Our approach to outreach

"Scientific thought and its creation is the common heritage of [humanity]."

Abdus Salam (Imperial College 1956-1994, Atoms for Peace Award 1968, Physics Nobel Prize 1979)

With this motto in mind, people at Imperial Physics are committed to sensitising the general public to scientific topics and issues by organising a wide range of outreach activities, such as Events for the Public, Schools and Work Experiences. 

"Our students really appreciated the opportunity to tour the Physics department, they were particularly interested to learn about the wide-range of areas of Physics they could study and were excited by the buzz of students heading in and out of lectures."

Head of Physics, Sydenham High School 

Our Outreach team also collaborates with the Outreach Office at Imperial. To find out more about upcoming events, check out their monthly newsletter. Signing up is required.