
2023-2024 Events


  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Smitha Maretvadakethope, February, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC: "Suspensions, synchronisation and stability-dynamical systems in biology".
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Satya Prakash, March, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC: "Optimisation of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 as a microbial cell factory by directed evolution moniteord by TnSeq".
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Daniel O'Hanlon, April, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC: "Understanding multi-knock-out CRISPR screens."
  •  MHAW Postdoc BYO lunch and chat with Anita Hall, 13:00, SALC 7 (5th floor Sherfield building). You can dowload slides from the event and slides from a previous women's health event that were discussed during the lunch below: 
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Valentina CarannanteMay, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC: "Multiplexed high-content screening of immune responses in tumor spheroids"
  • DoLS Board game night (open to all postdocs), August 7th, 5pm @7th floor Common Room SEC. We got to chat, discover new games (codenames duet worked brilliantly!), have snacks and more importantly, we had a lot of fun!
  • DoLS Postdoc Group Writing Session - August 20th from 17:00 @ SAFB 601


  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Mark HintzeMarch, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC: "Loss of an ancient transmembrane protein disrupts stem cell patterning in C.elegans"
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Manish Grover, June, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC: "Immune responses against distinct natural pathogens are kept in check through proteasome-mediated regulation in C. elegans"
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Alice Banks, Sept, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC: "Biodegradation and valorisation of polyolefin plastics"
  • FoNS PostDocs and Fellows Showcase March
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Julia Sanchez-Garrido, Nov, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC: "Neutrophils in colitis: Protectors Gone Rogue"
  • FoNS PostDocs and Fellows Showcase November

Past Events 2020


  • *Events suspended due to COVID-19*
  • DoLS Postdoc Proof of Concept Award winners announced! Congratulations to Wei Ba and Esteban Beckwith who will have six months and £2,000 for consumables to complete their project "Improving cognitive functions by extending sleep". Wei and Esteban will generate data for further funding applications, and exchange skills during the project. This award is funded by the department; thank you to staff who were involved in organising this initiative and assessing the applications.
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Robert Bradley27th February, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • Speed Networking event, 20th February
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Robert Bradley30th January, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • Proof of concept applications [CLOSED] - opportunity to apply with a team of DoLS postdocs to win a £2000 consumables budget to work on your own ideas!

Past Events


  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Maksym Romenskyy31st January, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Anais Menny28th February, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Christian Bortolini28th March, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Astrid Hoermann25th April, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Rachael Barry30th May, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Eduardo Alves dos Santos27th June, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Marta Ciechonska31st October, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Christopher Waite28th November, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC


  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Sofia Tapanelli, 29th November, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Esteban Beckwith25th October, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by George Ashdown27th September, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • Trip to Silwood Park - Fellowship Pop-UP, Wednesday 11th July 2018
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Luisa Rona, 28th June, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by David Ellis, 31st May, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • 2nd Annual DoLS Postdoc Symposium. Congratulations to Dr George Ashdown for winning the Best Presentation Prize and Dr Colin McClure for winning the Best Poster Prize
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Sarah Rouse, 22nd February, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Rochelle Aw, 25th January, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC


  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session- with a talk by Masue Marbiah, 30th November, 4:30, 7th Floor common room, SEC
  • Pop-up session with Imperial College Corporate Partnerships, Friday 17th November, 1pm-3pm at SAF119
  • Pop-up session with Imperial Innovations, 24th October, 1pm-3pm at SAF120
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Laura Bouché, 28th September, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Sophie Gilbert, 31st August, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room, SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by Barbara Fasulo, 27th July, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room, SEC
  • Annual Silwood Park trip, with Skills session with the PDC and BBQ, 12th July 
  • Personal Review and Development Plan (PRDP) Pop-Up Workshop 27th of June, 7th floor Common Room, SEC
    PRDP has been proven to be an effective career development tool.  One of the key elements to a meaningful PRDP conversation is preparation. Take advantage of this interactive workshop designed specifically to help you prepare for your career development discussions by giving you tips and time to fill in your PRDP forms. 

  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk by David Ruano Gallego, 25th May, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room, SEC
  • DoLS Pizza & Beer session with talk 27th of April, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room, SEC
    Talk by Dr Katrin Kierdorf: “Maintenance of muscle function and homeostasis by a physiological cytokine signal: new lessons from the fruit fly!”
  • DoLS Postdoc Symposium on Thursday 30th March 2017 - SAF South Kensington
    o   Keynote lecture by Prof. Anne Dell, the new Head of Department
    o   Discussion panel about career choices with former postdocs who are now:
          o   Lead technologist at Innovate UK
          o   Programme manager at Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies
          o   Academic staff member from Imperial College
          o   Strategic research officer at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
          o   Senior scientist at Evotec
    o   Networking opportunities over lunch and refreshments
    o   Poster session with a prize for the best poster
  • Pizza & Beer session with talk 26th January, 4:30pm, 7th floor Common Room, SEC
    Talk by Dr Andreas Broedel: "Engineering orthogonal dual transcription factors for multi-input synthetic promoters"


  • The Christmas Quiz! Tuesday 13th December, 4:30pm, Flowers 47B & Foyer
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 27th of October
    Talk by Dr David Briggs: "The molecular basis of Muscular Dystrophy"
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 27th of October
    Talk by Dr Sara Planamente: "TssA  forms  a  gp6-like  ring  attached  to  the  type  VI  secretion  sheath"
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 29th of September
    Talk by Dr Vivek Senthivel: "Ultrasensitivity and differential diffusion for engineering self organised spatial patterns"
  • Speed Mentoring with Imperial PIs:   2-4 pm, 20th of September, Flowers Building
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 25th of August
    Talk by Dr Ciaran Kelly : "Synthetic chemical inducers and genetic decoupling enable orthogonal control of the rhaBAD promoter"
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 28th of July
    Talk by Dr Jianfeng Yu: "cf48, a “doughnut” that helps efficient assembly of Photosystem II complex”
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 30th of June
    Talk by Dr. Tanai Cardona London: "Origin of bacteriochlorophyll a and the early diversification of photosynthesis”
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 26th of May
    Talk by Dr. Yilmaz Alguel: "Crystal structure of the anion exchanger domain of human erythrocyte band 3”
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 28th of April
    Talk by Dr. Michal Mielcarek: "Giving Huntington’s disease the finger to target the HD mutation at its source”
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 31th of March
    Talk by Dr. Bonnie Chaban: "Building a bigger motor - Using phylogenetics and electron cryo-tomography to investigate the evolution of complex bacterial flagella motors”
  • Pizza & Beer Sessions 4.30-5.30 pm, 25th of February
    Talk by Dr. Patricia Paracuellos Torrecilla: "Insights into Collagen Uptake by C-type Mannose Receptors from the Crystal Structure of Endo180 Domains 1-4”


  • DoLS Postdoc Lunchtime Social Networking (July 14th 2015, 12:30-14:00), Sir Ernst Chain Building 701 - Common Room
  • Speed Mentoring (5 November 2015)
  • CV Clinic (12 March 2015)
  • Cover Letter Workshop (6 Feb 2015)
  • CV Clinic (17 Nov 2014)
  • Cover Letter Workshop (18 July 2014)
  • CV Clinic (25 March 2014)