such as sending exam entry forms etc., have to be taken.
      • Director of Postgraduate Studies: At a more formal level there is Professor Ben Sauer, Director of Postgraduate Studies for the Physics department (tel. 47868, (, who has overall responsibility for postgraduate matters.
      • Departmental Postgraduate Research Tutor: Prof Jerry Chittenden (room 744 Blackett, tel. 47654, is the postgraduate Research Tutor for the department and is available to discuss any matter, personal or academic, in confidence. In addition each research community has a postgraduate welfare PGR mentor.

      Postgraduate Student Representatives: The departmental representatives are Jan Kozuszek ( and Joseph Ovwemuvwose ( OR They represent students on various departmental committees. In addition there are postgraduate representatives in each of the five communities.  The representatives have a PGR Reps committee meeting regularly and also meet with the Director of PG studies each term. The  community reps are:  LIGHT = Xunuo Jiang (; Thomas Cheng ( and Yazeed Alwehaibi ( MATTER =  Carlo Duva ( and Horacio Septien-Gonzalez ( PARTICLES = Elisa Jacquet ( and Olivia Valentino (; SPACE, PLASMA and CLIMATE = Nick Mitchell (; Sophie Mosselmans ( and Matthew Acevski ( UNIVERSE = Kinga Gawrych ( and Guhesh Kumaran (; Blake Chang ( and Carina Norregaard (

      Registry: Mr David Ashton (Registry, Student Hub, Level 3, Sherfield Building) is the Academic Registrar with the main responsibility for postgraduate matters. The Registry web pages contain most of the information and forms that you will need in your time as a postgraduate student; the pages are accessible at:

Help and advice are also available outside the department. Some useful contacts include:




Student Counsellors

Student Counselling Service 


Level 4, Sherfield Building

Student Adviser


The Advice Centre, Imperial College Union, Beit Quad

Disability Advisory Service

Disability Advisory Service


Disability Advisory Service 
Level 5,  Sherfield Building



Health Centre, Princes Gardens, London SW7 1LY

Other sources of information:

Initial registration. All students will be registered directly onto the PhD program. Online registration is required each year of study. Review of registration status will be made at the 12M and 24M progress meetings with your supervisor and usually with at least one independent examiner.

The minimum registration period for a PhD degree is 24 months (full-time), however, the standard period of full-time study for a PhD degree is 3 years or more.  

The Procedural Timetable‌‌ giving students details of forms/documents they must complete must be consulted throughtout the PhD.

Transfer from PhD to an MPhil registration: If you have been transferred from the PhD onto an Mphil programme at the 12M ESA review, the minimum registration period to submit an MPhil is 12M.

Other formal procedures that research students are required to complete are described in the Registry site at Such procedures include annual registration, submitting research plans and progress reports, etc.

Absence. The College requires students to inform their department if they are absent from College, for whatever reason, for more than three days. It is recommended that the student should inform at least his/her supervisor and the group secretary. If the absence is due to illness a certificate must be produced. If you develop any signs of COVID-19, you should record it on your My Imperial online.

Change of address. Students must update their details straight away on their My Imperial) (see Regulations for Students at They should also inform the PG office and their group secretary. If they are in receipt of funding from the Department, they should also upload their bank details on the Studente-Service page.

Annual Leave. The departmental guideline is that students may take up to 8 weeks annual leave including College closures and Bank Holidays. This is in line with Research Council studentship conditions. Before taking any leave, students should agree the dates with their supervisors.

Information for students with disabilities, specific learning difficulties or long-term health issues Studying at university can be a challenge, especially if you have a disability. We are keen that you have every opportunity to fulfil your potential and graduate with the degree you deserve. It is therefore important that you let us know about any disability, specific learning difficulty or health problem as soon as possible so that we can give expert advice and support to enable you to do this.

Some people never think of themselves as having a disability, but students who have experienced any of the issues listed below have found that some help and support has made all the difference to their study experience.

    • Specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, AD[H]D)
    • Autistic spectrum disorder (such as Asperger’s)
    • Deafness or hearing difficulties
    • Long term mental health difficulties (such as chronic anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression)
    • Medical conditions (such as epilepsy, arthritis, diabetes, Crohn’s disease)
    • Physical disabilities or mobility impairments
    • Visual impairment

Where to find help:

Your Disability Liaison Officer: Ms Mery Fajardo ( is your first point of contact within your department and is there to help you with arranging any support within the department that you need.

Disability Advisory Service: The Disability Advisory Service works with individual students no matter what their disability to ensure that they have the support they need. We can also help if you think that you may have an unrecognised study problem such as dyslexia. Our service is both confidential (information about you is only passed on to other people in the university with your agreement) and individual in that any support is tailored to what you need. There is full information about the Disability Advisory Service.

Some of the sorts of things we can help with are:

  • Being an advocate on your behalf with others in the College such as your  departmental liaison officer senior tutor or exams officer, the accommodation office or the estates department

  • Checking that your evidence of disability is appropriate and up-to-date

  • Arranging a diagnostic assessment for specific learning difficulties

Help with arranging extra Library support

Disabled Students Allowance: If you believe that you would benefit from further support, at first please contact the Disability Advisory Service. A Disability Advisor from the DAS will make an assessment of your eligibility and needs, and prepare a ‘Suggested Reasonable Adjustment’ (SRA) document. This will identify the appropriate support; the Advisor may suggest, for example, a referral for SpLD study support or mentoring, or make recommendations for reasonable adjustments the Department may make to support your studies. The DAS and the DDO will be responsible for arranging any funding necessary (which may include a request for Disabled Students Allowance).

Blackboard Some of the material for the MSci and MSc lecture courses you attend may be delivered using Blackboard, a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) which (among other things) can be used to access material such as lecture notes and problem sheets. Different lecture courses use Blackboard to differing degrees (and some MSc courses do not use it at all); you will be advised by each lecturer what material they have made available. You will need to register before you can access the material.

You will also be able to complete the milestones throughout your PhD in Blackboard.  Please make sure that you have uploaded the relevant documents.

You will need to self-enrol for the Risk Assessment Foundation Training course (RAFT) via the Learning and Development website at Blackboard.

You will be allocated laboratory and/or office space, and the secretary of your research group may give you a locker and arrange for you to have a key to your lab or office (for a deposit of £10). The College has many facilities for students and staff, including libraries, refectories, sports facilities, a bank, shops etc. Information about the facilities can be found on the College web pages - see for example the link under ‘Students’, or ask other students or staff.

The Physics department Common Room (which sells sandwiches, snacks and drinks etc.) is on level 8 of the Blackett laboratory and is open for most of the day.

Information on the College libraries can be found under Our libraries | Administration and support services | Imperial College London. Your research group may have its own library, probably used with less formality than the College libraries.

There are quite detailed regulations and procedures about safety and your group safety officer will know about these. Here we simply stress the first rule about safety: "Everyone in the department has a personal responsibility for his or her own safety and for the safety of those affected by his or her activities".

The Faculty Safety Officer Alice Hunt or someone from the team may be consulted about any safety matter.

The Physics Department Safety booklet is available from the College Safety SharePoint site:

Regrettably it is necessary to advise you to keep personal belongings locked up or otherwise secure as there are occasional outbreaks of petty theft; this seems inevitable in a department whose buildings are necessarily open to the public with little control during normal working hours.

Access to the department is unrestricted on weekdays between 8:30am and 17:30pm. Outside normal working hours access to the department is restricted. All are allowed and encouraged to work at whatever times are necessary and suitable for their work, but the checks on access to the department are necessary for security and to ensure that all in the buildings are accounted for in case of fire or other accidents. Details of out-of-hours access can be obtained from the secretary of your research group; out-of-hours you cannot get into or out of the department without a security swipe card.

Induction presentations

Subject to the points in section 4, the Physics department is always open for research students. Sometimes your working hours may be constrained by the conditions of an experiment, but usually the time you devote to research can only depend on your own judgement and that of your supervisor. This applies to ordinary working hours and to holidays too. Nevertheless, it is good to make a fair proportion of your working time correspond to formal College hours because this facilitates contact with others and it ensures that you are around for colloquia, seminars etc., especially those arranged by your own research group.

Library work involving general reading and study specific to your research problem is an essential part of research. Also you should never hesitate to discuss your problems and ideas with others and similarly you should help them by discussing their problems. A weekly perusal of the latest journals and preprints (mostly now available in online databases via the web) is a very good way of keeping up to date in your subject area.

Recreation and participation in Union activities are good things; on the other hand your spell as a research student is probably the first time in your life that you have been entirely responsible for guiding all your own activities, so you may find that some self-discipline is necessary to get your work done in time. For most research students the three to three-and-a-half years, which is the usual period of a grant, goes by all too quickly and it is always later than you think.

Unless your work is purely theoretical, it is almost certain that you will have to build some new apparatus or modify some existing apparatus, and this is part of your research training. The Main and Research Workshops are located on Levels 0 and 1 in the Blackett lab. Many research groups also have their own specialist workshop facilities. Departmental workshop facilities are available to all researchers.

Formal Courses. Your supervisor will want you to attend some postgraduate lecture courses (or some undergraduate special option courses) in your first postgraduate year, unless you have previously taken a relevant MSc, and you may be asked to sit examinations on these or to write an essay or report. The purpose is partly to acquire the necessary background for your research and partly for the formal assessment which takes place at the end of the first year. The postgraduate courses available in the physics department are listed on in the PG pages of the department’s website.

Professional and transferable skills. You will have opportunities to develop many skills during your research training. These skills range from the more obvious ones, such as communication skills, to career management, teamworking and entrepreneurship. The Graduate School webpages at will increasingly provide courses in transferable and professional skills, and you will be required to complete two of these courses plus either the plagiarism awareness course or the Graduate School retreat. To find out about courses you will need to visit their website.  The courses only run up to July, and you are encouraged to book onto them soon. Many skills are also developed during the course of research through supervisor support, mentoring or self-direction. The Research Councils run 3-5 day workshops on personal transferable skills for postgraduate students. Further information about the workshops and online booking is available via the Graduate School. You may also have opportunities to attend short schools, workshops or conferences where you will learn more about your subject and possibly have to give a talk, or present a paper on your research.

Academic English for STEMM communication . After fulfilling the English language entry requirement for admission, Postgraduate research students who are not native speakers of English must also fulfil the Imperial College London Doctoral Academic Communication Requirement (DACR). This is done through taking DACR Assessment 1. Depending on the result of this initial assessment, students may also need to have a progress check (DACR Assessment 2) around the time of their ESA.  This requirement is separate from and in addition to meeting the College entry requirements (IELTS, TOEFL, etc). The aim of the requirement is to help and encourage students to work on their academic English language skills, particularly writing, and to ensure that they receive the necessary support throughout their PhD.  How to fulfil the Requirement - Students must take the first available DACR Assessment 1 after fully registering onto their doctoral programme, within 3 months of the registration date. This is because the aim of the Requirement is to identify as soon as possible those who need to improve their writing competence, and to ensure they can access support in the first 9 months of their doctoral programme. For further information, please see the DACR webpage

Plagiarism Awareness Online Course. It is compulsory for all students to complete the course before their 9M registration.  Please self-enrol at

Risk Assessment Foundation Training (RAFT) Online Course. It is compulsory for all students to complete the course before their 9M registration.  Please self-enrol at RAFT (PhD and Master students)

The standard period of full-time study for a research degree at Imperial is three to three-and-a-half years and students should aim to complete their work within this time. The minimum registration period for a research degree is 24 months. There will sometimes be unavoidable delays in construction of equipment, access to outside facilities etc., but you should aim to submit in three to three-and-a-half years if only because financial support is often not obtainable for longer. At the latest, you should submit your thesis within 4 years of registration. No thesis submission is allowed after 48M unless a case to support late submission is made by your supervisor jointly with the Director of PG Studies.

In order to get an idea of the amount and level of work required for a PhD it can be useful to look at recent theses in your research area, and your supervisor may recommend that you read some theses as part of your literature survey. The Regulations for the Degree of PhD state that the thesis shall "form a distinct contribution to the knowledge of the subject and afford evidence of originality shown by the discovery of new facts and/or by the exercise of independent critical power". Your examiners have to decide whether your thesis fulfils this and other requirements but, for example, if you succeed in publishing or getting accepted for publishing a paper on your work in a reputable research journal you could regard this as evidence of your "distinct contribution" and as an indication that you have the material for a good thesis. Your supervisor and others can advise you about this.

Of course individual student timetables will vary, depending on the nature of the research, but whatever the structure, it is essential that some planned programme of work is followed. Failure to complete a PhD is often not due to lack of talent, but more to do with a failure to plan work sensibly and tackle the more mundane activities, such as writing up. The College imposes certain formal milestones, which are described in the booklet “Study Guide”, but much self discipline and monitoring is required if the work is not to drag on past the allotted three to three-and-a-half years. It is very important to plan the thesis early enough to show up gaps where more results are essential and so that you do not find yourself up against your funding deadline.

You should not, if possible, leave and take a demanding full-time job until the thesis is written. Students have done this with the best intentions of writing up in their spare time, but it is very difficult to write up at the same time as taking on a new job where your employer will expect hard work and commitment. Writing up your results and meeting deadlines are essential components of research training.