Current Committee

Postgraduate co-President - Amaya Calvo Sánchez (she/her)

I am a student on the Physics with Quantum Dynamics MSc programme. My purpose in the committee is to help form a community of female and non-binary physicists to ensure our growth is not hindered by problems with belonging or diversity, so we are all able to do our best work and pursue our goals. I am also very passionate about access issues and I look forward to working with the society on recruiting the next generation of women in STEM.

Undergraduate co-President - Amy Thornton

Hi! I’m Amy, a third-year physics student. I’m really excited to be a part of the WNBIP committee this year! Women in physics was a great help to me in my first year and allowed me to be involved in some great events and celebrate the amazing people in the department and I can’t wait to be involved in doing the same for others whether new to Imperial or new to WNBiP.

Treasurer - Amrita Dhillon (she/her)

Hi my name is Amrita, I am a third year Physics student here at Imperial and acting as treasurer for the society this year. I enjoyed coming to the events in my second year so I'm looking forward to working behind the scenes to make these possible for you all. My favourite module in second year was Quantum Mechanics!

Secretary - Aly Gelmetti

Hi! I'm Aly, a third-year undergraduate student. I am thrilled to be a part of the Women and Non-Binary Individuals in Physics society this year and to be able to work alongside this amazing group of physicists. I believe that this society is key to creating an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere within the Physics department and I cannot wait to watch WNBiP grow and continue to inspire many young female physicists!

Social Media Officer - Alexandra Dahlgren

Hi! I am Alexandra, a third-year MSci Physics student from Sweden. I think the Women & NB in Physics society is important for physicists on all levels, and I’m excited to join the committee this year! I am very passionate about creating a supportive community of female physicists in order for women to feel empowered in the field. Inclusivity of women from all backgrounds and countries is also a big interest of mine. I hope to see this society grow and become more influential in the coming year!

Social Media Officer - Evie Duck (she/her)

Hi! I'm Evie, a third-year undergraduate student. I have always been passionate about combatting gender inequality in physics, so am so excited to join the WNBIP committee this year! I believe that representation for women and non-binary individuals through this society is essential to promote a sense of belonging within the department, while still emphasising the value of individuality. 

Events Coordinator (Socials) - Abi Miller

Hi! I’m Abi, a second-year undergraduate student. I am very excited to be part of the WNBIP committee this year and hope we can build an inclusive and safe space in the department where everyone can feel comfortable to grow and develop within the physics community. I think it is super important to have a space that allows people who are often underrepresented within Physics to collaborate and lift each other up so I cannot wait to plan events and hopefully welcome even more great physicists into our community! 

Events Coordinator (Socials) - Aditi Prabhu

Hi, I'm Aditi! I’m a second-year student at Imperial. I'm so excited to join the WNBiP committee this year, acting alongside Abi as Events Coordinator. I think it’s so important to build a community for those of us in physics who feel underrepresented. Hopefully, we can strengthen and grow it, empowering us as the next generation of physicists!

Events Coordinator (Careers) - Anubha Bal (she/her)

Hi! I am a third-year undergraduate in the Physics Department. I think that WNBiP is vital to create a supportive, strong community, especially in a male dominated field like physics. I love being involved and seeing how the society empowers women in the field, and I hope that this will increase representation in Physics! 

Outreach Coordinator - Jasmine Ajaz

I am a third-year MSci Physics student. I'm really excited to be on the Women & Non-Binary Individuals in Physics committee to help promote the keen sense of community among physicists at Imperial. As outreach coordinator, I am also passionate about working towards an increased participation of girls into Physics at a higher level, particularly from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Staff Rep - Izzie Rabey (she/her)

I am a Teaching Fellow in the department of physics. I completed my undergraduate and PhD degrees at Imperial and, after working as a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, returned to the department in 2021. I am passionate about increasing representation in physics, and I would love to see this society become an increasingly important and influential group within the department.

Contact us

How to Get Involved

Almost all the positions (except President, Secretary and Treasurer) can be held by several people or can be combined with other roles.

Elections will be held at the end of Spring term 2022, with the new committee taking over from October 2023.

If you are interested in joining the society in the year 2021-2022 in any position, then get in contact with us!

The Society Committee is made up of a number of different roles. 

Postgraduate and Undergraduate co-Presidents – Uphold the society’s vision, chairs meetings, and supports the work of the committee members.

Secretary – Responsible for administration of the society. Arranges meetings, maintains and distributes meeting notes, and keeps society website up to date.

Treasurer – Manages the finances of the society

Events Coordinator(s) – Organises events including yoga sessions, safe-space lunches, cocktail parties, and more!

Social media officer(s) – Maintains social media presence, creates engaging posts that reflect the society’s interests and vision.

In addition, the following committee positions have no specific duties but are open to anyone who would like to be involved with the society as representatives:

Undergraduate student representative(s)
Postgraduate student representative(s)
Postdoctoral representative(s)
Staff representative(s)
Faculty representative(s)

Future roles we would like to create. 

Industrial liaison(s) – Creates contacts with companies that uphold the society’s values. Arranges career fairs and possible sponsorship opportunities.

Outreach coordinator(s) – Liases with the outreach team at Imperial to inspire more women into physics!

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