The Amnis CellStream is allocated in a MHC Class I biosafety cabinet. Please refer to the Biosafety page (link at the bottom of this page) for more information on the documentation needed to use this instrument.

The Amnis CellStream is a highly-customizable 17-colour, 4-laser system (V-405nm, B-488nm, YG-561nm, R-642nm) flow cytometer.

Unlike conventional flow cytometers that use photomultiplier tube (PMT) detectors, the Amnis CellStream utilises Time Delay Interrogation technology combined with a charge-coupled device camera technology (TDI-CCD). Image processing uniquely allows high-sensitivity morphometric measurements such as area of cell, and aspect ratio (minimum width/length). Please note that event images are not stored and can only be visualised during acquisition.

It is equipped with a plate reader that is capable of acquiring from 96-well plates, as well as from tubes. It is also capable of performing absolute cell countings.

The CellStream has dedicated 450nm (V) LED for FSC and 785nm (NIR) laser for SSC. The maximum data acquisition rate is 20,000 events/second. We recommend a minimum sample volume of 100 μL in standard and plate modes.


  • Seeing is believing! - Improved doublet/aggregate discrimination due visual confirmation of doublets/aggregates and clear resolution obtained by plotting aspect ratio v. FSC.
  • Enhanced detection of smaller particles such as bacteria and extracellular vesicles due to unique scatter laser lines.
  • Multicolour, multiplex and high-throughput analysis.
  • Accurate enumeration of particles without use of counting beads.
  • Analysis of live, respiratory pathogens.

For more information, please read the Amnis CellStream – User Manual and Cytek website.

Download a complete configuration of Amnis CellStream Lasers and Filters. You can also find it below.

Fluorochrome chart
Filter Zone A - 405nm Zone B - 640nm Zone C - 488nm Zone D - 561nm
456/51 BV421, Pacific Blue, DAPI, BFP - - -
528/46 BV510, Zombie Aqua - FITC, AF488, GFP, BB515, YFP, CFSE, Calcein-AM, DyLight488, Live/Dead Green -
583/24 BV570 - PE*, DSRed*  AF555, PE*, AF53, Cy3, DyLight549, DSRed*, dTomato
611/31 BV605 - PE-Texas Red*, PE-CF594*, PE-Dazzle 594*, RFP*  AF568, AF594, PE-Texas Red*, PE-CF594*, PE-Dazzle594*. mCherry, Live/Dead Red, RFP*
702/87 BV711 AF647, AF660, AF680, AF700, Cy5, APC, APC-Cy5.5, DyLight633*, DyLight640, DyLight680, Draq5* BB700, PE-Cy5*, PE-Cy5.5*, PI*, Draq5*, 7-AAD*   PE-Cy5*, PE-Cy5.5*, DyLight633*, mPlum, PI*, 7-AAD* 
773/56 BV786 APC, Cy7*, APC-AF750*, APC-Fire780*, APC-H7*, AF750* PE-Cy7*, PE-Fire780*  PE-Cy7*, PE-Fire780* 
 *Dye is excitable by more than one laser.


Flowers Building, 3rd Floor, Lab 3.3.

The CellStream is available to any trained user 24 hours a day (subject to building access and regulations).

General enquiries

Flow Cytometry Facility
South Kensington
Sir Alexander Fleming Building
Fifth Floor, Room 532
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2AZ, UK
+44 (0)20 7594 5423